The Return Of God Of War

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2142

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2142

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2142

The Return of the God of War Chapter 2142

DG Gemini

If one was nice to Levi, he would reciprocate with respect. However, if anyone tried to be unreasonable with him, he would retaliate tit for tat.

It did not matter who he was facing, and The Cardinal Hall was no exception.

Those fighters from The Cardinal Hall had not expected Levi to have such arrogance as to belittle them, so they were enraged, especially the four divine generals.

Whoever challenged The Cardinal Hall would not get out alive!

“Die!” DG Gemini, being the most quick-tempered, immediately charged toward Levi and launched his attack.

His punch was an eye-opener for many of his compatriots.

Within the small confined area, they could clearly feel the power of his punch. However, the most impressive thing about it was that he was able to control it such that his explosive power was directed solely at his intended target and would not harm anyone nearby.

That was a technique Levi and Cyrus had never seen before, and they too were impressed! The Cardinal Hall had indeed lived up to its reputation.

They had a huge pool of talents with superior powers, yet they usually kept a low profile.

Just a single punch from DG Gemini was enough to showcase the superiority of The Cardinal Hall.

Cyrus’ eyes almost popped out in astonishment, amazed by that brilliant display of skill and might. The energy wave emitted by that punch was suffocatingly intense.

His prowess at that point was just child-play in the eyes of The Cardinal Hall, let alone his amateurish skills many years ago. That punch from DG Gemini would crush him to powder if it landed on him. He had no fighting chance at all. He finally realized he had been too naive in the past to think he would be able to stand up to The Cardinal Hall someday.

Within the small confined space, the three of them felt the threat from the fist at its maximum strength. The horrifying power was so intense it felt like it could melt a person down.

Emma, being the weakest, felt that deadly sense of suffocation most.

DG Gemini’s intention was to kill the three of them off in a single blow. He was out to kill without mercy.

Levi was the only one who was still calm and chilled.


He returned a punch to take DG Gemini’s punch head-on.


There was a muted sound of the collision. Not much disturbance was felt by the people standing around as the two men had brilliantly controlled their punches and directed their might on each other only.

Levi looked as if nothing had happened after he easily fended off DG Gemini’s punch, and that totally stunned all the observers.

DG Gemini was one of the top divine generals among the twelve in terms of prowess, and he was known to be ruthless and merciless in his attacks.

It was simply unbelievable that someone could so casually block off his strike!

There had been rumors about Levi’s formidable might and skills, and many people put him on the pedestal and worshipped him.

However, those in The Cardinal Hall snorted at those rumors and never thought highly of him.

They were not being haughty, but as they themselves had a God-like reputation, they did not think a human like Levi could have much achievement to boast about compared to them.

What was rated as miracles by the commoners were just a piece of cake to them. As such, they had not really paid much attention to Levi.

When they heard people comparing The Cardinal Hall to Levi, with some even rating Levi above them, they were furious and had secretly borne grudges against him.

That was why when Levi arrived at The Cardinal Hall earlier, many of them were secretly pleased they could finally teach him a lesson and show the world who was truly more superior.

When Levi started belittling The Cardinal Hall in his fit of anger, they were excited and waiting for one of the divine generals to beat him to a pulp.

The outcome was beyond anyone’s imagination! No one expected Levi to block off DG Gemini’s attack so easily. They found it unbelievable!

So a commoner could challenge a god-like fighter of The Cardinal Hall!

Levi’s strength is unreal!

He ignored so many great fighters and went straight ahead to take on a divine general!

This is shocking!

The four divine generals’ faces paled in astonishment, and DG Gemini was about to blow his top!

To him, not being able to kill Levi off with that strike was already a great insult. The fact that Levi managed to fend it off without suffering any injury was simply unacceptable to him!

He was blinded by anger and howled, “Go to hell!”

He had to show off his true prowess and regain his reputation. Levi had to die!

“I am not leaving until I see my daughter. I dare you to stop me!” Levi was infuriated too!


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