Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil

Chapter 938 Unrest In Layos

Chapter 938 Unrest In Layos

Most prominent cities inside the kingdom of Layos were on high alert.

The citizens of Layos had become more restless than usual because of the recent attacks that took place in their prominent cities. They knew that war was just around the corner when the attacks took place.

The damage caused by those attacks wasn't significant if one looked at the whole thing rationally. But an act of terror never really focused on the scale of the damage in the first place. It was focused on the impact it would have on the kingdom's normal populace.

Vongola town inside the kingdom of Layos was also on high alert. The army had been dispatched and a curfew had been initiated.

This town was only three days' horseback ride from the scene of the crime. The crime scene in question was a destroyed palace in which the royal family assassination had taken place.

Vongola town was a low-key place mostly meant for mortals. Tonight, however, it was hosting a bunch of rankers in one of its remote inns.

The perpetrators of the crime didn't run far from where they had struck. It was as if they didn't care about the forces searching for them. The so-called criminals had the confidence that they could escape anyone and any situation.

"... and that would be the end of the report from my end."

Fiona finished giving her report to Sirius. She sounded serious despite the success of the mission she was involved in. That's because there were casualties involved.

Sirius was looking outside his rented room, listening intently. He was the one who had personally handled the royal assassination of Layos royalty. And he had done his job all alone, without anyone's help.josei

The reports Sirius was receiving from Fiona were related to the attack on Midnight Moon. He looked at the full moon and sighed before replying to Fiona.

"So 30 rankers from our side died in the attack on Midnight Moon. *Sigh. What a loss! If it weren't for these deaths, this would have been the most successful mission the half-blood forces had participated in in recent times. Especially because we got paid for it."

Fiona nodded at Sirius' comment. The 30 rankers that had died were mostly Ace rank for the most part except for a few early-stage Adept rankers. Still, the loss of each life was a matter of deep concern to her. That's because the people who had died were all half-bloods.

Sirius then turned around and looked at Fiona and his expression eased a bit. He scratched his beard before adding more.

"Some deaths will be inevitable in the following days, kiddo. You and I can't guarantee our safety as well. So there's no need to feel guilty about the fact that you survived and our fallen brethren died."

Fiona remained silent. She wasn't even naive enough to think that the task Eren had given them after paying premium money would be all roses and sunshine. She already knew that casualties were a strong possibility. However, that didn't stop her from criticizing the mission. And in doing so, she subtly criticized Sirius as well.

Sirius could tell what Fiona was thinking so he clarified his stance.

"Lass, you need to stop thinking that I took this mission simply because Eren paid us. While that kind of money is indeed a huge motivator, it's not the only reason why I accepted the mission.

The land of Anfang is too peaceful for us to come out into the open. The powers that be have a strong hold over their dominions– preventing us from ever making a stronghold outside of the Last Blood Bastian.

There's only one reason why we can't even dream of retaliating against these organizations. You know what that reason is?"

Sirius asked Fiona in a voice one would use to ask "what is two plus two?" to a kid. Fiona was used to this tone since her childhood so she didn't find anything odd about it.

"Anfang alliance."

Sirius smirked when Fiona answered him as if she knew the answer but didn't want to speak. Before continuing, he climbed the window ledge and sat with his legs hanging from the other side of the room.

"That's right. The Anfang alliance is our biggest enemy. The kingdoms on their own don't stand a chance against us. But they are untouchable as long as the alliance stands tall as the biggest hurdle for us."

Sirius felt that the time was ripe for his departure. He knew that he was being tracked by the forces of Layos. He wasn't scared of them. But he felt that now wouldn't be the time to escalate the conflict. That's why he was heading to the Last Blood Bastian.

He turned around and looked at Fiona before wrapping things up from his end.

"The kingdoms of Edinburgh and Layos are members of the same alliance. A war between the two members would shake the foundation of the alliance if only by a small margin.

But what would happen if this war became the ember that started the wildfire? What if the war starts spreading to other parts of the continent as well?

Something like that would weaken the alliance. It will cause members to have doubts about each other. They'll start suspecting each other of possible backstabbing and sabotage.

When the Anfang alliance weakens due to internal conflict, only then can we dare to challenge it. This is a slow but only possible way for us to start living the life we want."

"But Lord Sirius, we have…"

Sirius cut Fiona off before she could even finish what she wanted to say.

"You expect too much from our elders. Hehe. You don't know what kind of opposition they'll face should they decide to show themselves out in the open.

Our Sages are not like Lady Eliza we used to hear legends about. They can't change the outcome of the battle by themselves when there's an army of Sages waiting for them on the other side."


AN: "Messi is the best. The second best is Messi injured." -Jorge Valdano :D

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