The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 201

Chapter 201: This Is A Misunderstanding!

I tried to kiss Daulla, but she stopped me by saying all those things.

If she really doesn't want it then...

"Fine. I won't ever ask for something like this again" 

"I am sorry"

"I said it's fine!"

"Are you angry?"

"I am not"josei

"You are angry"

"I am not! I am not angry"

"But you are yelling, that means you are angry"

"I am not angry! Not in the slightest"

"You are angry"

[You are angry]

"Yes! Yes, I am angry! I just got rejected, dammit! What do you expect me to do?"

"I am sorry"

"I am not angry at you. I am angry at the circumstances"

"Please don't hate me or ignore me"

"I would never do that"

"We will go back to our normal relationship, okay?"


"Then..." she came close to me and brought her face close to mine.

"What are you--"

She placed her finger on my lips and brought her lips close to it.

She kissed her finger that was on my lips and said, "This is the best I could do. Now we are back to--"

I pushed her down on the bed and brushed my thumb on her lips.

We both stared at each other.

"I will do the same then" I said, bringing my lips close to hers.

I was pressing my finger on her soft lips.

She closed her eyes, as if she had given up on stopping me.

"If you close your eyes, then I will remove my finger and kiss you on the lips instead" 

She slowly opened her eyes and stared at me.

She opened her mouth and my finger slid in her warm mouth.

I took out my finger and put it inside my mouth.

"That was disgusting, Lil Das"

"Shut up"

She touched my face with both of her hands and said, "You have really grown up, huh?"

"I will be your Lil Das forever"

I put the finger back on her lips, and she licked my finger with her tongue.

"Now that's not disgusting?" 

"Not anymore" she said, caressing my face.

I brought my lips close to her's and--


The door slowly opened and "" slipped out of the person who entered the room.

My back was to the door, so I couldn't see anything.

"Didn't you lock the door last night?" I asked.

"I did, but Sherley came, so I had to take her to my room, and you were on my mind that time So I forgot to lock the door"

It was a girl's voice, so it's probably some maid.

"Who is it?" I whispered to Daulla.

She glanced at the door and looked at me with a horrified face.

She is sweating! 

I think I now know who it is.

Daulla opened her mouth and said, "It's Lady Lirole"

Knew it!

Daulla pushed me to the side and got up, fixing her nightdress.

"All the maids were asking for you, so I came to look in Das's room"

"It's not what it looks like, Lady Lirole!"

"I haven't said anything yet"

"I know! But the thing you saw was very misleading--"

"Well...Das is a teenage boy now, and he grew up in your care. Not to say, you look beautiful as ever, and your figure is just...amazing. Plus, you are a maid and Das is a prince, soon to be a king. So it's-" 

"I just said it's not what it looks like!"

Daulla was trying her best to clear up the misunderstanding. But she knows that there is no stopping Lirole once she starts saying something.

"Don't worry, Daulla. I won't tell this to Di or papa, nor any staff or anyone"

"This is a misunderstanding! Hey Lil Das! Say something"

"You shouldn't worry either, Das. I won't tell this to Lier or anyone. It will be a secret"


"Why are you thanking her, Lil Das?! Tell her this is a misunderstanding!"

"Well then, you two enjoy. I will tell the staff that you are busy with something"

Lirole left the room, and Daulla ran behind to chase her while yelling, "This is a misunderstanding!" 


I lay down on the bed.

"I am dead tired"

[Your body is exhausted. You should sleep]


I can't believe I climbed the well in 20 seconds.

"Say Lily"


"Earlier now, Daulla and I were about to kiss"

[Yes, you were]

"If it was Elena or Lier, I would have gotten rock hard just by touching them. But I am not hard right now, even though what just happened...does...does that mean I don't love Daulla that way?" 

[High amount of serotonin, oxytocin, and testosterone was released in your body when you were with her just now. Is this not enough to prove your love and lust for her?]

"Stop checking my body"

I wasn't really looking for an answer.

[The same happens when you are with Elena, Lier, or Serah]

"And you too"

[I was with you the entire time, and you never released those hormones]

"Blame my body"



[Why do you not want to do lewd stuff with me?]


[Is it because of my tiny body?]

"That's not it"

[It was a lie]


[I can tell when you are lying]

"Yes, it's because of that. Thinking about doing that stuff with you...I feel guilty"

[But I can change my size!]

"Why haven't you changed it till now?"

[That's because...] 

"Change it next time I log into LWO, okay?"

[When will you log in?]

"Exams start next week, so I will go back home. But I will have to come back here once my exams end. So probably after my coronation" 

I can commute to school from here, but I want to go with Elena.

[Then when you log in, ask Lily to change her size]


[You are already dozing off. Sleep for a while]


[And you do remember our promise, right?]


[Stop saying 'Hmm' on everything]


[Do you love me?]


[Do you love Elena?]


[Do you love Lier?]


[Do you love Serah?]


[Do you love Elena the most?]


[Do you love me more than Elena?]

"Shut up"

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