The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 705

Chapter 705


Looking at the surrounding he couldn’t help but sigh in sadness, he had been killing chaos beasts and absorbing the chaos Qi as he travel here but the amount of chaos Qi he had absorbed wouldn’t make a dent on the infection that the chaos world force have done to this world.

He grips his fist in anger and his killing intent was in full release, he wasn’t thinking of sneaking around, he is planning to storm in and start killing instantly once he encounter any forces from the chaos world.

He took a deep breath and let’s out a loud roar full of anger and bloodthirst, he release his scarabs and have them scatter throughout the island, they are free to devour any beings that exudes chaos Qi.

He just stood there and wait, his aura was raging and full of power, he knew that his enemy would definitely locate him as long as they sensed his aura and follow the source of his loud roar earlier.

Just as exactly what he had thought, numerous individuals in gray suite of armor started matching towards his location, this doesn’t faze him one bit.

He might not have his full strength but even if he meet a peak Xiantian Emperor Realm experts, he still has his scarabs to fight for him, but two knights caught his attention, one was a knight which was wearing a light gray armor while the other knight was wearing dark gray armor.

The aura of the two were also in full release, and he had already sensed that they were the same as the gray knight he had fought that cause him to be thrown to Saint Monster World.


His expression became solemn, other than these two knights that are considered Pseudo Saints, there are also a dozen gray knights that have peak Xiantian Emperor Rank cultivation.

His expression became solemn, he was also confused as to why elites such as these group would stay on this small island, it seems that this island is hiding something terrifying or something valuable, maybe even both but at the present the only thing he knew is that he would definitely going to undergo a hard battle.

Without hesitation he call out his clones and call back his scarabs before releasing the other scarabs inside Hentai, thousands upon thousands of Poisonous Corpse Eating Scarabs and Ancient Jewel Scarabs appeared.

The knights that were feeling confident upon seeing that there is only one opponent immediately became dazed but quickly they reacted, the strongest members of their group quickly grabs their weapons as their battle intent rose.

The two groups went into a standstill, the knight that was wearing the light gray armor spoke “Whoever you are, I suggest for you to back off! This territory is now claimed by the Holy Kingdom!”

Shadowslash killing intent exploded, he roars at them with a voice full of anger and righteous indignation “I am Shadowslash! A resident of this world! It is my duty and responsibility to protect this world as I am chosen by it! You invaders will die today! I swore it on my soul!”

The killing intent on the chaos world side also exploded, they have been searching for this world’s chosen one but to no avail, who would have though that he would deliver himself to them.

Both sides already knew that talking is useless, both sides wouldn’t let the other side go, the buzzing noises of the scarabs are the only sounds that could be heard in the area.



Simultaneously the two group charge at each other, numerous chaos beasts started running towards the cloud of the scarabs, the two group were fearless and aren’t afraid of deaths as their intelligence aren’t that developed. josei

Boom! The two sides finally collided, immediately many of the Poisonous Corpse Eating Scarabs were killed but those that manage to survive immediately started gnawing on their opponents.

The ten clones transformed into giant rhinos, the rhinos were a specie that belongs to Saint Monster World and their strength and defence are top notch, as long as they charge in group, their momentum would definitely crush their opponent’s will.

Boom! Boom! Crunch! The sounds of collision and bones being crushed could be heard as the ten clones rampages on the battlefield, the gray knights discovered that their chaos beasts are being easily killed by the ten clones and immediately went to intercept them.

A unit consisting of only shield bearers step forward and blocked the ten clones, the two group created a deafening explosion that causes both groups to become dizzy.

Shadowslash was now dealing with three Peak Xiantian Emperor experts, the two Pseudo Saints are busy dealing with the relentless pursuit of the Primordial Rune Scarabs.

He dodges the slash of his opponent and retaliated, the three chaos knights have great teamwork and their attacks complimented each other even though their weapons are different.

The three has impeccable teamwork as if they could read each other’s mind, the saber is powerful and heavy, the spear is quick and direct, and the sword is sharp and lethal.

If he was in his peak condition he wouldn’t worry that much as he had a powerful scales, tough muscles and great regeneration ability, but at the moment he is still recovering from the injury he had suffered during his travel to the spatial pathway, not to mention he was also injured after going berserk.

He is far from his best condition but this doesn’t meant that he is helpless, his keen battle instinct and all the experience he had accumulated is now showing its effect as he dodges all the attacks and even wounded two of his opponents.

The only individual that is now not injured is the one that holds the spear because he has some distance from Shadowslash, two of his teammates need to get close to attack making it easier for them to receive an attack.

Shadowslash’s sword style is extremely sharp, fast and lethal. The three chaos knights are also having a hard time fighting him with their eyes close, they had no choice they have been nearly killed more than a dozen of time now because they were put into an illusion.

If it weren’t for their quick response and powerful defensive skills, then they wouldn’t last that long, Shadowslash have been fighting with brawns for a long time that he had forgotten that he could incorporate his illusion on his fighting style.

The enemies wouldn’t be able to track his fighting pattern and because their senses are going haywire, it would definitely gonna cost them dearly.

But this would cause him to expend twice as much spiritual sense to implement this battle style, fortunately he has the two fish to always activate the illusions and he could focus on dodging and attacking.

His sword intent started to condense in a much more terrifying degree, this is the first time he truly use his sword to fight without using any powerful skills that he knows, the three chaos knights fighting style became more passive as time passes by.

The chaos knights that wields the saber couldn’t hold it anymore and let’s out a shout before leaping towards Shadowslash, as a saberman he should be forceful and impactful.

Being pushed back and fighting passively isn’t something that fits his style, his two teammates use this opportunity to unleash their strongest attack.

The saberman knew that he was being used as the meat shield but he wasn’t frustrated knowing that he is the one who chose this path, his two teammates have already dissuade him, since he can’t be dissuade being used as a tank doesn’t anger him.

“Chaos Dragon Maw!” Saberman

“Chaos Severing Slash!” Swordsman

“Heart Pierce!” Spearman

One from above, one from the side and one from the front, each attack pose a lethal threat to Shadowslash.

Shadowslash just silently stood on his position, he looks at the three incoming attacks and already knew how counter the three combo attacks.

Without hesitation he summoned his Illusionary arms and have all of them attack the saberman, he would be dealing with the other two attacks with his two swords.

He first advances and use one of his sword to slightly divert the path of the spear, the power of the spear is quite powerful but he still manage to divert it by absorbing the chaos Qi on the attack.

His other sword was ready to intercept the attack of the swordsman but it seems that blocking two attacks isn’t possible on his current condition.

Peng! He was thrown back after receiving both attacks but fortunately he had diverted some of the force of both attacks but the swordsman use this opportunity to continue attacking him.

His expression became a bit ugly for a split second and he started dodging in a pathetic manner, the saberman was now caught by his Illusionary hands and was pierced by three hands.

Unfortunately for Shadowslash, the surprise attack of his illusionary arms did not manage to kill his opponent but only heavily injured him.

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