The New World

Chapter 101

Chapter 101: Breaking Through

Chapter 101: Breaking Through

I finished my war cry before falling back onto my knees. I glanced around at the destruction. Six blocks were leveled, piles of rubble all that remained of them. Gaping holes littered several stores nearby, and a few houses stood on their last legs.

Of in the distance, Torix’s jaw slowly reformed. His fire eyes were glowing, more like coals than flame. Kessiah was covered in the blood of the eldritch. The wounds on her were few. During my fight, I kept my strikes intent on killing the eldritch armor more than her. She wouldn’t die like she was. There would be plenty of scars though.

Hod might be dead somewhere off in the distance. I was too tired to stand and find out. He was probably just knocked unconscious. Since the eldritch had been Dakhma, we would all gain a ridiculous amount of experience. Before checking out my attributes and levels though, I opened my notifications. Something I’d been working towards for months finally showed up.

Legendary Skill Unlocked! Combines the three mythical skills, The Coming Tide, Volatile Carnage, and Boundless Storm into the single legendary skill called, Force of Nature. Half of remaining skill points in these three mythical skills are rewarded. Total Bonus tree points from fusion | 1352 | Below is a list of the legendary skills other bonuses.

Enhances skill and technique with all skills that compose the skill. There is no cap for a Legendary skill, meaning your potential with the ability is limitless.Legendary skills cannot assimilate skills. Instead, a legendary skill can be used in the creation of other unique and mythical grade skills.A legendary skill can be used for earning a class. Example Classes: Overseer, Speaker, or Breaker. Some classes are hidden and need quests from Schema to unlock.The difficulty of upgrading Force of Nature does NOT increase or decrease with the level of the skill. Level 1 is just as difficult to increase as level 1,000.For every 100 points in Force of Nature, you gain 5 Strength, 5 Dexterity, 2 Constitution, 2 Intelligence, and 1 perception.These free attributes are determined by the legendary skill’s needs. If your legendary skill needs willpower and perception to operate, leveling it will grant willpower and perception.For every 100 points in Force of Nature, 5% increase in range and power of Gravitational, Telekinetic, and Runic abilities. Mana cost is reduced by 1% as well.

It was by far the longest notification for a skill I had ever received. I must have learned the skill when I felt like everything synced up all of a sudden. After reading over the bonuses of the skill, there was a few solid bonuses to exploit.

The extra attributes were a pleasant surprise considering no other skill gave them. The classes and titles might come in handy later. I would have to wait for those until after facing off against Yawm. They might help me figure out what I’ll be doing after killing the monster.

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