The Promotion Record of a Crown Princess

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Chapter 1
Inside the palace halls, a calming sleep fragrance is being burned. I am lying on top of the bed, silently looking at the roof of the mosquito net, which depicts an embroidered dragon and phoenix, my expression awfully calm and my soul extremely ball ached.

Previously, someone asked me a question like this.josei

He asked: If your wife and lover simultaneously fell into the water, whom would you save?

At that time, I was very stumped.

He saw that and in turn asked: How about I say it this way: If your own wife and someone else’s wife simultaneously fell into the water, whom would you save?

This question was easily answered, and I immediately shouted out: Only an SB would rescue someone else’s wife, I of course would rescue my own wife!

(E/N: SB means sha bi – 傻逼 – which is basically like a ruder version of idiot. Something around stupid c*nt might be accurate *coughs*)

I think, it can be considered punishment for my initial hesitation that God gave to me that SB, who people say is very gallant and brave, and resembles the previous forefathers, the Crown Prince Qi Sheng.

Sigh, it really is hard to explain in a few words, ughh…… nevertheless, let’s start from the beginning.

On that day, the Heavenly Lord of Life secretly snuck me out from Hell, carrying me onto a cloud. After the two of us experienced a burst of cloud soaring and fog sailing, I became so dizzy that I was going between feeling confused and feeling like fainting. The Heavenly Lord of Life stopped his cloud on top of a water pavilion and said: “Wait for the time being, your body will arrive in a moment.”

I crawled to the edge of the cloud and most likely puked for a while, and only then did my chest begin to feel relieved. Afterward, I looked down from above the edge of the cloud and only saw an elaborate water pavilion located on the surface of the lake underneath. In all four corners, there were extremely luxurious pavilions and kiosks with engraved beams and painted pillars, and I could not help but feel a burst of satisfaction from within. Just by looking at this courtyard you could tell that this was a family of wealthy and respectable people. If it’s possible to be reborn like this, then no doubt there would not be a lack of money and beauties. This could be considered a bout of good luck.

That Heavenly Lord of Life, seemingly as if he had read my mind, displayed a somewhat embarrassed expression and said to me one more time: “If not because you have treated me with kindness, I would definitely not have violated your life’s ruling and brought you here……”

I hurriedly gestured with my hands: “Got it, got it, thanks a lot Heavenly Lord.” He had already nagged the whole journey about how, only because he owed me in my previous life that he could not bear to watch me die an untimely death, and as a result he secretly brought me out from Hell to give me several more decades of wealth and riches…… after listening to these words repeatedly, I quickly felt burdened.

The Heavenly Lord of Life once again said: “You must remember, after you are reborn you definitely must not……”

At this moment, I wasn’t in the mood to listen to his words and only clung to the edge of the cloud. Looking down, I saw two good-looking girls slowly walking across the bridge over the water and couldn’t help but shout: “Hey! Quick look, those two girls’ looks aren’t bad at all.”

The Heavenly Lord of Life also peeked his head over immediately afterward,
and looking at the girls that had already stopped at the water pavilion to talk, he suddenly asked me: “Out of those two, which one do you like?”

“I guess the one in the red clothes,” I answered. That girl had a waistline with big breasts and wide hips, and I could not help but deem her as a top quality good. In contrast, the one wearing white clothes beside her was excessively thin – the kind that has lost too much weight, and I didn’t like it.

The Heavenly Lord of Life heard me answer in this way and let out a muttered breath: “Then that’s good.”

I was momentarily puzzled and pointed towards the girl wearing red clothes and asked: “Who is that girl?”

“Regnant Crown Princess Zhang-shi, father is the Minister of War, grandfather is a big general that protected the country.”

“Wow! What an impressive family!” I exclaimed in surprise.

“Naturally, otherwise, how would she have become Crown Princess?”

“That is the Zhao Consort Jiang-shi.”

“The looks aren’t bad, just the face seems slightly bitter.”

