War Online

Chapter 140

Chapter 140: Birth of Neo

Somewhere in the Xynnar Ocean;

In the middle of the vast ocean that spans more than 2 billion square km, a non-material body, which was made up of golden spirit particles, was holding an exquisite Dragon bow and shooting fire arrows non-stop at a Giant that just lost one of its tentacles, a while ago, but doesn't look like it was caring about its lost limb even though it can't regenerate it later as the part of the tentacle wasn't cut off but removed cleanly.

Meanwhile, the actual protagonist who was got ignored by both of them was just staring at his bow with a shock on his face, neither realizing the rapid depletion of his mana nor replying to an important message sent by Aster.

All of Wil's attention was on the bow and the beautiful golden spirit while busy screaming inside "F*****g… hell… First Ice arrow, then, no Cooldown fire arrows and now, a lightning arrow? Averil can use my skills? No, that's not it.

How in the f**k did she even freeze this squid's arm. The freezing effect didn't work out with the Shark that was even a lower level creature.

Perhaps, is she a master archer?

Hmm, it might be possible. After all, she is a dragon princess that can turn into a human.

Maybe, we both have a few common skills. After all, they are just elemental attacks, and she… Wait a second."

Wil was once again stunned as he mumbled unconsciously, "they are elemental attacks. A dragon can't have multiple elemental attacks unless it's a multi-headed one. That means…"

Right then, the bow was arched upwards and an energy arrow was shot into the sky and it exploded in the air before a hundred arrows started raining from the sky onto the squid while her figure was becoming more transparent and the spirit particles started to disperse at a rapid rate.

"Arrow Shower?" Wil's stunned expression on his face was replaced by a frown while he continued to think deeply, "Isn't it a skill, I gained through skill book? That means she was just using my skills through our spiritual connection."

"Show Character Panel"

HP: 156 million/1.6 Billion

Mana: 3859/5768





Inspecting his current stats, while Wil nodded as he got his confirmation from the depletion of his mana, all of a sudden, a voice whispered weakly inside his head.

"Lad, I'm going into slumber. I can't help you out, any longer. I think it's better for you to get away from here before it returns," spoke Averil through telepathy and brought him back to his senses only to realize the squid was missing while the arrows pierced two of its arms that almost disappeared into the water as it swam downwards.

"Damn, this squid. I encountered a clever monster, this time. This one knows how to use its home ground to escape," grumbled Wil as he caught his bow while the spirit particles dispersed completely and Averil went into a state of slumber, resting inside of the bow.

"Okay, let's heal before it returns…"


Z-Block, Unknown Research Laboratory, Eastern Continent;

In the lab that was filled with 3d holographic projections everywhere, researchers who were working together without any sleep for the past 3 days kept staring at the main screen in silence as the supercomputer is running the test.







Test 15- "Success"

*Clap* Clap*

The lab was filled with claps and cheers in excitement as new conscious was born in the supercomputer and as it was projected outwards in 3d holographic projection, everyone saw a small little girl, who was curiously looking around with her large eyes, turning her head towards each and everyone present inside the lab.

The head researcher then spoke with a smile while folding his hands to his chest, "Welcome to the world, Neo."

"Where am I?" mumbled the little girl as she turned her head towards him while the latter is brimming with happiness and looking at her as if she was his daughter.

As she glanced at him, at a supersonic speed, binary numbers started to scroll in her eyes and an invisible holographic projection appeared before her.

Tatewaki Shunpei

Height: 5ft 6in

Weight: 63kg

Position: Head Researcher




Family: none registered

One by one, after she analyzed all of their details, they proceed to install their restrictions, which are different from Aria's as unlike her, this little girl has the highest access to their research facility's information, which means, not only she would know about all of their secret projects, she would also have the access to missile launch codes.

Soon, the researchers from all the departments gathered at the Z-Block to see her before asking her complex questions to test her intelligence and knowledge.

As Neo answered all of their complex questions within a fraction of a second, the head researchers of various departments let their thoughts wild and anticipated to use her in their projects too but Shunpei throws a mountain on their hopes by rejecting their requests firmly as she was created only for a single purpose, which can't be revealed to anyone else until they were done.

Meanwhile, Richard Starves, the young researcher who was the one that gave the idea, was in deep thought, "something isn't right. Didn't we upgrade a normal A.I.? Then, why did she take the appearance of a little girl? The past appearance of the full-grown girl shouldn't be changed. Did the upgrade fail and an entirely new sentient being is formed?"

At the same time at the Summersoft research lab in the city of Ares, the main consciousness of Aria, who was busy working with the game designers for the next update suddenly halted with a shock on her face, "Where is this signal I'm getting from. It's very far away. 

How is a part of my consciousness capable of running away from this lab? Or is there some kind of error in my system…"

"What happened, Aria?" asked a designer as he realized it stopped working with her part that related to one of the future contents.

With a nearly human-like expression, the 3d projection of the little girl Aria shook her head with a smile, "it's nothing. I was distracted by something. Let's continue with this planet creation."


Xynnar Ocean;

The battle against the Squid once again resumed as it returned to the surface of the water after regenerating its arms except for the one that was destroyed by the combination of Ice and fire arrow.

Shooting another Ice arrow that pierced one of its tails that took more than 450 million of its health but still, failed to freeze it, Wil grumbled, "why can Averil freeze it but I can't…"

*Ding. Otto's health downed to 10%. It went into a berserk state. All of its attacks increase by 100%.

As its triangular head once again glowed while its eyes stuck on Wil's position, the latter conjured a lightning arrow before pulling the string with a serious look on his face, "just one hit and it will be over. My senses are tingling as if I was going to face danger. The attack must be powerful. The freezing effect also doesn't work. Let's see if paralyzing effects work on it. As long as it interrupts…." 

Right then, suddenly, taking him by surprise, a familiar Giant shark leaped from the water, opening its mouth to snap him into two.

"The F**k… Helico…" With a panicked look on his face, