War Online

Chapter 139

Chapter 139: A Tough opponent

Realizing that he slapped his forehead for real, Wil glanced away in embarrassment and replied slowly with a quick lie, "well, I realized I made a wrong calculation in a couple of questions that went wrong."

Meanwhile, the two bachelor uncles are watching their conversation silently from aside with a pleasant expression on their faces as Wil and Akiko seemed to get along well, although their communication ended up in a weird way like they are some deskmates.

Just then, "Okay, Aki-chan, we have to leave. It's midnight, right now," interrupted Kiyumi all of a sudden, bringing a frown on Silver and Storm while Wil and Akiko came out of their own world.

"Eh? Already?" Akiko looked at her in surprise but then, she composed herself before turning towards Wil, "we need to catch up flight in the early morning. I have a seminar to attend."

After saying goodbye to Wil, both of the sisters went towards the airport with their only bodyguard while a vehicle was sent after them until the airport just in case.

As soon as the car hit the road, Kiyumi suddenly turned towards Akiko, "What are you doing? After great difficulty, I was able to give the two of you some space to talk to each other. You had a great start. Why it was shifted to off-topic?

I already informed you that Williard doesn't have relationships in the past. So, he might not know how to use the situation. But, you used to have a boyfriend, right? You should have lead…"

Kiyumi stopped in the middle as she stared at the confused look on Akiko's face. She grabbed her shoulders and asked in uncertainty, "Just tell me one thing. Do you normally converse like this with your ex?" 

"Hmm, what's wrong with it?" asked Akiko, looking at her sister naively.

Taken aback by her response, Kiyumi asked, "Where do you go on dates, by the way?"

Akiko replied quickly, "Hmm, usually it's our college library. It's where you can have so much fun discussing various unsolved theories and equations. Not to mention, it's very silent and peaceful, you know."

Ignoring her sister's expression that's changed to full of worry, Akiko continued to talk with a smile on her face while looking outside of the window as if she was reminiscing her past, "Other than that, sometimes, it's a museum or the astronomy club during the Sundays. Ahh... those times were really full of enjoyment but sigh... it didn't last more than a year. We were too busy with our exams and then..."

"Wait a second." Kiyumi suddenly interrupted her, bringing her attention back to the world, "astronomy club on Sundays? What about dinner dates? Or movie dates? Or maybe an amusement park or even an aquarium?"

A frown appeared on Akiko, "Hmm, what are they useful for? Aren't they just the waste of time and money? Ah... The aquarium date is also not bad. One can learn about various species... But, I should tell you nothing beats astronomy. It's fun. You know there's a large planet that's made up of only water. It's called..."

Kiyumi instantly raised her hand, gesturing her to stop and asked as she gulped, "I know it's a bit too much of a stretch for the eldest sister to ask her little sister's romantic life but uhh... Let me ask you straight. Did you ever kiss before?"

"Eh?" Akiko was taken aback upon hearing her question but then, answered with confidence, "isn't it natural? Of course, I…" and became silent as soon as she opened her mouth after finding there was no such memory appeared in her mind. "Wait a second. Huh?" 

Akiko went into a trance as she touched her lips, "I'm sure that I kissed my first boyfriend before back when I was in high school. Uhh… Did I?"

Looking at her sister, Kiyumi slapped her forehead, "what a fool am I to ask such question, right now. How did I forget that this girl is full of logic and reasoning? Ugh... I can't put my hopes on this girl to take the lead. Maybe, I should ask Mr. Silver again to work it out from the other side.

Hmm, I guess I should arrange dates very often this year. Once she graduates and joins the company, she can shift to Leafway city. Then, things will go smoother on their own. It's just a year…

Wait a second. Why wait for another year. Let's ask uncle to put her in charge of Llyne kingdom once the barrier opens. It doesn't matter whether it's a real or virtual world. They just need to get close."

