The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 859

Chapter 859

Chapter 859

Chapter 859

Theo shot Xenia a frosty glance and scoffed derisively, “And how exactly can you prove that she really was the one who saved me?”

Xenia frowned and replied, “What more proof do you need? Patricia has the keepsake you gave her all those years ago! Could a keepsake be fake? Patri, quick! Show him the bracelet you got back then!”

Patricia was already in a panic and extremely nervous. If it weren’t for her mom’s reminder, she would have totally forgotten about the keepsake.

She hurriedly pulled out the bracelet from her pocket and handed it to Theo, saying pitifully. “Theo, look, isn’t this the keepsake you left me? You can check to see if it’s


Theo looked down at the bracelet in Patricia’s hand; his brows were furrowed, and his eyes were icy cold.

He didn’t need to check. He knew his own stuff and could tell if it was genuine or not in a heartbeat. novelbin

The bracelet was indeed real.

But many details in Patricia’s recent response didn’t match the circumstances back then. It didn’t seem like she simply misremembered; it was more like she’d made up a story in advance

Xenia looked at her daughter sympathetically and said, “Theo, I believe you know whether this bracelet is real or fake! Even though my daughter’s infertility has been cured, you can’t forget the fact that she saved your life. It’s not right for you to doubt her like this!”

Patricia choked back tears, “Theo, I’ve fully recovered now. You don’t have to feel responsible for me; you don’t have to repay me, but you can’t doubt me like this. It really breaks my heart…

Theo s gaze became even colder. The mother-daughter duo’s excuses could no longer fool him.

But because the bracelet was with Patricia, he had no evidence to prove that the girl back then wasn’t Patricia

Just then, a small hand reached out and took the bracelet from Patricia.

Patricia was taken aback and looked over, only to see Ellinor casually slipping the bracelet onto her own wrist

“Ellinor, what are you doing? That’s from Theo to me!”

Theo’s bracelet was a little big for the girl’s delicate wrist, and it hung loosely.

Ellinor held up her arm, studying the bracelet that should have been hers with a playful smile, “Ms. Howard, do you really think this bracelet was given to you by Theo?”

Patricia frowned slightly. “Ellinor, what’s the meaning of this? If it’s not for me, is it for you?”

Ellinor nodded, “Yes, it’s for me!”

Patricia’s eyes were full of contempt, but considering the occasion, she tried to remain polite, “Ellinor, stop joking around. You didn’t even know Theo back then! Can you please give me back the bracelet?”

Ellinor lightly shook the bracelet, then said seriously. “Let me tell you what you got wrong! Theo was wearing white that day, and it was his left arm that got injured. He was found because he was coughing in the bushes. His savior brought him a piece of dry bread every day. He only ate one piece of dry

bread and drank a little water from the savior’s water bottle every day. He didn’t like to talk, nor did he like to converse with his savior. Can you believe that? He was even cold to his savior!”

Theo looked at Ellinor with surprise.

How did she know all these details?

He didn’t tell her in detail, because he was blind from a snake bite at the time. He couldn’t see or remember the fine details.


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