The Last Primal

Chapter 55 - 55 - Facing The Nightmare (Part 3)

Chapter 55 - 55 - Facing The Nightmare (Part 3)

While both kids were slowly starting to progress in their own Nightmare Illusions, outside the pocket world, back in the cozy little hut, Number 3 and Granny were sitting by the fireplace and sipping on their usual afternoon tea.

"You know, that last test is really cruel. Forcing both of them to face a tragic moment of their lives, and to make it even worse by injecting a bit of Nightmare to it… You were definitely not going easy on them. If I didn't know you by now, I would say you are trying to break them." said Granny breaking the silence between the two.

Number 3 who was wearing her casual clothing instead of the black attire she used to be in, smiled, and placed the cup down to the table next to her. Then while looking at Granny, she answered.

"Only by facing the darkest moments of their lives and overcoming them can they truly grow. By facing these challenges and overcoming them, they managed to create a strong bond between themselves, and also learned a variety of skills that will be useful in their lives. Now, however, they will need to be able to function alone and under high mental pressure. I know it sounds harsh, but this is for their benefit, you also know that."

She paused briefly, and sipped from her tea, before continuing.

"Let's just hope they can pass their respective challenges and reunite for the second part."

Even though Granny agreed that these tests benefitted the kids greatly, she couldn't help but worry about this last one. This was a very cruel challenge for them to face, and for the entire first part, they will be left alone for their own to figure everything out. She could only hope that they will be able to pass it and meet up for the second half which will need both of them…


Up close, Aiden finally realized that the 'Academy' that he thought was just that large tower, was just 1 part of the series of buildings that sprawled out on a huge area. The 'Academy Grounds' as people around referred to it, engulfed an entire district in the city, and it had its own facility buildings and even dormitories so students that came from other cities or even countries could have a place to stay and could focus on solely on their studies.

In fact, the application system was designed in a way that would give you more points the farther you are from the Academy Grounds. It was a carefully designed, and brilliant system.

Obviously, the students managed to circumvent the rules. There were a lot of local students staying in them, and living the time of their lives, engorging in all the nightly activities they could think of, women, drugs, alcohol. You name it, they did it.

As Aiden followed the students along, he was getting closer to a large central building. The one that had the large tower that could be seen from all over the town. Along the way, he listened to the conversations and with the help of the system, he even managed to get the information out from the silent whispers as well. He gained a lot and also understood a lot more about this whole place.

Apart from learning much about the dormitories, he also got information that today is the day where the final scores of each student will be posted on the whiteboard in the main hall. These final scores are calculated from your test scores and your attendance and are the primary factor of deciding if you will be allowed to take the final exam and get your degree. This was the day when people could get the chance to soar in the sky or to see their hopes and dreams crumble, and shatter into pieces right before their eyes. Destinies were decided by a number posted on a paper on this very day.

'This illusion probably revolves around the score I got this day. Unfortunately, I have no idea what to expect, but this time I will be sure to analyze everything I see. If Enya wouldn't be vigilant, I would have already missed a lot of important clues.' Aiden berated himself inwardly. How could he have made such a blunder this morning?! He prided himself for always paying attention, no matter the situation! Now, however, just some small illusion and he got so lost in it, that he forgot what was important.

'This is just a trial, I have to fix the mistakes in it, and expel the Nightmare. I will need to restore the events so they will play out how they were supposed to. I will also need to make sure I return to my parents and fix them later.'

As Aiden was lamenting inwardly, he got a large group of people that crowded around a wall in the hallway. He could just make out the edges of a whiteboard, but as the mob was around it, he had no chance of getting closer. He was thinking about how to get inside when he suddenly heard a voice coming from behind.

"Hey bro'! How are you? Did you manage to check your scores yet?"

Turning around, he saw a short blonde-haired young man probably around the age of twenty waving at him with a big smile on his face. Aiden felt some familiarity from this figure, and while he couldn't put a name to the face, he felt that this person was probably a friend in his previous life.

This time he also made sure to pay attention to the person's aura and intent. Seeing that he has no irregularities, Aiden smiled and extended his hand which the boy promptly accepted.

"Hello! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to check mine yet, I can't get past this wall of people…"

The young guy laughed at Aiden's words. Patting his back, he cheekily remarked.

"Well, that's what happens when you don't get here on time bro'! Lucky for you, however, I already checked your scores as well! If you successfully fulfill a wish of mine, I may even be generous enough to let you know."

Creasing his eyebrows, Aiden looked at the boy in front of him.

"Come on, don't be like that Aiden! You know I'm just having fun! Come, let's go, and I'll tell you your results over a few drinks! We could invite the others as well!" said the boy.

"The others?" this piqued Aiden's curiosity. josei

"The others, the girls, you dimwit! What is wrong with you today asking such stupid questions?! Now come, let's go and get them from the dorms!"

While they were making their way towards the ladies' dormitory, Aiden was speaking with Enya inwardly. He also made sure to pay attention to his friend as well, so he won't look weirder than he already is.

'Was my name Aiden in my previous life as well?'

[No, it wasn't. Most likely when the illusion was created, the caster wasn't focusing on such small details. I don't think they expected that your Nightmare will be from a previous life, Aiden.]

'I see. Also, previously you mentioned that this is my last day. Does that mean I will have to die in this illusion to complete it?'

There was no response for a while to Aiden's question. Only after a few minutes did Enya finally reply.

[Unfortunately, I am not sure Aiden. This is the day that I am certain of, however that does not mean that events will play out until the end. They may very well do… We cannot be certain. The best you can do is to make sure you follow the events as they progress and keep an eye on any irregularities.]

'Yes, that is all I can do for now…' Aiden sighed.

Meanwhile, they arrived at their destination, in front of the Ladies' Dormitory. They went towards the entrance where a middle-aged woman, the doorman was standing guard, blocking their entry.

"Hold it right there boys! What are you doing trying to sneak your way in?" she bellowed. For a woman, she had quite a loud voice.

"Good Morning Ms. White! You are as beautiful as ever! We came to invite our friends to celebrate! You know the scores have been posted this morning." the blonde boy greeted the lady.

'So, she is called Ms. White. That name sounds familiar as well. Hmm…' Aiden thought, as he checked the woman for any irregularities. Unfortunately, she also was just normal, there were no anomalies within her.

"*Hmpf* What is the room number? I will call them down. You know the rules, NO men allowed inside!" Ms. White asked. Her tone hadn't changed, it was still rather rude and condescending.

"It's room 307, my name is Andrew Norman, and I am here for my sister Katie Norman and her roommates. Could you please call them down? They are already expecting us!"

Meanwhile, Aiden was inwardly happy, he could finally put a name to the face.

'Hmm, your name is Andrew, and your sister is Katie. Wait a second…' As Aiden was familiarising himself with the names, his memory jogged, and pictures of his childhood started flooding his mind. While they seemed like moments out of a movie of someone else's life, he knew that these were his own memories. Events of his past life with the brother and sister pair.

A small smile crept up on Aiden's face, as he silently muttered.

"I remember you guys..."

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