The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 1960

Chapter 1960

Chapter 1960

Chapter 1960

Clara’s friends huddled together, whispering furiously after witnessing the scene.

Clara shook off her shock, feeling utterly humiliated. With a stomp of her foot, she seethed internally, “That little snake Ivy, she’ll get what’s coming to her!”

The next morning came quickly.

Ivy rose early, slipping into her best business attire and taking extra care of her appearance before going downstairs.

“Up with the birds today, Ivy? Got big plans?” Alyssa asked with a warm smile, looking at Ivy’s outfit with interest. “Looking quite sharp, my dear. Got a date with friends? At your age, it’s all about putting your best foot forward!”

Ivy blushed, slightly embarrassed, “Grandma, I actually have a job interview today.”

Glancing at the clock, she added, “I should head out now, Grandma. Can’t be late for the interview! I’ll tell you all about it when I get back.”

“Oh, an interview? Let the chauffeur drive you there!” Alyssa didn’t object to Ivy’s plans but insisted that the family driver take her to the interview.

Ivy hesitated, wanting to refuse, but considering the Howard estate was quite a distance from the company she was interviewing with, and fearing the difficulty of hailing a cab at this hour, she conceded, “Thank you, Grandma. The chauffeur would be much appreciated.”

The Howard family’s driver dropped her off at the Harris Group. Standing before the imposing building, Ivy was awash with excitement.

If the interview went well, she would finally be earning her own money.

Taking a couple of deep breaths, she entered the building, informed the receptionist of her arrival, and was directed to the waiting room on the third floor.

Along the way, Ivy observed numerous employees of the Harris Group bustling around, seemingly very busy with their work.

She envied this kind of busy life; at least they were all working towards their dreams, their own lives. Unlike her, who didn’t have a life of her own.

As she made her way to the waiting room, Ivy mentally rehearsed answers to potential interview questions, determined to not make a single mistake.


The voice was like a nightmare, echoing in Ivy’s ears. She turned and, to her dismay, saw the last person she wanted to encounter-Clara.

Why was she like a bad penny, always turning up?

Ivy tried to ignore her and continue on her way, but Clara quickened her pace and blocked her path, “Hey! Ivy, are you deaf? Didn’t you hear me calling you?”

Ivy attempted to sidestep her, but Clara persisted, prompting an impatient response, “Clara, I’ve got important things to do today, so please don’t bother me!”

With her path blocked, Ivy had no choice but to speak up.

Clara looked her up and down, reached out, and snatched the folder from lyy’s arms, “Oh, a resume, huh? So you’re here to interview? How quaint.”

With a sneer, Clara laughed, “Ivy, you really don’t know your place, do you? Dreaming big dreams, aren’t you? This is the Harris Group. How could someone with zero experience like you possibly pass an interview?”

Ivy snatched her folder back. “It’s none of your business, Clara. Now, if you’ll excuse me!”

“Clara, what are you doing? We need to go, it’s time for the shoot!”

One of Clara’s colleagues, glancing at his watch, called out to her.

Clara responded with a hurried smile, shot ivy a final glare, and hurried off.

Watching her leave, Ivy exhaled in relief. She wasn’t afraid of Clara, but this interview was critical, and she couldn’t afford any distractions.

Composing herself, Ivy stepped into the interview.preparation room, ready to face her future.


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