Trapped with My Billionaire Ex-Husband by Mariya Mercedes

Chapter 78

Chapter 78

Chapter 78

Chapter 78



I couldn’t help but suppress a smile as I observed him fumble, attempting to compose himself. He even

discreetly blew on his hand, checking his breath. After clearing his throat, he finally spoke up.

“Can I excuse myself for a minute? I’ll be back shortly,” he stammered. There’s a fear in his eyes,

probably thinking that I’m going to disappear the moment he turns his back.

I raised an eyebrow in puzzlement. “You’re fine,” I reassured him.

“This won’t take long. I’ll be back in five minutes,” he insisted, determination evident in his voice as he

made his way towards the door behind him. With a deliberate gesture, he left the door ajar, affording

me a glimpse of the room beyond. Inside, I could see a meticulously arranged set of furniture, each

piece hinting at a level of refinement and elegance.

Watching him go into the room, I felt really curious. It looked like this was where he lived now.

I waited for another few minutes before he came out of the room. His hair was a little bit damp,

probably from washing his face. He had also changed into a clean shirt before he took the chair across

from me. Despite the dark circle under his eyes, he still looks as handsome as ever.

“Where are you planning to stay?” I asked directly.


He was caught off guard by my sudden bluntness. I don’t need to beat around the bush. I came here

for one reason only, and that is to give him a chance to be a father to Blaze. Everything between us

was over. The only thing that connects us is

our son.

“I have a few properties around the city,” he answered.

Of course, he does. What am I thinking? He owns a multi-billion-dollar company, and of course, he has

other properties he can stay at.

“I’m sure you didn’t come here just to ask me that,” he said while fidgeting with his fingers. He looks

nervous, which I don’t see often.




15:23 Mon, 11 Mar

Chapter 78

“Yes, you’re right. I came here to talk about Blaze,” I started.

He was stunned upon hearing that. “What about Blaze? Is he okay?” he asked worriedly.

“He’s fine. He’s getting better every day,” I replied.

He let out a sigh of relief upon hearing that. “That’s good,” he said.

“He wanted to meet you,” I said.


He suddenly looked pale as he stared at me. He was too stunned to speak. I saw him try to open his

mouth, but nothing came out. He looks like he is about to faint any minute now.

“Breath, Sebastian,” I reminded him when it seemed like he had forgotten to breathe.

“Did you tell him who I was?” he stammered, the question hanging heavily in the air. It was clear that he

struggled to comprehend the reality of the situation.

“I didn’t need to,” I replied softly. “You gave yourself away when you cried out for him last night. He’s a

perceptive child.”

A chuckle escaped his lips. “I’m well aware of that,” he admitted. “I’ve only spoken to him once, but

even then, I could see how remarkably mature he is for his age. He has a keen understanding of the

world around him.”

Sebastian’s admission offered a glimpse into his thoughts, revealing a side of him I hadn’t anticipated.

It was as if a veil had been lifted, allowing me to see beyond the facade he often presented to the


“He’s been through a lot,” I added, my voice softening with empathy. “But he’s resilient, just like his


A flicker of gratitude crossed Sebastian’s features at my words, his expression betraying a hint of

vulnerability. It was a rare moment of connection between us, one that hinted at the possibility of

reconciliation and understanding.

As we lingered in that moment of mutual understanding, I sensed a shift in the air, a tentative hope

blossoming between us. Despite the complexities of our past, there was a glimmer of possibility for a

brighter future.





15:23 Mon, 11 Mar

Chapter 78

“I want to make things right,” Sebastian confessed, his voice tinged with determination. “For him and for


His words stirred a mix of emotions within me, reigniting a flicker of hope amid the lingering part of me

dared to believe in the possibility of

doubts. While redemption and reconciliation, another part remained resolute in its purpose.

“There’s no more chance for us, Sebastian,” I stated firmly, my tone leaving no room for

misunderstanding. “You’ve had your opportunities, and they’ve slipped through your fingers time and

time again. I’m here solely for Blaze. He deserves the chance to know his father, regardless of our


As the weight of my words settled between us, I could see the acceptance in Sebastian’s eyes. It was a

bittersweet acknowledgment of the reality we faced, a recognition that while our paths diverged long

ago, there was still hope for a new beginning for Blaze’s sake.

Sebastian nodded solemnly, accepting the truth of my words. Despite the

disappointment that lingered in the air, there was a shared understanding between us—an

acknowledgment of our respective roles in Blaze’s life.

“I understand,” Sebastian replied, his voice tinged with a hint of regret. “This is more than enough for


His words sparked a glimmer of optimism within me, a cautious hope that perhaps, despite our

tumultuous history, Sebastian was ready to step up and embrace his role as a father.

“I’m willing to give you a chance,” I said, my voice softening with sincerity. “But know that this is your

last opportunity. Make it count.”