Meanwhile, as these unmarried uncles tried to point out the same, especially Silver, who was keen on advising on how to capture a woman, and Storm started reminiscing their good old days when they seduced so many ladies during their assassination missions, Wil dismissed them with, "I'm sleepy" and went to his room before collapsing on the bed without thinking much.

The next day morning;

*Welcome to War Online.

Standing on one of the islands of Marsh and flexing his fingers, Wil looked at the calm ocean, "it's time to continue my hunt. First, let's roast that Squid, right now."

"Activate Dragon mode, Partial Transformation."

His pupils replaced by the slits, the angelic wings replaced by the dragon wings, Green dragon scales covered his skin while retractable sharp claws grew on fingers and toes.


The winds pushed onto the ground as the wings flapped and Wil glided across the waters at a high altitude, saving the trouble of attracting oceanic beasts on the way.

A while later, as Wil reached the spot where he found the squid; he stopped and then, descended towards the waters. And just as he expected, the Giant queen squid rose from the waters and attacked him with one of its arms without wasting any time.

Looking at the incoming long flexible arm as if it wants to crush his head, with his increased speed, Wil flapped his wings once and dodged the attack, and then, motioned his arm in an arc thereby scratched it with his claws, taking off more than 135 million of HP.

"Good. Looks like this one lacks both Pierce resist and decrease damage. Maybe, it's an offensive monster."

Equipping his bow, Wil then shot an arrow towards its head but, contrary to his expectations, one of its arms suddenly rose from the water and knocked off the arrow while another arm tried to hit him.

Just as the arm reached him, once again, Wil quickly put his bow behind his back and dodged its attack with ease before giving a solid punch to it, pushing it away while decreasing Squid's HP by 340 million thereby cutting off 2% of its overall health. 

Satisfied with the result, Wil flapped his wings and activated the 'Dash' skill, reaching its behind within a second, and spoke, "Activate Dragon Breath."

Upon speaking the necessary words to activate the skill, Wil suddenly felt a strange feeling in his throat as if it's itching inside as the magic energy from the surroundings were absorbed into his body with a crazy speed and then, turning into fire.

Thrusting his hands back, Wil opened his mouth towards the squid to release an ocean of flames, covered in a large area, intending to roast the squid.

While his mana was decreasing at a rapid pace of 10 points per second, decent numbers like, "252,325,212… *Crt. 932,156,321… 252,325,212… 252,325,212…" appeared on its head but it was still not trying to defend and just focused on killing its prey.

"Careful, from behind…"

Upon hearing the warning of Averil once again, while continuing to use the Dragon Breath, Wil flapped his wings to dodge the long arm that was coming at him from behind in a swift motion.

But, unexpectedly, before even moved a single meter, the tables have turned just in a few seconds, and Wil halted all of a sudden as the two long tentacles that were hidden in the waters suddenly rose from below him while its the upper part of its triangular head started glowing.

*Ding. You are paralyzed for 10 seconds.

"F**k." Wil cursed out as the Squid's tentacles captured him tightly, each second more than 200 million of HP was being decreased every second while the former was unable to escape from its grasp.

"Full Dragon Transformation, activate," bellowed Wil on top of his lungs turning his face deep red because of the rage, and thrust his arms, trying to free himself from the grip.

And in the next second, his worst fears came true...josei

*Ding. All skills are unavailable.

All the rage that stemmed inside him because of the influence of the Dragon race, and all the hope that Wil had until now, left his face with a single notification from the system.

His face became pale and his eyes became lifeless as if he was waiting to finish this one so that he can resurrect at Deloris town.

Just as his health dropped down to below 10%, the bow glowed for a fraction of a second, and suddenly, it flew away from his hands before a cluster of golden particles gathered at one spot and formed a blurry figure beside him, floating in the air.

Averil, who is in her spirit form, pulled the string and conjured an Ice arrow before shooting at the squid's arms, which captured Wil.

"What the hell…"

He stared at the scene in silence, not knowing how to react as the squid's arm around him was frozen in Ice, then, followed by a fire arrow destroying the part of its tentacle, freeing Wil at the brink of his death.

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