The Rules Of Living On The Wasted Land

Chapter 8 - A Task Team (1)

Chapter 8 - A Task Team (1)

Chapter 8 A Task Team (1)
“Tuk-tuk-tuk, tak-tak-tak~”

The voice of gun shots rose one after another, accompanied by splashing blood. Crazy ghouls kept falling, and the place in front of the iron guardrail around the gate was full of the debris of ghouls.josei

“Captain, we’re running out of bullets!”

A soldier refilled gun with bullets and shouted at the captain next to him at the same time.

This was the police station of City St. John southern district. It was a three-storey concrete building which was about 30 kilometers northwest of Dick Town.

“Damn, fucking ghouls!”

The captain clenched his fists tightly.

“Attention! All come back to the third floor in two minutes and block the stairs! ”

The captain had to order them to evacuate. Although he was very unwilling, the lives of the soldiers were more important.

The task of the team was to go to the east district of City St. John to find a special device in a biological pharmaceutical company called Herod. As for the purpose of the device, the officer who released the mission did not tell him, only giving him a photo of the device.

Searching for objects was a low-level task, which was usually considered to be of low risk. Therefore, the military had arranged several recruits in the team in order to carry out actual combat training for them.

The captain hated recruits. He was different from these raised soldiers, he joined the army later and had wandered in this Wasteland before. In his opinion, with these arrogant and foolish recruits to execute a task, one was simply making troubles for self.

But he could not disobey the orders of the army.

Helicopters carried team members to the pharmaceutical company. The broad St. John’s Revolutionary Memorial Square, which was not far from the company, was the planned landing place.

However, the helicopter was attacked by a rocket from mutants when they were less than two kilometers away from the planned landing place. For the sake of safety, the pilot landed the helicopter on a middle school playground which was about four kilometers away from the destination.

“Soldiers, good luck! See you in six hours!”

Leaving that sentence, the pilot flew away quickly.

The captain looked around the playground and found nothing unusual, so he gave instructions for action.

“Soldiers, action!”

The team left the playground quickly.

On the way to the pharmaceutical company, the team encountered several groups of looters. But these looters did not take any action, just looked at them from a distance, and then left.

Obviously, this armed team was very deterrent to looters. Uniform rifle, simplified Cave combat armor, and a laser rifle in team leader’s hands. So they could be invincible as long as they didn’t meet regular forces.

“Ha-ha, these vagrants are really cowards. But for I have a mission now, I would surely shoot them in their asses!”

A recruit was sort of excited. Looking at these looters who left rapidly, he could not help being arrogant and even waved his gun.

According to those people who were raised and grew up with protection, the vagrants on the Wasteland were inferior, unreliable, and could be eliminated at any time. Those who hid in the ruins were doomed to be eliminated, and they were the hope of human civilization.

“That’s right. Look at their rags, what’s that?”

Several recruits burst into rapture.

“Be quiet!”

The leader glared at these recruits.

“Never underestimate anyone, never! This is my advice to you. You despise vagrants, but they also can blow your heads with guns in their hands.”

The captain was quite serious when he said this. Actually, he was not very talkative. But looking at the silly recruits in front of him, he had to remind them. He may not care about the life of these recruits, but he was unwilling to bear the punishment of the army if any accident happened.

The veterans kept silent together at this time. They all heard what the recruits said, but they didn’t care. When they first joined the army, they might have gone too far. The veterans paid their attention to surroundings, noticing any possible ambush place.

Several reprimanded recruits didn’t take it seriously, but they still chose to shut up.

Rusty abandoned vehicles were seen everywhere in the streets. Worn street lamps were in a mess, some of which had fallen and hit the roof of the car. Most of the buildings on both sides were dilapidated. The exterior walls had faded and became gray. The cracks in roads, corners and walls were covered with vegetation which was all-pervasive.

Just as the team arrived at the abandoned supermarket on the corner of the street, a tall figure suddenly stood on the roof of the opposite building, and then a sharp scream came.

“A rocket!”

The leader shouted, laid his hands on the head of a recruit and then they lied down together. The veterans also fell down quickly.


The rocket was shot into the supermarket beside them, and the rubble mixed with rubbish splashed everywhere. Unfortunately, a recruit was hit by shrapnel on his left shoulder, bleeding like a pig at once. The veterans reacted quickly. They got up quickly, rushed to the nearest bunker beside them, and fired back directly with rifles, ignoring the dust on their bodies.

“They’re mutants!”

A veteran shouted.

Mutant was the product of nuclear radiation. The symptom that first appeared in humans was that a part of the body became extremely large, and then this symptom gradually spread to the whole body. The strong body gave these mutants powerful physical strength. But on the other hand, their IQ gradually decreased, and they began to become irritable and later bloodthirsty, and gradually separated from the human group.

The captain got up from the ground and hid behind an abandoned car next to him, looking up at the huge figures on the roof of the building.

“John, Clive, Johnny, you three go upstairs and kill the enemies. Watch out for ambushes. Others fire on them!”

The leader took up the laser rifle and gave commands. The recruits soon calmed down and began shooting at the roof.

Laser rifles hit the bricks and stones, leaving black marks. The bullets fired by the rifles continuously splashed small gravel along the wall. Several mutants were suppressed by shoots and they could not raise their heads for a time. They could only lift their homemade rifles and shot downstairs in a random way. The three veterans found a proper time, jumped out of the bunker and quickly moved to the building gate, kicked the door and rushed in.

Before long, voice of violent gunshots came from the roof, followed by a loud explosion of grenades.


A mutant’s head suddenly fell beside the supermarket, which startled the recruits. And they pointed at the head on the ground together. The leader looked at these new recruits with some amusement.

After the mutants were eliminated, several veterans took away the loot and the team continued on its way.

Since encountering the mutant, the several recruits had been cautious along the way, looking around carefully for fear that rockets would fly out from a corner. But until they entered the pharmaceutical company, the team did not encounter any more attacks.

This was a biological pharmaceutical company. On the desktop in the laboratory, there were some notes which recorded that the company had researched biological weapons that harmed human body. The captain was unexpected about this discovery. It seemed that the superiors wanted the equipment they were looking for to… The captain did not dare to think anymore.

“Whatever it is, I just need to complete the task.”

The leader consoled himself

In the lab’s operating room, a veteran found the device. Unlike the magnified task picture, the real device was not very large, only about the size of a fist, and looked delicate.

The leader put the equipment in his battle backpack and then searched the laboratory with soldiers. No abnormalities were found.

“Let’s rest for fifteen minutes and go home!”

At the command, several veterans took out their dry food and began to replenish their physical strength, while several recruits just chatted freely.

The team leader was changing the gauze for the wounded recruits. Looking at several recruits who had already talked about good wine, he said, “Eat something. Don’t think you only need to eat when you’re hungry.”

“You don’t know when the battle will take place, or how long it will last. What you need is to sustain abundant energy at all times! You can’t eat anything even though you want to eat when you’re in fighting!!”

“I hope you will keep it in mind in the future.”

This was not the captain’s personal experience, but the lesson paid for with blood.

A qualified soldier could not be trained overnight. Captain knew that, but the mutants outside didn’t know, the ghouls didn’t know, and the looters didn’t know. They would not give you a second chance, because their heads served as stepping stones to your strength.

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