With a silent nod of agreement, we both understood that the road ahead would be fraught with

challenges. But for Blaze’s sake, we were willing to set aside our differences and work towards a

brighter future-one filled with love, forgiveness, and the promise of a newfound family bond.

“I will try my best to make everything right.”

“I hope you do.”

“You have no idea how happy I am right now,” he said.

“This is your one and only chance, Sebastian. If you mess this up, I will never




15.23 Mon, 11 Mar

Chapter 78

forgive you.”

“I’ll remember that,” he answered.

We were surrounded by an awkward silence. He was smiling as he stared at me with love and

admiration. I commended him for choosing to let go despite his eagerness to be part of Blaze’s life.

However, life has other plans for us. It seems like I have to accept now that our lives will forever be

entangled. No matter how hard I try to stay away from him, there’s always a force that will bring us

back together.

“Since I already made myself clear, let’s talk about our setup.”


“I’m happy with whatever setup you want, Blaire. I’m already grateful that you allow me to be a part of

my son’s life. Just let me know how you want to do it,” he said.



“Good. At least we’re clear that we’re going to do this on my terms,” I replied. “Blaze and I can’t stay

here. We have a life back in

, and that’s where we want to settle. We’re going back as soon as Blaze’s condition has become stable.

As for you, you are free to visit him whenever you want. You can also call him anytime.”

“My parents want to meet him. Can I bring him when I visit my folks? You can also come if you want,”

he offered.

I can’t say I have a particularly close relationship with Sebastian’s parents. Throughout our marriage,

we’ve only crossed paths a handful of times. They’ve always had a rather unconventional approach to

retirement, opting for frequent cruises to satisfy their wanderlust and desire for adventure.

As a result, our interactions have been limited to occasional family gatherings or special occasions

when they happen to be ashore. Despite the distance between us, there’s always been mutual respect

and cordiality whenever we do meet, but I’ve never quite felt like a part of their inner circle.

“I think I’m good. You can take Blaze with you even without me on the condition that you’re not going to

do the same stunt you pulled when you kidnapped Blaze from the hospital,” I reminded.

He lowered his head as if he were embarrassed by what he had done. “I won’t, I promise,” he replied.





15:23 Mon, 11 Mar

Chapter 78


“Then we’re good. As long as you don’t do anything that we haven’t talked about, Do you want to add

anything?” I asked him.

“No, I’m good,” he answered.


We were once engulfed by an awkward silence. Our eyes locked, and I immediately felt the strong

tension between us. I suddenly regret looking into his eyes, because now I can see passion and light in

his eyes. He yearns for me,

and so do I.

I didn’t mean to react that way, but it seems like my body has a different plan. After all that had

happened, I hadn’t realized that I’d been in constant defensive mode when it came to Sebastian.

Despite our agreement, there’s still fear inside me that he will do something to hurt me and my son.

“I’m sorry,” he quickly apologized when he noticed my reaction. “Do ride? I can drive you home,” he



need a

“What? I can’t understand you, Candice. Talk slowly,” he said.


I stopped my track and turned in his direction. I can’t explain it, but somehow, I can sense that there’s

something wrong.

“What the fck happened?” Panic was evident in his voice.

I became more curious because I hadn’t seen Sebastian panic like this. I immediately knew something

was wrong. My heart started pounding when I realized that something had happened back at the


I walked briskly towards Sebastian and snat ched the phone from his hand.






15:23 Mon,

Chapter 78

11 Mar

“Candice, this is Blaire? What’s happening back there?” I asked, trying to calm myself despite my inner


“Blaire…” she began, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and disbelief.


“Candice, please, just tell me what’s going on!” I couldn’t help but raise my voice; the suspense was

becoming unbearable.

“It all happened so suddenly,” Candice explained, her words coming out in a rush. “The next thing I

knew, armed men were barging into the house. And Blaze…”

My thoughts immediately went to Blaze. My heart raced at Candice’s words, a surge of adrenaline

coursing through my veins as I tried to make sense of the situation. Armed men invading our home? It

seemed unfathomable, like something out of a nightmare.

“Where’s Blaze? What happened to Blaze?” I demanded that my concern for Blaze and our safety

override any other thoughts. “Candice, tell me what happened to my son?!” I wanted to stay calm, but

panic had already consumed me.

“They took him, Blaire. I’m so sorry.” Candice choked out between so bs, her words piercing through

me like icy daggers. I wanted to believe it was all a terrible mistake, a cruel trick of the mind, but the

reality of her words hit me like a freight train.

They had taken my son. My innocent, beloved child. The thought sent a chill down my spine, leaving

me numb and paralyzed with fear.

Sebastian’s offer to drive me home broke through the haze of shock that enveloped me. Despite my

silence, he wrapped his hands around my shoulders, offering the silent strength that I desperately

needed in that moment.

“You have to be strong, Blaire.” Sebastian’s voice cut through the silence, a beacon of hope amidst the

darkness threatening to consume me. “Our son needs us,” he reminded me.

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