The Emperor and His Thief

Chapter 6 - The Crown Prince's person

Chapter 6 - The Crown Prince's person

The Crown Prince’s person
“Umm… I can eat on my own,” Li FangMing said with a hint of embarrassment. He had never been treated this way back in his home. So he really doesn’t know how to act at the moment.

“You haven’t washed your hand. Imperial Mother said that if you eat without washing your hand clean, you’ll get sick!” Qin YiJun replied.

To Li FangMing, the other boy’s explanation is very convincing so he quietly ate the cake from Qin YiJun’s hand. “Wait, ‘Imperial Mother’?” it took Li FangMing a while before he finally realized what Qin YiJun had said. His face paled and his lips quivered as his eyes shows a hint of fear in them. Only then did he remember what happened before he passed out. Li FangMing wanted nothing more than to get off the divan and kneel down on the floor to ask for forgiveness but Qin YiJun stopped him.

“You’re injured. Don’t move too much! Wait for Old Pan to come,” Qin YiJun scolded Li FangMing.

“B-but,” Li FangMing was still scared. After all, this boy before him is the Crown Prince. He still fails to understand why the Crown Prince talks to him normally and not addressing himself as the royalty earlier.

Qin YiJun saw the fear that is plastered on Li FangMing’s face and he showed a hurt expression, but to Li FangMing, it looked like he is displeased instead. Li FangMing was just about to utter words of apology when Qin YiJun spoke up: “Are you afraid because I am the Crown Prince?”

The words Li FangMing wanted to say was stuck on his throat when he heard the tone that the Crown Prince was using. He could sense the loneliness within it. “I-…” Li FangMing bit his lips as he hesitated. He thought for a while to construct his next sentences so he won’t offend Qin YiJun. “Your Highness, I am just a lowborn. After being rude to the Crown Prince, of course I would be afraid.”

“But you saved this prince’s life. This can be your saving grace! So if anything happens in the future, you can come to me. No matter what it is, I will help you,” Qin YiJun said with a smile. Now that he knows why Li FangMing is scared, naturally he would want to make that reason disappear. “Also, you are injured while saving me. So I asked Imperial Father to take care of you until you’re healed. Right now, you’re in YueXing palace. Imperial Father already sent your father home so you will be staying here until you’re healed!”


“No more buts!” Qin YiJun quickly stuffed another cake into Li FangMing’s mouth to stop him from saying anything more. “From now on, you are this prince’s friend. I already asked Imperial Father to let your father know, and your father already agreed! Or do you not want to be my friend?”

For a while, Li FangMing was left speechless. He just stared at Qin YiJun who gave him an expectant look. He remembered how Qin YiJun’s tone had sounded lonely earlier. Somehow, he felt that they are similar. “If Your Highness don’t mind being friends with me, then I will be honored to be your friend,” he finally answered.

“Good! Now eat more,” Qin YiJun smiled as he continued to feed Li FangMing. When the servant finally returned with the Imperial Physician, they saw the two children chatting in harmony. Of course, the servant was fearful when she saw the Crown Prince feed Li FangMing, but the Crown Prince simply dismissed her.

Few days passed and Li FangMing’s injury had now fully healed. Not even a scar is left with the careful care of the palace servants. When the time for Li FangMing to return home came, Qin YiJun was very reluctant. Though it has only been a few days, the two had become close.

“Do you really have to go home?” Qin YiJun asked. Currently, he’s standing before the gate leading to the outer court of the Imperial Palace. Li FangMing is standing before him, with the horse carriage belonging to a royalty behind the young boy.josei

“I promise I’ll visit more in the future. I have to go home or else my father will be angry again,” Li FangMing told the young prince. These past few days, he was actually nervous. He had never expected to stay in the palace when he followed his father. It felt surreal to him.

“If your father scolds you, just come to this prince! I will scold him back for you!” when Qin YiJun said this, Li FangMing could only laugh. After once again promising to visit, the two finally said their goodbyes and Li FangMing entered the carriage.

“General Wu, when you send FangMing over, make sure to tell those people in Li family that FangMing is this prince’s person! They better treat him well!” Qin YiJun told the general that was tasked to send Li FangMing home.

“Of course, Your Highness. Leave everything to this general,” General Wu bowed to the Crown Prince before they finally set out. Qin YiJun continued to stare at the carriage until the gate to separating the inner court and the outer court is closed.

“Your Highness, remember that His Majesty is calling for you,” the eunuch who stood beside Qin YiJun suddenly reminded the boy.

“I know, Steward Wong. Do you think Li FangMing will be alright?” he asked the eunuch. This eunuch is considered his father’s most trusted confidant so Qin YiJun naturally trust him too.

“Of course. That young boy is under the protection of His Highness the Crown Prince. No one will dare to go against Your Highness,” Steward Wong answered. “Now then. Let us go see His Majesty in the imperial study. If we are tardy, this lowly steward might lose his head,” Steward Wong joked as he began to lead Qin YiJun to the direction of the imperial study.

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