The Return Of God Of War

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2848

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2848

The Return Of The God Of War Chapter 2848

The Return of the God of War Chapter 2848

Where Are The Humans

It was a loud roar that resounded through the area.


An even more terrifying sound wave crashed onto them.

Many fighters at the scene spat out blood while the rest appeared to be in anguish, the pain contorting their faces.

Only Daxon remained unharmed.

The unexpected incident had everyone pale with fright.

“This is bad! It sounded like a beast. But what kind of animal can deal such a great blow with a roar?” Daxon muttered, his expression turning grim.

“Please be careful!”

After he exhorted the others to be cautious, his heart sank.

He had left the Shelter with the team for two purposes. One of them was to conduct a better investigation of the environment outside. The other was because he wanted to know if his son, Levi, and the rest were alive.

However, his heart was in his mouth because of the sudden roar.

It was evident that the world had changed drastically, with dangers lurking at every corner.

Even if Levi and the rest did not die in the energy storm, their chances of survival in the new world were pretty low.

That was the judgment he came up with based on the roar alone.

“A strong energy radiation is detected eighty kilometers ahead! As we get closer to it, it becomes stronger and stronger! It’s also the source of the sound wave from just now!”

Soon, the expedition team quickly detected the source of the roar and discovered that it contained intense energy radiation and fluctuations.

“Everyone, be careful as we move forward to check it out!”

That time, they boarded the aircraft and approached their destination slowly.

Not long after that, the aircraft hovered above the location.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The instrument emitted a sharp siren, indicating that the energy radiation below them was off the charts.

The intensity of the radiation was beyond the instrument’s range, far stronger than the energy carried by a Leviathan.

Upon spotting the beast beneath them, everyone inhaled sharply.

It was a tiger, but what shocked them was its colossal size.

It was almost as big as a hill, at least five or six times larger than a normal tiger!

Nevertheless, they were not exactly intimidated by its size, as they had seen the enhanced version of Leviathan before.

The point was there was a faint glow on the tiger’s body, as though an electric current was running all over it.

That was the extremely powerful energy radiation that came from the pillars of light days ago.

The pillars of light had shone on the beasts, causing their physical and intellectual abilities to mutate, thus conferring them greater strength and power.


When the beast detected the aircraft above it, the energy gathered on it was immediately unleashed against the expedition team.

“Watch out!” everyone exclaimed.

Some managed to avoid it, while those who failed were blown up in the blink of an eye.

The mutated tiger leaped abruptly and grabbed an aircraft flying at a low altitude.


As the chilling sound rang out, the aircraft was broken into half before everyone.

It was a terrifying sight as the aircraft was built with the best material in Erudia, yet it was broken by the beast effortlessly as though it was a piece of paper.

“Retreat! Retreat right now!”

With that order, everyone fled in all directions.

The other expedition teams of Erudia encountered the same situation, running into mutated beasts like the tiger.

In fact, some even met mutated plants that turned highly hostile.

Not only did it happen to the Erudians, but it seemed like the expedition teams of Defenders of the Galaxy also suffered the same fate.

They all saw a lot of mutated creatures, especially Black Hawk’s team, which ran into a massive python.

After exposure to the radiation of the pillars of light, the python became almost like a dragon.

It was a formidable creature.

However, that was all within their expectations since a human’s body could be modified simply by taking in a breath of air containing spiritual energy.

Undoubtedly, the living beings that were exposed to the pillars of light directly would experience more tremendous changes.

However, there was one thing all the expedition teams could not wrap their heads around.

Where are the humans? Did they all vanish?


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