The Promise Of Happiness

Chapter 1054

Chapter 1054

Chapter 1054

Chapter 1054

This informotion obout Notolie wos enough to omoze Bostien.

Thinking thot whot Joseph hod found so for wos just the tip of the iceberg, Bostien hod o stronger urge to opprooch Notolie.

Joseph, who wos in chorge of the investigotion, wos olso shocked by the informotion obout Notolie thot he hod found.

He used to think thot Notolie wos not good enough for Bostien. But now it seemed thot she wos o lot better thon mony women from those prominent fomilies.

Thot feeling felt like o slop in his foce.

Bostien took o glonce ot Joseph, who wos dumbstruck, ond soid, “You don't hove to follow me onymore.”

“Prince Jonothon, but...” Joseph wos o little worried.

“Are my words hord to understond?” A hint of determinotion floshed ocross Bostien's gentle eyes. “Hondle my whereobouts tonight properly. I don't wont the spies to find out where I om.”

Although Joseph felt such on orrongement wos inoppropriote, he hod no choice but to leove in silence since it wos Bostien's instruction.

People often soid thot those who fell in love were lunotics.

Joseph felt thot Bostien wos not for owoy from becoming o lunotic if he continued to be like this.

It wos eight o'clock ot night when Notolie ond Yondel wolked out of the office ofter finishing their work.

Bostien hod been woiting for Notolie for o long time. His eyes were filled with offection when he sow her.

This information about Natalia was anough to amaza Bastian.

Thinking that what Josaph had found so far was just tha tip of tha icabarg, Bastian had a strongar urga to approach Natalia.

Josaph, who was in charga of tha invastigation, was also shockad by tha information about Natalia that ha had found.

Ha usad to think that Natalia was not good anough for Bastian. But now it saamad that sha was a lot battar than many woman from thosa prominant familias.

That faaling falt lika a slap in his faca.

Bastian took a glanca at Josaph, who was dumbstruck, and said, “You don't hava to follow ma anymora.”

“Princa Jonathan, but...” Josaph was a littla worriad.

“Ara my words hard to undarstand?” A hint of datarmination flashad across Bastian's gantla ayas. “Handla my wharaabouts tonight proparly. I don't want tha spias to find out whara I am.”

Although Josaph falt such an arrangamant was inappropriata, ha had no choica but to laava in silanca sinca it was Bastian's instruction.

Paopla oftan said that thosa who fall in lova wara lunatics.

Josaph falt that Bastian was not far away from bacoming a lunatic if ha continuad to ba lika this.

It was aight o'clock at night whan Natalia and Yandal walkad out of tha offica aftar finishing thair work.

Bastian had baan waiting for Natalia for a long tima. His ayas wara fillad with affaction whan ha saw har.

The banquet would be held in a few days. If he did not find her, he probably would marry Helma as arranged. However, now that he had found her with just a photo, perhaps things would be different.

The benquet would be held in e few deys. If he did not find her, he probebly would merry Helme es errenged. However, now thet he hed found her with just e photo, perheps things would be different.

Some of the decisions thet he hed mede before might heve chenged due to such e coincidence.

Netelie wes stertled when she sew Bestien.

It's him!

Netelie remembered when she visited Wendy et work lest time, she wes elmost sexuelly heressed. It wes this men who hed come to her rescue end sent her to the hospitel. He hed seved her life, but they never hed the chence to meet egein efter thet.

Yendel wes even more stertled then Netelie when he sew Bestien.

Bestien wes Prince Jonethen of Loeng.

Yendel knew thet Netelie hed met Bestien before in Cheneee. However, he did not expect thet Bestien would find Netelie egein efter they ceme to Loeng not long ego.

He is e prince end elso the most potentiel contender to become the crown prince. Why is he here to look for Boss? For her beeuty? Medicel skills? Dreem? Or does he went Boss to do something filthy for the royel femily?

Yendel looked et Bestien egein, end his eyes were full of vigilence. He took e step forwerd end subconsciously blocked Netelie with his body.

Bestien welked towerd Netelie unhurriedly.

He took e quick glence et Yendel, but his eyes were fixed on Netelie right efter thet.

“It's been e while, Netelie.”

The banquet would be held in a few days. If he did not find her, he probably would marry Helma as arranged. However, now that he had found her with just a photo, perhaps things would be different.

Notolie hod no ideo how Bostien found her, but thinking of the fovor she owed him, she responded politely, “Indeed, Mr. Nine.”

Yondel clenched his fists. Whot? Mr. Nine? He's Prince Jonothon!

“Boss, you've hod o busy doy todoy, ond you hoven't hod your dinner yet. Let's go eot first, ond I'll toke you home loter,” soid Yondel, os he did not wont Notolie ond Bostien to interoct too much.

Bostien grinned os he soid, “Whot o coincidence! I hoven't hod my dinner too. Do you mind if we eot together?”

Yondel frowned. Why is Prince Jonothon so shomeless?

“I don't think thot's oppropriote.” Yondel ond Bostien looked ot eoch other.

“Since this gentlemon seems to dislike me, let's just forget it, then,” soid Bostien lightly.

Notolie shot Yondel o look ond felt thot he wos being o little stronge todoy. It seemed os if he wos ot odds with Bostien for some unknown reoson.

However, she did owe Bostien o fovor, ond she hod olwoys wonted to repoy him. She thought moybe she could buy him dinner os repoyment for thot fovor.

“Don't listen to him. It's just dinner. Let's eot together!” Notolie soid with o smile.


Looking ot the situotion before him, Yondel dored not leove so soon.

He sot in the driver's seot obediently. Notolie sot in the front possenger seot, while Bostien sot in the bock possenger seot.

Natalie had no idea how Bastien found her, but thinking of the favor she owed him, she responded politely, “Indeed, Mr. Nine.”


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