The Heavenly Lord of Life was uncomfortably looking downwards while bent at the waist, so he simply started to lay down on his stomach on the edge of the cloud: “Ah, you wouldn’t know of the complication between them……”

As I was about to be enthusiastically lectured, once again by the lakeside another group of people suddenly appeared. Leading was a pretty boy dressed in silk garments who was supporting a middle-aged beauty. He walked along the lakeside while escorted by people.

I once again asked: “Who is that pretty boy?”

“Oh, That’s the Regnant Crown Prince Qi Sheng.” The Heavenly Lord answered. Regnant Crown Prince, isn’t that the red-clothed girl’s husband?

Seeing that Crown Prince Qi Sheng inadvertently saw the pair of girls on top of the bridge, his facial expression appeared startled for a moment. Afterward, his expression changed a few times in succession – cold for a moment, warm for a moment. I sat here puzzled, wondering what was going on with this dude’s mind, when suddenly two plop plop sounds came from the water. Turning my head back, the two girls on top of the bridge unexpectedly fell into the water, and immediately following that, a figure dashed over from the lakeside and unhesitatingly dived into the water.

My heart was startled. I associated this with the question the Heavenly Lord asked me earlier about the matter of rescuing one’s own wife versus someone else’s wife. My heart immediately becoming ecstatic, I hurriedly pulled the Heavenly Lord of Life’s sleeve and asked: “Could it be that in this life I am a prince?”

That Heavenly Lord of Life’s face displayed a somewhat strange expression, and in a seemingly embarrassed and low voice he answered: “Uh…… more or less.”

“Hey? What do you mean more or less?”

“Keep watching for now.”

I once again quickly turned my body as I clung to the cloud and looked downwards, not yet clearly seeing the figures below, when suddenly from behind I heard the Heavenly Lord of Life loudly declaring: “It’s time, go!”

A strong hit came from my back, and without even being able to react, I had already tumbled from the cloud, only feeling it become dark before my eyes as I suddenly lost consciousness……

I only opened my eyes once more, three days later.

I at long last understood the meaning behind the Heavenly Lord of Life’s “more of less”. The life I currently possess does have the word “prince” in it, however, I wasn’t a prince. I am a princess, a crown princess. It was a difference of a few letters, and nothing more.

As expected of a “more or less”!

Inside the palace halls, a calming sleep fragrance is being burned, and I am lying on top of the bed, silently looking up at the roof of the mosquito net, which depicts an embroidered dragon and phoenix, expression awfully calm, but soul extremely ball ached.

Oh, I forgot, I no longer have any balls and can no longer feel ball ached.

What I have right now is a waistline with big breasts and wide hips. The chest was indeed very impressive, and the waist was also slender enough. These are things I’ve yearned a long time for…… however, to have it grown on one’s own body, feelings of disgust appear when touching it……

Ah, shit! Dear Heavenly Lord of Life, you didn’t come here to pay back a debt, and instead you’re exacting revenge right?

A palace maid softly came in from the outside of the palace and knelt down on the bedside, saying in a low voice: “The Empress wants to sentence that slut Jiang-shi to death. His Highness the Crown Prince and His Highness Prince Zhao are kneeling and pleading for leniency outside the Xing Sheng Palace.”

Bitter resentment could be heard hidden in that voice, and I could not help but turn my head and give her a glance. It is somewhat of a pity that such a pretty girl could use that kind of voice to say those kinds of things.

The palace maid saw me turn my head to look at her and probably thought that I had some sort of order. As a result, she quickly approached a bit, practically leaning forward on the bedside. Even her inner garment have been exposed, a soft green color hiccup, not bad, a very good contrast with the skin color of her chest.

The palace maid softly called out: “Does Your Highness have any orders?”

That one phrase managed to haul back my already somewhat wandering state of mind, and I suddenly felt as if a knife was being twisted into my heart. Sigh, no matter how beautiful the beauty, what would I even be able to do?

