The Emperor Is My Brother's Best Friend

Chapter 82

Chapter 82

"But the butler allowed Lady Rose to go out without waiting for His Grace to return?"

"She asked for permission directly."

After Barry returned from running his errand, Rose, Barry, and Anne left the escort knights trailing behind them and walked about the plaza.

Barry and Anne, standing on each side of Rose, were deep in conversation.

Rose quietly walked along and listened to the two, who conversed as though she weren’t standing between them.

"Lady Rose asked by herself? Hmm, but... she hasn’t been out often."

"Is this the first time she has pleaded to leave the manor?"

"Haa... Oh, how I envy the butler and Barry."

Rose's ears were tinted a lovely red as she quietly listened to their conversation.

It was clear to her that Anne was speaking in a slightly joking tone on purpose, knowing that she was listening.

Pretending to look around, Rose tried to act as though she was engrossed in her surroundings rather than their conversation.

The air of the plaza, full of the people living there, carried the faint fragrance and vitality of flowers just short of full bloom.

As they chatted, Rose felt the two unknowingly drift away from her side.

Calling out to them, she caught sight of something in the plaza square from the corner of her eye.

"What’s that?"

Eventually coming to a standstill, she pointed in a certain direction. Following the motion of her finger, Anne and Barry turned in unison to see what had captured their mistress’ attention.

A tent had been erected at the location Rose pointed to. Though it may not have been big, it seemed like it could fit ten people.

There was a line of people at the entrance to the tent. The line was so long that it stretched past three buildings.

Barry covers her mouth with one hand.

"Oh! Has Master K already arrived in the capital?!"

At the surprised exclamation, Anne nodded.

"That's right. I was also surprised to see it earlier. Master K came early this year, right?"

"Ah… Master K usually comes around the beginning of the founding festival every year."

Anne and Barry seem to know the reason for the tent.

Rose did not hide her curiosity as she looked at the two of them alternately. Anne noticed her growing curiosity and elaborated.

"That's Master K's fortune-teller tent."

"Master K?"

Rose's eyebrows drew together in a frown.

If the line was that long and if Anne and Barry knew it well, this Master K should be quite famous.

But to Rose, it was a name she had never heard of.

Barry was surprised by her ambiguous reaction.

"Lady Rose, have you heard of Master K?"

"Huh? I don't know... a fortune teller in the plaza? Is this Master really famous?"

"Yes! Let me explain! She is a woman who comes to the capital around the time of the founding festival every year, but her divination skills are not ordinary."

Barry leaned closer to Rose and put her hand to her mouth in a secretive manner.

Out of curiosity, Rose gave Barry her ear.

Barry whispered what she knew.

"They say she is so good at it that she can even tell you the location of an emergency fund that you hid and forgot about."

"Is that truly possible?"

She's not a god who knows everything, yet she could tell you even the smallest things that only you know?

Hmm… Then, would you know Elliot's intentions?

Rose glanced once at the two accompanying her and once at the long line.

Making up her mind, Rose carefully tugged at the sleeves of Anne and Barry's clothes.

"Anne. Barry. How about we go over and watch the excitement?"

"Lady Rose, would you like to go over and watch Master K?"

"Yes, I'm curious."

Anne and Barry did not stop Rose. historical

Before returning to the manor, they informed the escorting knights of their last destination and stood in line.

Anne stuck her head out of the line and counted the number of people standing in front of them before returning to her place.

"I’m so glad we came out today, my lady."

Barry clasped her hands together.

"Actually, I wanted to see Mater K’s divination. Thanks to the Lady Rose, I will be able to see divination like this today. Thank you so much, my lady!"

Barry was ready to get down on her knees and say heartfelt thanks to her Young Lady.

Rose patted the kitchen maid on the shoulder.

"Because I came out with some money when I left the manor, I'll pay the money too."

"Whaa! Our Lady Rose is the best!"

Like a child, Barry expressed her joy.

Anne may not have shown her thanks outwardly, but Rose could see the corners of her mouth go up, showing her interest in the fortune-telling.

One by one, the number of people waiting decreased until there were only six people in front of them.

"Something is surprising today."

At Anne's words, Barry tilted her head as Rose waited for Anne to continue.


"The fact that Lady Rose personally persuaded the butler to let her go out. The one who first suggested that we see fortune-telling is also her. It’s different from the usual, don’t you think?"

"Hmm… Yes, yes, you’re right."

At Anne's words, Barry nodded vigorously in agreement.

Rose was a bit embarrassed by their reaction, which tinted her cheeks pink.

Anne smiled brightly.

"But, my lady, I like it. I love that you are so proactive about what you want to do."

"Me too!"

Rose smiled shyly, thanking Anne and Barry for their support.

"From now on, I'll try to be more outgoing."

As they chatted amongst themselves, the line slowly dwindled down, until it was their turn to enter.

Barry opened the flap to the tent and allowed Rose to slip through it.

The inside of the tent was very clean, unlike its outward appearance.

Low shelves are lined on one side, with a large wooden table in the middle. Above, an orb emitted a mysterious light.


A woman sitting in front of the table greeted them.

The woman with green hair and blue eyes was known as K.

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