The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 576

Chapter 576

Chapter 576

Byran Howard was lounging in Ellinor’s office with his arms crossed and feet up on her desk, without a hint of the fear he’d shown in front of Balfour.

Ellinor paid him no mind and continued to focus on her work.

Byran frowned at her lack of a reaction. He sat upright and knocked on her desk. “Hey! Ellinor, I’m talking to you!”

She glanced at him, “What? If you need help with your homework, just spit it out!”

Byran blinked and snorted in pride, “Did I say I needed help with homework?”

“Ah, then I must have misunderstood Ellinor didn’t look at him again as she continued her work.

Seeing her still unresponsive, Byran’s pride faded a bit, “Ellinor, Balfour’s frozen all my cards, but I have a big e–sports match at the end of the month in C city, and I can’t even afford a ticket!”

Ellinor typed as she talked, “Mr. Howard, I’ve already paid for the gift you sent to your grandfather today You’re not trying to borrow more money from me for your e-sports match, are you?”

Byran felt a bit humiliated and struggled to meet her gaze, “No. I don’t want to borrow your money. Actually, I really do want your help with my homework! Balfour said he’d only let me go to the match if I pass my midterms next week. I heard you were a top student at Creston University, you must be great at studying, right? Can you teach me how to improve my grades quickly so I can deal with Balfour? That match at the end of the month is really important to me, I can’t miss it!”

Ellinor looked up at him, his face full of humble determination, Tm busy right now; I don’t have time.”

Byran pleaded sincerely, “I can wait for you to finish your work. Ellinor, I’m begging you!”

Ellinor looked at Byran again. This proud boy was willing to humble himself for his dreams; it was a rare sight.

Perhaps because of their shared blood, Ellinor felt a sense of responsibility for Byran. Even though he was often a nuisance, she never held it against him and didn’t even find the little guy annoying

After a moment’s silence, Ellinor picked up Byran’s homework from her desk and skimmed through it, “Your foundation is too weak. It’s basically impossible to improve to a passing grade in a short period of time.”

Byran ran his hands through his hair in distress, “Then how long will it take for me to reach a passing grade?”

Ellinor thought for a moment, then said, “A teacher can only provide you with the basic knowledge, the real learning needs to be done by yourself! I can only find time to teach you one problem, for the rest, you’ll have to understand and apply the formula First, you need to master the basic knowledge, then try to understand the other content Everything is up to you!”

Byran nodded in understanding. “Alright! Teach me quickly. Balfour is really angry. I at least need to be able to solve one problem to calm him down!”

So Ellinor put her work aside for a moment to explain to Byran.

Byran’s thirst for knowledge was unprecedented. He pulled up a chair without hesitation and sat next to Ellinor.

Ellinor took out a blank piece of paper and a pen, selected a representative problem from Byran’s homework, broke it down, and drew a clear and easy–to–understand! diagram, explaining it to him step by step.

At first, Byran’s face was full of confusion, but as he listened more, his brow slowly relaxed because he found that he could easily understand what Ellinor was explaining.


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