After seeing me not saying anything for a while, that palace maid hesitated for a bit, and finally in a resolute manner and low voice advised: “Your Highness, you cannot continue to stay depressed like this. Who cares if His Highness the Crown Prince saved that slut? The crime of harming a royal successor has already fallen upon her, Her Majesty the Empress will certainly not spare her. The Crown Prince can save that slut’s life from the water, but all he can do right now is kneel outside the Xing Sheng Palace, right? Since this is the case, it would be hard for that slut to escape death. Your Highness, you should display your generosity. Do it for the Crown Prince to see, do it for Her Majesty the Empress to see. Right now is not the time to be peeved at the Crown Prince, otherwise, all your previous efforts would be wasted!”

I watched this beauty’s captivating red lips open and close, exposing an organized group of teeth, hiccup, truly attractive.

In fact, the things that she has been saying, that guy Life had also mentioned to me. It was only two girls fighting for one guy, two guys loving one girl. A normal and proper love square, enough to put together a game of mahjong. The Crown Prince and Prince Zhao both love that Jiang-shi; Zhang-shi and Jiang-shi are also simultaneously in love with the Crown Prince. Afterward, with Zhang-shi’s family’s impressiveness, and with Zhang-shi herself deploying a few tricks, Zhang-shi ended up as a pair with the Crown Prince, while that Jiang-shi, for lack of better options, was betrothed to Prince Zhao.

Ah! As a man, I cannot help but admire Brother Prince Zhao’s breadth of mind, knowing perfectly well that Jiang-shi does not like him, but was still willing to take her as a wife, how pitifully sad!

In addition, that mind of that Highness the Crown Prince. His own wife and someone else’s wife simultaneously fell into the water, he would unexpectedly first rescue someone else’s wife – such an altruistic mindset, truly venerable! Furthermore, let’s not leave out the part about his own wife’s belly bearing a child, sigh, how lamentable and hateful!

Seeing that I still haven’t responded, the pretty lil’ palace maid’s eyes became increasingly anxious, only quietly calling out: “Your Highness!”

Hey! It was those words “Your Highness” once again. Right now, my heart is feeling perplexed. In the end, do I take part in being this Highness or not?

Do it. Only being able to look at the group of beauties by my side without being able to do anything.

Don’t do it, no chance of even being able to look at the group of beauties.

However, granted that I do it, how would I even do it? Who doesn’t know that Crown Princess is the world’s worst profession:

Number One: The prospects of a promotion aren’t good – Crown Princess, Empress, Empress Dowager. You must ascend step-by-step. It was practically harder than transcending the clear blue skies! How many Crown Princesses have you seen climb up to Empress?

Number Two: No guarantees of continuous labor, not to mention the lack of insurance. You can be dismissed at any time, furthermore, you will no longer be able to start another career!

Number Three: The nature of the job is dangerous and at any time there is the danger of death. If the Crown Prince isn’t able to ascend as Emperor, you will unluckily fall together with him. If the Crown Prince ascends as Emperor, you have to be careful as to not unluckily fall alone.

Number Four: There is also moonlighting as a sex worker, although the intensity of the job is unlikely to be very big, however, the target of that service…… UGH!

To summarize, the job of the Crown Princess isn’t particularly a good job. No prospects, lots of pressure, and the competition is very cruel…… the only advantage is that maybe the work environment is good because you can see some pretty nice eye candy all over the place.

Do it or not do it? I am very perplexed.

The pretty lil’ palace maid once again impatiently shouted: “Your Highness!”

I finally came to a decision. As a result, I helplessly said: “Let’s go. Come, help me up. We will head to Xing Sheng Palace.”

The palace maid’s almond shaped eyes suddenly grew, and she inconceivably looked at me.

I really wanted to tell her – little miss, you are still too young. You still don’t understand that no matter what occupation you are in, currying favor with your boss is a required course. If you’ve touched your boss’ girlfriend, then your end won’t be far off.

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