The Emperor and His Thief

Chapter 12 - Should I call you Jun-ge instead?

Chapter 12 - Should I call you Jun-ge instead?

Should I call you Jun-ge instead?
The carriage finally comes to a stop and Li FangMing alighted from the carriage only to be pulled into a hug by Qin YiJun. “You’re finally here! Come with me! Let this prince show you to your residence!”

Qin YiJun’s excitement was not hidden at all. It was clear for all to see and Li FangMing also couldn’t contain the smile on his face. He followed the excited prince obediently; listening to the other boy’s excited chattering. General Wu followed after them, carrying Li FangMing’s little bundles. The servant accompanying Qin YiJun is also helpless and could only keep quiet as he followed the three. After walking for a while, they could finally see the courtyard that was beside YueXing Palace.

Although the size is smaller compared to the Palace beside it, it is still comparable to the Li household, making the young Li FangMing gape in amazement. “Your Highness, do I have to stay here alone…?”

“Not alone. Imperial Father had already given you few palace servants to serve you!” Qin YiJun answered. “Come on inside! Let’s place your belongings in your room first, and then we can go look around your new place!”

The crown prince held his hand and led Li FangMing to his room in the main building. “This is your room, and that is the wardrobe. The clothes you sent a few days ago are there. That box over there at the corner is where your toys are. And then this is your bed!” Qin YiJun explained everything to Li FangMing. “I chose the materials for your bed myself! Come over and see if you like it!”

Li FangMing, went after Qin YiJun and felt the bed’s mattress. The beddings were soft and felt comfortable to touch. “I like it!” Li FangMing said with a big smile on his face.

“Good! I have the same materials for my bed!”

The two children were enjoying themselves that they forgot about the existence of the servant and the general that had followed them over. General Wu’s task should be over after he escorted Li FangMing to his new residence but because the Crown Prince had taken Li FangMing earlier, he has yet to excuse himself. With Li FangMing’s status, he can’t simply just leave.

So, after waiting for a while, he finally decided to remind the two children of his existence. He cleared his throat to get their attention and when he succeeded, he saluted the two of them. “Your Highness, XingLan Wangye, this general has other task to do. Asking for the Crown Prince and Wangye to excuse this lowly general.”

Qin YiJun finally remembered General Wu and turned to dismiss him. “Alright. This prince offer his gratitude to General Wu for escorting FangMing. You can go now,” he said before noticing the bundles on General Wu’s hold. “Oh, just give that to Pao. He’ll settle everything here. FangMing, let’s go out and play now!”

Qin YiJun once more held Li FangMing’s hand as he led his friend around the palace, leaving Pao and General Wu behind. He showed him the kitchen area, the side building where the servants live as well as the small pavilion in the garden. “Everything here belongs to you, and all the servants here serve you. You don’t have to worry about anything in the future!”

By the time they finished looking around; it was already close to dinner. A servant came over to find the Crown Prince and Li FangMing, saying that the Emperor wished to have dinner together with them. They were escorted to the Emperor’s dining hall and they found out that the Emperor had been waiting for them. This made Li FangMing nervous and he couldn’t stop fidgeting even after he had taken his seat.

A low chuckle travelled into Li FangMing’s ear and he looked up towards the Emperor. “There is no need to be scared, Li FangMing. Zhen heard a lot about you from YiJun. From now on, you will be living in the inner court. Zhen hopes that you can keep YiJun company throughout his life and to never betray his trust.”

“Of course! I–… umm… this servant will keep the Crown Prince company for all his life!” though Li FangMing stuttered at first, he still managed to answer to the Emperor. After that, the Emperor simply gave him a gentle smile before turning to Qin YiJun. “Tomorrow, you will bring Li FangMing along for your study. Zhen have already assigned a tutor for the two of you. Li FangMing will have extra lessons on etiquette. Zhen hope you won’t cause trouble for Li FangMing during that time.”

“Er Chen understand!” Qin YiJun replied. “FangMing, don’t worry! We can learn together!”josei

Their small talk was interrupted with servants delivering their meal. Only when the meal is tested for poison did they finally eat. Although Li family is one of the prominent family in the city, and it can also be said that they are quite rich, Li FangMing still found that the meal he ate back in the Li household could not be compared to what he is eating now.

He did not realize how fast he was eating until he finished his food. Then, he saw that Qin YiJun and the Emperor is still eating. He felt his face became hot and he looked down in an embarrassment. He heard the Emperor’s low laughter and he wished that he could find a hole to bury himself in.

“Steward Wong, get someone to bring more food for Li FangMing.”

“At once, Your Majesty.”

After the steward left, Qin WuZhen glanced over at Li FangMing who seems to have become shy. “Li FangMing, don’t worry about eating a lot. As a growing boy, it is understandable. Zhen only hoped that YiJun would follow your footstep and eat a lot. After the death of his mother Empress, the amount of food he eats is getting less. Zhen always hear the servant reporting to Zhen how the Crown Prince didn’t eat well.”

When he heard this, Li FangMing turned to Qin YiJun who has now become nervous, with a questioning look. “Is that true?”

“It… might be true…?” Qin YiJun answered after a slight hesitation.

“You can’t do that! You promised that you will eat well!” Li FangMing scolded Qin YiJun, forgetting that he is at the presence of the Emperor. “Here! Let me feed you!” Li FangMing went closer to Qin YiJun and started to force the prince to eat more.

Seeing this scene, the Emperor can’t help but laugh out loud. Only then did Li FangMing remember where he was and he was frozen in place. “Don’t mind Zhen. Continue. Li FangMing, Zhen will have to trouble you to take care of YiJun. If he doesn’t eat properly, you have Zhen’s permission to scold him. You have the Emperor’s promise that you will not be punished for it.”

Li FangMing who was nervous before after his rude action to the Crown Prince finally felt relieved. “Don’t worry, Your Majesty! Li FangMing will make sure the crown prince will eat properly! I won’t let him be a picky eater too!”

After that, dinner continued with Li FangMing making sure Qin YiJun finished his meal. Only then did Li FangMing finished his second servings. After dinner, Li FangMing and Qin YiJun returned to Li FangMing’s courtyard. At first, Li FangMing thought that after sending him back, Qin YiJun will return to YueXing palace. But the young prince continued to follow him all the way to his room.

“Your Highness… is there something the matter?” Li FangMing asked cautiously.

“En. I am feeling unsatisfied…” Qin YiJun answered as he crossed his arm. “The whole day, you kept calling me ‘Your Highness, Your Highness,’ and I don’t like that. We’re alone now. Call me by my name!”

Hearing the reason for Qin YiJun’s dissatisfaction, Li FangMing can’t help but show a helpless smile. “Aiya! The crown prince being like this, what else can I do?” he teased the other. “YiJun~” he called out Qin YiJun’s name playfully. “Or should I call you Jun-ge instead? You are a few months older than me, right?”

“En! That doesn’t sound bad! Then I’ll call you Ming-er!” Qin YiJun quickly agreed.

“Alright! But we can only do so when we are alone! Or else, the servants will talk and I might get into trouble…”

“Who would dares to cause trouble to you?! Don’t worry. I will protect you! If anyone dare, they will answer to Imperial Father!” Qin YiJun shamelessly announced that he will complain about it to his father.

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