The Devil's Cursed Witch

Chapter 356 Visiting Old Witches

Chapter 356 Visiting Old Witches

5 chapters today.


Aureus studied the pine needle trees in front of them. The woods were quiet, with twigs, rocks and underbrush abound, but there was not a trail in sight, as if not a single person had stepped foot in this place for ages. Though there was nothing wrong with the trees and shrubs, the woods gave off a wrong vibe.

There was no movement or sound around them. No birds singing, no squirrels chattering, no insects churring. Not even the rustling of leaves.

Motionless, like a painting.

"What is this place?" Aureus asked.

"This is the Spirit Circle, a place where the White Witches who survived the war a century ago had retreated."

"A retirement home?"josei

"Is that a term humans use? You can say it's similar to that, but it is more appropriate to call this a sacred place meant to honor the war heroes who sacrificed their youth and lost their powers for the sake of the kingdom. Out of so many, only three witches have survived to this day."

"But I don't see anything but trees?"

"The Head of the Witches hid their cottage behind an isolation spell since those women no longer wish to interact with the outside world and have chosen to stay here in seclusion," Morpheus replied. "Put your hand forward. You can feel the magic trying to reject you, right? Concentrate your divine power into your eyes. As a golden eagle, even if you are young, you can still see through this high level of magic."

When Aureus did exactly that, he was finally able to see that they were standing outside the wooden fence of a  two-storey cottage.

With the spell put around the fence rejecting their entry, Aureus realized they needed to ask for  permission to enter this place.

"If they don't want to meet outsiders, will they allow us in?"

"No one can deny your uncle," Morpheus smirked as he stood at the gate of the fencing and called out in a confident tone, "Divine Eagle Morpheus has come requesting to meet Lady Thala Grimsbane."

The two eagles waited for a moment but there was no reaction coming from the cottage.

Inside the cottage,  the three witches were in the drawing room, each leisurely doing their own thing, when they heard the voice calling out for Thala.

"Seems like we have a rare guest," Glinda commented as she paused in the middle of doing embroidery.

"Guests. I sense the presence of another Divine Eagle outside," Maria spoke, though she did not stop writing in her notebook with her only hand.

Glinda meekly smiled. If she were in her heyday, she would not have made this kind of mistake. However, among these three, only Maria had a complete energy core and could afford to freely use her powers.

"Well, regardless if he's alone or not, does it matter? I'm not accepting visitors," Thala commented with a grumpy face, unhappy that someone disturbed her from reading.

The two other witches ignored her, already used to her attitude.

"That other one has a powerful divine energy, even purer than the Commander's."

"Seems like he brought his newly found nephew, Myra's son, with him."

"I wonder why such an important person wants to see Thala," Glinda wondered out loud.

Thala scoffed, "Does it matter? Let him be."

Just then, they heard Morpheus' voice call out once more.

Maria chuckled. "If he is as we remember him, he will not leave unless he meets you, my dear sister."

Thala deeply frowned. "That annoying eagle. What does he want?"

"Well, won't we get to know once you talk to him?" Glinda replied, her tone urging.

"But I don't wish to."

"It must be something important if he came in person."

"Whatever." Thala returned her attention to the book she was reading, deciding to no longer bother with her fellow witches.

However, as Maria predicted, Morpheus did not give up.

"Thala Grimsbane, I know you can hear me. I only ask that you spare a short time for a chat. If you meet me, I am sure you won't regret it."

Still, there was no reaction from Thala, and since she was not interested in entertaining guests, the two other witches also pretended to be deaf.

"Think of this as a favor," Morpheus continued, "If you agree to see me, regardless if you agree to my offer, I promise to do one thing for you as long as it is something within my capability."

The three old witches stood in attention, looking at each other with bewildered gazes.

"The Commander is willing to  promise to do your bidding, Thala," Maria said. "He must be desperate for your help. Are you sure you wish to miss this chance of having him indebted to you?"

"Hmm, seems like we can use this chance sometime in the future," Glinda commented, already thinking of how to turn this precious favor into an advantage for their coven.

But Thala was indifferent. "Did I agree? Did I? You hags continue doing whatever you are doing. Stop badgering me. I can't focus on my book!"

"Thala, why are you like this?" her sister criticized.

"No means no. If you want to entertain him, I will go back to my room."

"Fine, fine, but are you not curious? We have not even talked to Commander Morpheus since the aftermath of that war. At least listen to what he wants. He is especially asking for you. Go and see what's there," Maria insisted.

"I don't need his favor. I don't need anything—"

"About getting something from him, that you can leave to me and Maria," Glinda remarked.  "Besides, this is not the time to be childish—"

"Who's being childish?!"

Glinda continued, "If the Commander himself came, even offering to be in your debt, does that not worry you? Whatever concern he has, it must be something of great importance. Maybe even a matter of life and death? Shouldn't you at least hear what he has to say?"

"Yes, Thala, just go and talk to him."

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