Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil

Chapter 1354 Demonic And Divine Planes

Chapter 1354 Demonic And Divine Planes


Eren was Sansara Sage's legacy holder.

He was well aware that the knowledge of space-element runes and valuable ranking resources within Sansara World 2.0 were not the sole legacy left by Sansara Sage. The isolated dimension itself was one of the Sage's most precious offerings to his successor.

It was now the inheritor's responsibility to uncover the true purpose behind Sansara World 2.0. And to understand why Lin Lehan had bestowed complete ownership of this isolated dimension upon his chosen one.

Ideas began to form in Eren's mind, theories related to how Sage rankers, including Sansara Sage, were able to traverse beyond the boundaries of Anfang despite the world-isolating array that prohibited spatial teleportation outside its confines.

The timing couldn't have been better for Eren to pose this question to Maya. With a smile, she responded by asking Eren a question of her own.

"Eren, you're aware that my father was a demonic ranker, right?" Maya inquired, her gaze fixed on him. Eren nodded in affirmation, recalling the revelation he had received during his visit to Nira Nightshade's test site. "Yes, Sage Nira Nightshade's soul fragment revealed that information to me. She and the other founders of Edinburgh were all demonic rankers."

Maya confirmed Nira's statement with a nod before elaborating further.

"Being a demonic ranker grants one the ability to travel through the demonic planes, or at least qualifies them to enter these planes if they can create an entry point. Do you understand what I'm getting at?" Maya playfully asked, her smile betraying a deeper understanding.

Eren furrowed his brow at the mention of demonic planes. He vaguely recalled Alephee mentioning the existence of seven major demonic planes, each ruled by a Demon Prince. However, these concepts remained mere abstractions to him, lacking substantial knowledge.

"Honestly, Lady Maya, I don't fully grasp what you're referring to," Eren sighed, his expression defeated. He met Maya's gaze and continued, "And you know that I know you're aware of that. So let's dispense with the games and have a straightforward conversation, for once.

Frankly, I'm tired of how Anfang treats knowledge as a bargaining chip. It's one aspect of my home world that I find detestable." Eren's annoyance became evident as he wrinkled his nose, making his feelings clear to Maya.

Maya smiled before answering Eren's query. "Eren, before understanding Sansara Sage's true legacy, you first need to understand what the divine and demonic planes are," Maya said to Eren as she started drawing abstract lines over the table with her fingers. She paused for a bit and gathered her thoughts before continuing.

"Deep within the intricate tapestry of the cosmos, veiled from mortal comprehension, lies a realm steeped in mysteries known as the Demonic Planes. These ethereal domains exist as elusive bridges connecting countless worlds scattered across galaxies and universes, offering a passage beyond the confines of ordinary reality."

It became evident to Eren that this was an entry from Maya's vast database, a recorded message left behind by Sansara Sage specifically for him. His inquiry sparked the retrieval of this profound message, enabling him to unravel the mysteries concealed within Sansara World 2.0.

Maya. without being distracted by Eren's eager face, continued in a neutral voice.I think you should take a look at

"The Demonic Planes, akin to fantastical dreamscapes, shroud themselves in an ethereal mist, where the boundaries between imagination and reality blur into an indistinguishable haze. Within these planes, the very fabric of space and time loses its familiar structure, surrendering to a fluid and unpredictable dance.

The laws that govern the physical universe succumb to arcane forces, rendering concepts such as gravity, thermodynamics, and electromagnetism obsolete and trivial in this realm of cosmic wonder."

Maya said as she inclined back and rested her back on the chair.

Her voice resonated with an air of intrigue as she continued to paint a vivid picture of the Demonic Planes. Eren, captivated by her words, listened intently, absorbing every detail.

"In the Demonic Planes, traversing between worlds becomes an ethereal ballet. Entities that venture into these planes find themselves suspended in a state that is neither alive nor dead, caught between the realms of existence and non-existence. It is a state where the boundaries of physicality dissolve, and the essence of being intertwined with the essence of all creation.

In these realms, the astral currents flow like cosmic rivers, bending and twisting the very fabric of reality. The boundaries between worlds are permeable, allowing daring explorers to transcend the barriers of their homelands and embark on otherworldly odysseys. Here, the intrepid voyager can witness the kaleidoscope of worlds, each bearing its unique landscapes, civilizations, and wonders," Maya said as she looked at Eren.

Eren couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement and curiosity coursing through his veins as Maya's words continued to unravel the mysteries of the Demonic Planes. It was as if a hidden realm of knowledge was being unveiled before him.

"The demonic planes hold profound mysteries that elude mortal comprehension. Entering the Demonic Planes demands great caution and a profound understanding of the demonic mana, for the unwary traveler risks being consumed by the chaotic energies that permeate this extradimensional expanse. The veil between existence and oblivion is tenuous, and those who dare to venture into these realms must navigate treacherous currents of thought, will, and emotion.

The celestial tapestry of the divine planes mirrors the enigmatic nature of the demonic planes, entwining reality and imagination. Just as the Demonic Planes harbor formidable entities like Demon Princesses, the Divine Planes are sanctuaries for an array of gods. These planes span the boundless expanse of infinite realities, their intricacies defying comprehension, unfolding with complexity beyond measure.

It is within these demonic and divine planes that reality takes on a fantastical sheen, where imagination and the primal forces of creation intertwine. In the depths of these timeless and limitless realms, the notion of what is possible expands beyond mortal comprehension, defying the confines of known physics and allowing the imagination to soar among the stars."

Maya concluded Sansara Sage's recorded message, leaving Eren with a profound realization. The pieces of the puzzle were falling into place, and the significance of Sansara World 2.0 became clear to him.

"Eren, this place, Sansara World 2.0, holds the potential to open a passage to one of the demonic planes," Maya affirmed, sensing Eren's curiosity and eagerness to delve further into this profound subject.

"This is the true legacy of Sansara Sage," Eren murmured to himself, his voice filled with a mix of wonder and excitement. "It's an opportunity to break free from the shackles of Anfang and explore worlds beyond its boundaries."

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