Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 143 The Princess Of The Group

Chapter 143 The Princess Of The Group

Villain Ch 143. The Princess of The Group

'Should I save her?' Allen thought. But then he chuckled internally, holding back a smirk that was almost growing on his lips. 'I don't think so. She needs to learn a bit.' After all, he didn't join this group to play a good guy and save 'the princess' of this group like a hero like Mac. His motives were far more calculating—he sought to investigate and gather information about the players, not to develop bonds of empathy with them.

Intentionally averting his gaze from Yora, Allen's eyes shifted to another goblin menacingly approaching Gil. "Look out!" he called out, even though he was certain Gil had already detected the creature's presence. It was a calculated move on Allen's part—to divert attention away from Yora and towards the goblin threatening Gil. He wanted to observe how the group would handle the situation, to glean any insights into their strategies and coordination.

Allen quickly ran towards Gil, his steps calculated and his movements deliberate. His objective was clear: to create the illusion that he intended to back up his fellow player, while secretly ensuring that he had a valid reason for not coming to Yora's aid.

"I got this," Gil proclaimed confidently, a flash of determination in his eyes. With a deft and practiced motion, he swung his dual daggers at the goblin, striking with precision and lethal intent. In a matter of seconds, the creature lay lifeless on the ground, its threat extinguished.

Allen offered a compliment. "Wow! You're really good, Gil," he praised.josei

However, Allen knew all too well that the situation was far from resolved. He had anticipated the goblin's impending attack on Yora, and now it had become a reality. As if on cue, Yora let out a startled cry, her voice tinged with pain and panic. The sight of her struggling to dodge the goblin's onslaught, only to sustain a wound on her hand.

Immediately, without hesitation, the boys rushed to Yora's side, their protective instincts kicking into high gear. Mac led the charge as the others followed suit, leaving Allen as the sole spectator.

In the blink of an eye, two arrows whizzed through the air, finding their mark in the goblin's body. As if nature itself responded to their call, a bolt of lightning crackled through the atmosphere, ensnaring the hapless creature within its electric grasp.

But that wasn't all.

In one swift motion, Mac delivered the decisive blow, his sword slicing through the air with fierce determination. The goblin's head was severed from its body, blood splattering the forest floor. Allen was quite surprised by their reaction since he thought Yora's recklessness would only disturb the ranged fighter's concentration, not the whole team's.

Observing the boys flocking to Yora's aid, a tinge of annoyance tingled in the depths of his mind. 'So, she is this team's weakness, huh?' he thought, his thoughts brimming with a mix of frustration and intrigue. Yora's role as a healer granted her a certain level of vulnerability, and it was only natural for her comrades to protect her. However, the extent to which they prioritized her safety, even against a single goblin, seemed excessive to Allen. It disrupted their battle formation and created unnecessary risks. Couldn't they see that?

A nagging suspicion gnawed at him, prompting him to question if this was solely due to Yora's healing abilities or if there was an underlying dynamic at play. After all, she was the only female member of the team.

Observing how Mac and the others calmed Yora and patiently waited for her to heal herself, Allen felt a twinge of discomfort. His footsteps carried him closer to the group, his voice laced with a hint of admonition as he spoke up. "You should pay attention to your surroundings next time. You can't rely on Mac and the others to save you every time," he remarked, the words tinged with a hint of reproach.

He knew he shouldn't give them good suggestions. He should let Yora be the team's weakness so he could exploit it as much as he could. But he couldn't help himself. It was too painful to look at.

Instead of Yora responding to Allen's comment, it was Mac who stepped forward, his expression calm yet resolute. He turned to face Allen, his eyes meeting him with unwavering determination. "It's okay," Mac said, his voice carrying a sense of understanding. "This is Yora's second game, and she's still learning the ropes. She may not be a pro like us, but she's playing for different reasons. We want to ensure she enjoys the experience."

Allen couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, intrigued by Mac's explanation. "So, you guys aren't interested in defeating the devil emperor at all?" he asked, his tone laced with a hint of skepticism. It seemed far-fetched to him that they would prioritize Yora's enjoyment over this game's ultimate goal.

Mac's gaze hardened as he met Allen's stare. "No, we still want to defeat the devil emperor," he said firmly. "But we also understand the importance of supporting and protecting our team members. Yora is a valuable member of our group, and while she may make mistakes, we're here to help her grow and become stronger."

Yora, who had been listening attentively, finally found her voice. "But Allen is right, Mac," she said, her tone tinged with a hint of self-reflection. "I should have been more aware of my surroundings. It's something I need to work on."

Allen's lips curled into a faint smirk, pleased to see that Yora possessed a degree of self-awareness. 'At least she's willing to admit her mistakes,' he thought to himself.

Gil chimed in, attempting to lighten the mood. "Well, she is our healer, after all. It's only natural that we'd move to protect her on instinct," he said with a playful grin, his words carrying a touch of camaraderie.

The mage nodded in agreement with Gil's statement. "Someone has to watch her back," the mage added, his voice tinged with a sense of responsibility.

Gil seemed ready to offer himself as Yora's personal guardian, but before he could speak, Yora interjected, surprising everyone with her suggestion. "What about you, Allen?" she asked, her gaze fixed on him. "You're a skilled solo player. You should be able to handle the task, right?"

Allen couldn't help but feel a surge of annoyance at Yora's request. 'Right... now you want to make me your personal bodyguard,' he thought, his inner frustration bubbling up. He had joined this group with the intention of observing them, not becoming their protector.

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