The Goal is to Become a Gold Spoon so I Need to be Completely Invulnerable

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Just as the the slow moving carriage was about to leave the Crescente’s mansion, I took what I had entrusted to Leah and ran after it, ignoring the pain in my body.

“Your Highness! Please wait for a moment!”

He hadn’t gone that far yet, so he could hear my voice.

The carriage gradually stopped. As soon as the prince’s servant opened the carriage’s door, I came closer to it. Leonhart was about to get off.

“What’s the matter, miss?”

Damn, my hair got messed up from running. But I don’t think I look that bad because I have a pretty face.

I brushed my hair with my bare hands, then pull out a neat package.

Before Leonhart could figure out my intention, I quickly said.

“This is the hairpin I was trying to give to the Princess. It doesn’t really suit me— I know this is a rude behavior but I’d like to ask you to pass it on to Her Highness.”

I pretended I forgot to give it to him earlier.

If Marianne and Sharon saw it, the wouldn’t stay still. They would bring out some expensive jewelry that I couldn’t afford to buy.

I had to be only one who handed the present if I wanted to be specially remembered.

What I prepared was a hairpin made by a famous craftsman, which I received as a birthday present from my brother a few years ago.

Though it’s not an extravagant and luxurious gift, but it’s an exclusive and difficult to find item.

The hairpin, adorned with black crystal, was very presentable in it’s timeless design. It seemed to be more striking and glamorous when it was on the Princess’ silver hair than my dark hair.

I chose this item to give a plausible excuse that it would suit the Princess, for fear of suspicion if I suddenly gave her an unexpected gift.

Fortunately, the hairpin was well-kept so it was in good condition.

Moreover, I was confident that the Princess would appreciate the gift.

The craftsman who made the hairpin was originally well known for making furniture, but he was also famous for producing a small quantities of ornaments when he had great inspiration.

Because of this, Princess Cynthia loved the craftsmanship made by this creator, but she didn’t have much of it. I’m sure she will like my present.

Years later, the craftsman makes a beautiful necklace full of white diamonds. The princess also covets the necklace, but the funny thing is my brother buys the last necklace one step ahead of her and present it to Ramona.

“—I see. To Cynthia?”

Leonhart and his sister were quite close, so he willingly accepted the box with a pleased look at the word ‘gift’ for his sister.

“I’ll pass on the gift from Lady Adriana to Cynthia.”

“Thank you, Your Highness.”

Phew. I sighed in relief. I was thinking that he wouldn’t accept it because it’s suspicious.

I’ve got some plans for entering the high society, but I decided that this method of using the Princess’s favor would be the fastest way to get a foothold in society. It took a long time to build a friendly relationship by attending something such as a tea party hosted by a small family. I didn’t know if it would work out as I thought it would be, but I succeeded in taking the first step.

The carriage started to move again, and when I returned to the place where my stepmother and her daughter were staying, Sharon shot sharply.

“You! What did you do to His Highness?!”

“Well, I’m sorry. His Royal Highness was so beautiful … and wonderful … and I just wanted to see him up close for the last time.”

The more I acted foolishly, the more happy they would be, and the more they paid me no attention.

I was so close to the carriage door, so they couldn’t see the box.

My stepmother, who looked like she was ready to slap me, smiled as if she liked my answer.

“Listen. What you just did is really stupid and rude. It’s not an act of aristocracy. Do you think he will accept a woman like you as his fiancee? I’m telling you in advance to know your place.”

“That’s… of course … His Royal Highness … my fiance, I can’t even imagine it.”

“I’m glad you know. You didn’t show up because you wanted to get my seat, did you?”

“No! I, I didn’t even know His Highness was visiting today… I came out to take a walk because I was in a good mood, and he’s here … I was surprised, too.”

It was hard to objectively judge my acting skill but they did not seem to doubt me. It may be because I have been obedient until now.

“But by the way, Riana.”

“Yes, yes?”

“What happened recently? Why did you suddenly change?” Marianne twitched her eyes.

I expected to be asked this question. I thought it would be best to say that my condition has improved naturally.

“Yes—? Change—?”

“Why are you going out of your room all of a sudden? You talk more than you used to.”

I’ve been in the room for a long time … It’s true that I practiced my words a little bit. After saying three words a day, I tried to increase the number so suddenly I became more talkative.

My tongue was often twisted and my pronunciation was frequently distorted, so I read a book aloud and had a casual conversation with Leah until I got used to the words now.

