The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 187 - Training Camp.

Chapter 187 - Training Camp.

A week has passed since the day Frieda called Yang Dao to express her gratitude. During the week, her convocation ceremony was held, where Frieda came out as the Valedictorian of her class. She was happy. 

While on the other side Icarus was broken-hearted, Ayaka would not even bother to call him out, regardless if he did good or bad. Well, he was broken-hearted for at least one whole day. Then he was back to his usual goofing around and scoundrel behaviors with Yang Dao. His actions really troubled the Dao Child to get a correct understanding of his character. 

On the weekend, the whole first-year elite class was gathered together in the Paradise Pavillion. Yang Dao stayed true to his promise and held a big meal for all of them. The people were happy with him and with the food. They all left with a big fat smile on their faces. They all got to dance and sing in karaoke as well. 

The funny thing is that Young Master Donnie confessed that when he was kicked by the former sometime ago, he actually felt like flying. The people laughed a lot. It was a merry, cheery weekend they all spent together. A lot of students also got the chance to discuss their future aspirations. Some people confessed and got rejected while some got together. 

During this week, Mary, the CEO of Dao Technologies, spent a lot of funds to gain a lot of potential business ideas while also supporting some independent research centers. Obviously, she did all this after the authorization of Yang Dao. The boy decided what they should invest in and what they should not try for the time being. 

His company and products were still growing in the demand. A lot of international companies have come forward to collaborate with him. Those who looked for share acquisition were coldly shut out. Those who wanted to get a sales channel medium for the products were given only distribution rights. They had no control over the price set for the units they sold. The two plants were manufacturing Robo-Aid in full swing. 

Not only Robo-Aid but even the mobile OS and the automated car were also given a complete update. The customers were thrilled with this. Some even suggested that Yang Dao design a special mobile phone for the OS to match completely. Life was content. He also spent a lot of time on his education and the results he got was astounding. 

Despite not being present inside the class for more than a month, Yang Dao ranked top in the monthly assessment conducted in all subjects. He spent some time with Kylie Dew. The two people acted like friends, and nothing more. The lady was happy with this, as she has not seen the boy much ever since she visited him in the Dao Courtyard. 

The daily life was contained between cycling in the morning, then class and assessments, again cycling in the evening, going back home, he would read something randomly while helping Lisa with her homework and education. A call with Feng Yun and Laohu Bai. Then repeat the whole thing. 

In the night, he gave up sleep to meditate. His goal was to refine his physique to the limit, but as he progressed the growth became slower. The boy consulted Feng Yun and found out that his body is the body of the Dao Child. At this moment he was absorbing the source energy in the wind, which may cause an imbalance to the elemental properties of his body and is being resisted. 

To completely refine his body, he must first learn about the other three elements as well. In the fifth stage of an Elemental, the elemental god can transform the source energy of any other element into the element they favor or practice. However, the Dao Child, as blessed as he was, had his own difficulties. 

Yang Dao was needed to learn all the elements and train himself to the fourth stage of the Elementalists only then can he advance to the fifth stage. This was because he could completely change the source energy into any of his wished-for elements. 


It was Monday, Yang Dao rode his bike to the college like usual and met Ayaka waiting for him in front of the clubhouse. He greeted her with a polite good morning wish. The girl replied to him with a smile and a nod. He asked, "Coach, I will go to the track to run a few laps." 

He was about to pedal his bike when he heard, "No, today you stay here, no one is going anywhere. I have something to talk about with you all. Let us wait for the others to come over." 

The boy agreed and with a nod, he got off his bike. They did not have to wait for much longer. The people arrived one after the other. Even in the second year, students were always on time. Ever since Tim had an accident, everyone had become a bit more disciplined. 

Thomas asked, "Coach, what is the matter?"

Ayaka replied calmly, "The inter University tournament is just a few weeks ago. The time is short and we need to step up our practice regime. So, I suggest that we all organize a training camp. The location you always use is not something I am in favor of. I suggest everyone come up with one area that comprises a mountain, flats and also the breathing conditions are not so friendly. 

I need you all to push and increase the limits of your lungs. Do you understand what I am trying to say?"  action

The people nodded. Extreme weather was a good body tempering, and practicing terrain. She wanted them to increase their stamina. Because in the long run, the one who can hold on and burst out in the end wins. 

Sasha and Kiya were also present in the clubhouse, as they were the managers. The former said, "Coach, how about Diamond Desert? It is a high-altitude cold desert. The outer region has mountains while there are a lot of curvy planes inside the mountains. It is like a nest, the climbers can practice in the mountains and the sprinters can move to the inner regions. 

Though, one problem." 

Ayaka asked, "What is that?"

"The problem is the temperature, in the past twenty years, it has never risen about 2 degrees." Sasha's words made some guys shiver slightly. Their eyes seemed to ask, what sin have we committed for being exiled to the cold hell?

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