The Returning Ex

The Returning Ex Chapter 832

The Returning Ex Chapter 832

The Returning Ex Chapter 832

Sophia paused and asked, “Are you guys done eating?” In fact, there was something else in her mind that she would like to ask, but with Richard around, she didn’t think it was a good time to bring up her confusion at that moment.

Matilda responded with an affirmative grunt. “We’re going shopping right now. Care to join us?”

Unsure about the situation on the other side, Sophia pondered on it and answered, “Just give me a moment. I’ll meet you guys back at the car.” In response, Matilda gave a positive reply and hung up the call. Soon, Sophia laid down her phone and shifted her gaze to John. “Madam Flintstone said she is done with her meal, but why do I have a feeling that things aren’t going as I think they should?”

Meanwhile, John, who overheard Matilda’s words on the phone, put down his fork and knife. “Let’s go there and have a look.” After that, Sophia and John proceeded to walk out of the restaurant, only to see William standing and smoking at the entrance.

It appears that he is not in a good mood. At the thought of that, Sophia walked closer and asked, “What’s wrong? Why are they all gone?”

William shot a gaze at Sophia and responded with an affirmative grunt. “They were done, so they left.”

Soon, Sophia noticed Richard’s car parked not far away. Upon letting out a sigh, she didn’t know what she should ask. Instead, she reassured William by telling him, “Don’t worry. I’ll tag along to see if everything is alright. With me around, I doubt anything out of the ordinary could happen between them both.”

In the meantime, William gave a brief reply to signify his agreement, even though he didn’t know what Sophia meant by saying that. Not long after that, John patted Sophia’s shoulder and said, “Take it easy. Make sure you don’t stress yourself out.”

Sophia then responded by waving her hand as she left the place.

At the same time, Matilda and Richard were sitting in the car in silence, while Sophia approached the vehicle and opened the car door. “You guys are fast.”

Richard replied, “Yeah. Come on. Let’s make a move now. I think the one that we just saw is pretty good, so let’s just go back there and get that one.”

Since Matilda didn’t respond to Richard’s words, they proceeded to hit the road. Meanwhile, Sophia waited for a short moment and patted Matilda’s hand, whereupon the latter turned around and looked at her emotionlessly.

Well, I guess things didn’t go that well as expected. Come on, William! You’re a grown adult, so how could you mess this up? You should have made your move, especially with your love rival around, Sophia thought.

As soon as the car pulled over, Richard got off and bought the set of curtains that he previously had his eyes on after getting the right size.

While it was obvious that the atmosphere had become much more gloomy and solemn, Sophia noticed that Matilda was especially unhappy. After buying what they wanted, they continued to take a stroll around the place until Sophia decided to call it a day because she was getting tired. Upon hearing Sophia, Matilda echoed her words and said she also felt the same way. It was only then that they all decided to leave as Richard drove Matilda and Sophia to Logan’s club.

When they arrived, Matilda, who had just gotten off the car, didn’t say a single word, while Sophia stood between her and Richard and waved the man goodbye. After glancing at Matilda briefly, Richard nodded and directly drove off. Once Richard’s car was out of sight, Sophia turned her attention to Matilda and asked, “Let me guess. It didn’t end well, did it?”

Matilda let out a sigh. “Well, we’re all good, but it was over sooner than I thought.”

Sophia nodded in response. “Yeah, but how did it exactly go? What did he say?”

After that, Matilda couldn’t recall what she had learned, only vaguely remembering some unimportant conversations. All she could remember was how overly reserved she was back there, which she found to be embarrassing. It’s not like I’m still a young maiden. Why did I feel so nervous back there? Gosh! I really mishandled the situation terribly just now. Refusing to say anything more, she turned around and headed straight into Logan’s club.


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