Now I can manage to speak plainly, but I’m still stuttering in front of Marianne and Sharon to give myself a feeling of being intimidated.

My sentence was much longer than it used to be, so Marianne seems to have a little bit of doubt.

“That’s all?”

“Yes … why did it— Did I make such a big mistake to His Royal Highness?”

“No, you’re not. Now go inside.” Marianne said with an unsavory face.

I said goodbye to them and returned to my room.


Because I walked in the garden very proudly on the day of Leonhart’s visit and greeted the prince, now everyone in the mansion knew that my condition had improved.

Therefore I couldn’t eat alone in my room like before, so I had to sit together at the dining room.

Frankly speaking, it was annoying to eat with Marianne and Sharon, but it would be the same case for them.

However, it was very funny to pretend that we didn’t hate each other because of our pride.

Today, as usual, I was eating dessert after finishing my meal.

The butler came in, bowed politely, and announced that an invitation had come from the palace.

“From the imperial palace? Come on, give it to me.” Marianne said in a happy tone.josei

The invitations were sent to each of the family’s member. The butler handed the invitation one by one to Marianne and Sharon, and, finally, to me.

Hiding my joy, I opened the envelope of the invitation. Marianne squinted at the sight.

“It’s not possible for you to get an invitation, Riana. Come on. Give it to Rudy.”

“No, mother. This is for me.”

“Don’t lie! How dare you try to steal something from imperial palace?”

“Huh, but my name is clearly written here. And Rudolph is still five years old.”

I winced as if frightened by Marianne’s sharp gaze.

Rudolph, my half-brother, began to ask if the invitation was his because of what Marianne said.

Sharon snatched the invitation from my hand. After laughing, her eyes opened wide when she saw the name on the envelope.

“Oh, Mom! She really got an invitation!”

Sharon shook her hands and shouted in a shrill voice. Why are you so upset? Can’t I get an invitation?

“Now give it back, Sharon.” I was timidly muttering and demanding. Sharon glared at me for a moment before dropped the invitation.

The invitation was from Princess Cynthia. Cynthia was fond of social parties and used to host them on regular basis. She picked the person to invite herself and this was the first time I’ve been invited.

I was too young before I was abused by Marianne, and when I was old enough to be invited to a party, the rumors that I was an autistic child were already widespread in the society.

However, to be invited like this, it’s thanks to the gift that I delivered through Leonhart.

“Don’t be so upset, Sharon. Let’s go to the boutique after this. If you want to stand out the most at the party, you’ll have to prepare in advance.”

Marianne soothed Sharon, ordered the servant to prepare the carriage.

Unlike those who already had enough without buying new dresses or jewelry, I was the one who had to go to the boutique.

All the party dresses I had now had gotten smaller and were discarded or donated, and since then I’ve only bought a simple indoor dress or plain cotton dresses.

“Oh, uh, Mother… I need a dress, too.”

When I spoke, Marianne frowned.

“Wouldn’t there be a dress in your closet? You can wear anything. Why would you need to buy something?”

“That’s not it. I really don’t have a single dress.”

If the duke’s young daughter showed up at the Princess’s party with a cotton dress, she’ll be humiliated.

Marianne has been managing her image at meetings and parties by pretending to be concerned about her mentally ill stepdaughter. And if I go to the party in a shabby clothes, the Duchess of Crescente will become a popular subject among the storytellers in society. They would say that she actually discriminating against her stepdaughter.

So I was sure Marianne would get me a dress.

Marianne’s lips drew a soft line after a brief of an uncomfortable expression.

“Yes, I get it. I’ll get your dress ready too.”

It was the answer that I wanted, but I felt uncomfortable.


When the sun began to settle down, the Duchess’ carriage returned. The dress didn’t come in that day because they had to repair the dress to fit the size. They’ll deliver them directly from the boutique when the repairs are finished.

In the meantime, I have read the basics and some of the liberal books of Lady’s courtesy so I won’t be disgraced for making mistakes at the party. I also read the newspaper that delivered to the mansion in fear of falling behind the topic.

A few days later, the maid came and handed over a box.

“It must be my lady’s dress.”

Leah spoke with anticipation. But I had a bad feeling about this. I don’t think it’s as fancy as Sharon’s, but I hope it’s halfway there.

Unlocking the lid of the box, I forgot my words for a moment.

Leah couldn’t say anything, but her eyes opened wide.

“What, this weird dress is….”

Was it a dress some designer made for a trial?

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