Walker Of The Worlds

Chapter 1482 Consuming Tri Essence Pills

Chapter 1482 Consuming Tri Essence Pills

Returning to his room, Lin Mu sat on the bed and quickly withdrew the pill box. From it, he carefully took out one of the pill bottles and opened the cap.


Lin Mu took a deep breath and enjoyed the scent of the Tri-essence Immortal pills. The scene was really refreshing and invigorating, making one desire it more and more. But he didn't do it again, as he had something much better.

"Now to try it…" Lin Mu took out one of the Tri-essence immortal pills and popped it into his mouth.

Unlike other pills though, it didn't melt right away. Instead if stayed solid and showed no signs of dissolving.

'That's new.' Lin Mu was a bit surprised.

"Directly swallow it. Pills with Immortal Essence need to be kept solid or they lose their efficacy fast." Xukong instructed.

"Ah, I see." Lin Mu nodded his head before swallowing the pill.


The Tri-essence immortal pill quickly slid down his throat and reached his stomach.


And as soon as it did, a surge of energy came from it!

Lin Mu's stomach reacted in anticipation as hundreds of obscure patterns formed around it. These patterns directly absorbed the energy surge that was trying to leave his body. If this was any other person, they would have lost this part of the energy.

It could even be considered a normal phenomenon. But it was not like that for Lin Mu.

His stomach was like a greedy beast, keeping everything within its grasp. It absorbed the excess energy while letting the rest of it being released into his body steadily.

Lin Mu also observed the entire process, learning more about his stomach and how it operated.

'Huh… so it works in two ways… the patterns absorb the excess energy while the rest is gently taken by the stomach while releasing it into the rest of the body by channeling it meridians and blood.' Lin Mu now understood.

One could compare the obscure patterns to be a form of insulation that prevented extra loss of energy. Its efficiency was also terrifying as not even a single wisp could escape the pull of the obscure patterns.

After a few minutes of wait, Lin Mu finally felt the Immortal essence being pulled into his flesh.

'Nows the time…' He quickly practiced the Three Apertures Invoking Technique and channeled the Immoral essence into the first Aperture.

The Immortal essence spun like a whirlpool in the sea as it got drawn into the Aperture. It was like seeing a pool of glitter swirl and shimmer. It was a beautiful sight, but it wasn't something anyone else other than Lin Mu would be able to see right now.

Lin Mu could feel his first Aperture filling up. The amount of Immortal Essence he had obtained in just these few minutes was more than all the low grade immortal essence crystals he had utilized.

And this wasn't even the end. Lin Mu reckoned. It might even reach the point where all the Immortal Essence crystals he had used so far wouldn't compare to one or two Tri-essence Immortal pills.

'No wonder he said that I should be careful. A normal cultivator might have damaged their body with such a large concentration of immortal essence.' Lin Mu thought to himself.

He focused on channeling all the Immortal essence and continued to practice the Three Apertures Invoking Technique as well. His Aperture was also expanding at the same time, albeit the increase was minimal.

It took Lin Mu half a day to fully absorb all the Immortal Essence from the Tri-essence Immortal Pill. This was quite a long time for him as he was usually very fast at absorbing energies, whether they be Qi or others.


Lin Mu let out a breath and opened his eyes.

'The Aperture has expanded and the Immortal Essence within had risen by quite a bit as well…' Lin Mu assessed his condition. "If all the Tri-essence Immortal Pill can provide me the same level of growth, I might fill up half of my first aperture in just six or seven more pills…" he estimated.

This was a very fast accumulation and showed just how potent these Tri-essence Immortal Pill were. This gave Lin Mu a few thoughts on how to proceed.

'I'll finish up the first bottle and see how far I can get. Considering the time needed, Alchemist Ruoxian should also have more information about the situation.' Lin Mu thought.

He made a few notes in his mind, before taking out the pill bottle again.


Lin Mu swallowed another Tri-essence Immortal Pill and repeated the entire process.

The energy surge happened again, and his stomach was ready to intercept it. And once the initial energy surge was controlled, the steady absorption of immortal essence was started.

Lin Mu channeled all of it into his first Aperture, letting it fill up and grow. Hour after hour passed like this, and the next day had already arrived.


Lin Mu let out a breath, finding the Aperture to have expanded by a couple of percent.

"More." Lin Mu swallowed his third Tri-essence Immortal Pill.

Bit by bit, his immortal essence stores kept on rising and his aperture expanding. Each pill took about half a day for him to fully absorb and assimilate without taking any breaks in between.

It was on the fifth day after receiving the Tri-essence Immortal Pills did Lin Mu finish an entire bottle of them.


At this point, his first Aperture had not only expanded by ten percent from its original size, it had also been filled by 50%!

This amount wasn't something Lin Mu could 'observe' as there was nothing to observe inside here Aperture. It was something he could only feel.

"One bottle… Eight Tri-essence Immortal Pills to fill half of an Aperture… I might be able to directly complete it with another bottle…" Lin Mu felt ambitious.

But a few seconds later he shook his head.

'I still have other things to do before that.' Lin Mu thought before standing up.

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