The Cutest Height Difference

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

At A City’s public hospital Qiao Yu quietly laid in a ward, still breathing.

Feng Shou felt a little relieved. Although he was courageous, it wasn’t to the point of being able to watch himself die in front of him.

The doctor who examined him was a relatively old doctor. After giving the diagnosis of exhaustion from staying up all night on the Internet, he returned again with the diagnosis of being overworked.

The old doctor felt distressed for the future of his motherland. He poked at the table with his pen and began to criticise: “The young people nowadays are eating too well. With just a small thing their body couldn’t take it anymore! Getting overworked from something like this…”

Feng Shou was dissatisfied, “How do you know if he can’t take it? We usually exercise our bodies!”

The doctor continued to reprimand him: “Just seeing your small figure and I know that your growth was stunted. Don’t just think that just because he is tall, having an irregular life pattern wouldn’t affect him. Besides, are you him? Do you know what his body’s condition is like?”

Feng Shou could no longer say anything in response to this. The other person was a doctor and much older so what he said was reasonable. He used to have a regular work schedule but this little guy probably had insomnia last night.

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However, the small body that he is in now is indeed stunted but it felt comfortable to touch.

Earlier his joke went a little too far and he exaggerated a little. He actually didn’t do anything. He still had his self-control.

It was just that in the morning when he had that, he pulled away his underwear and took a look. It should be fine just checking it out and not touching it right? Furthermore, it’s actually……pretty cute. It was like……every part of him was cute.

Feng Shou paid for the medicine at the counter. He was used to spending money without a thought in the past and when he went to pay for the medicine, he had forgotten that his current identity is Qiao Yu.

Qiao Yu is a poor boy and he is a rich second generation.

He searched through his pockets and couldn’t find a card. After searching through his whole body, he finally came to this realisation. All he had on himself was fifteen dollars and it was the money that Qiao Yu’s grandmother had given him this morning for his food.

The money was for all his meals for the day. Feng Shou fiddled with the wrinkled notes and recalled Qiao Yu’s grandmother’s look. He couldn’t help but feel bad; how poor is this boy!

He stared down at the bill. Now he didn’t even have enough money to pay for the ambulance.

Desperate, he borrowed the nurse’s phone and dialled a number – his fathers.

After the phone call, he returned to the ward and stared at his face as his body laid in the bed. He realised that the boy he had verbally teased earlier was just an ordinary high school student. He wasn’t a male prostitute who sells his ass and he also wasn’t a loose and free young master.

It was all because he was accustomed to being free-spirited and living life unrestrained. He wanted to slap his face but his body was someone else’s. He wanted to slap his own face but that person inside was still lying there unconscious.

Desperate, he poked at the pale face. Feng Shou ah, Feng Shou, you fucking am not human!

Half an hour later, a bunch of people entered the room.

The nurse pushed a few out, “Please keep quiet in the wards! Quiet!”

The man who stood in the middle of the crowd was an old man dressed in designer clothing. The old man was a little chubby with a beer belly and it was clear that he is a nouveau riche.

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That person is Feng Shou’s father, Feng Hui.

Feng Shou quietly called out, “Dad——“

Who is your fucking dad?! Feng Hui didn’t spare a glance at him and rushed directly towards his son who laid on the hospital bed. His heart was filled with distress!

“Aiya——Shou Shou ah. Why are you so disobedient?! Dad isn’t forcing you to get married, why did you do something like this?!” At some unknown point in time, there were more wrinkles on Feng Hui’s face and at the corners of his eyes. It made him look particularly old.

Feng Shou sat on one side and couldn’t help but be in awe at his fathers’ active imagination. Is his son so useless?!

Watching his father cry uncontrollably, he felt a little distressed.

Reluctantly, he spoke up, “It wasn’t suicide. It was due to overworking causing strain to his heart…..Don’t worry too much.”

Hearing this, Feng Hui quickly called up some of his underlings, “Quickly, find a top carer and call the family doctor. Take the young master home. How can the condition here be better than at home?”

After he finished, he bowed his head and looked down at his son lovingly, “You’re already twenty-four yet you still spend the whole day drinking and playing. Dad can afford this now but after dad is gone, the company will be yours and you don’t know how to manage it. What will happen to the money? Dad isn’t afraid of losing money, dad is just afraid that you would not have enough money to spend. Please listen to my words okay? Good son.”

Feng Shou who listened to this felt extremely uncomfortable.

Don’t just judge Feng Hui based on his amicable appearance. Until now, he had never said such loving words to his son. Both father and son had always been rather hostile to each other.

Feng Shou is from a single-parent family. Since young, his father had raised himjosei

Feng Hui was busy with his job all day long wanting to establish a good life for his son but because of this, he was rarely by his son’s side. Every time he returned home, he only knew to order Feng Shou this and order that and so Feng Shou eventually grew up rebellious.

Now, Feng Hui even wanted to find a partner for Feng Shou. The woman is good but his son is gay……

Unsurprisingly, Feng Shou did not approve of this. He didn’t discuss with the family and went ahead with his decision. He gathered up some money and secretly escaped without considering the consequences.

Now that he saw his fathers distressed look, he finally tasted the result of his actions. He wanted to hit himself but he couldn’t. The guilt within him built up like a mountain causing his chest to feel pain with every heartbeat.

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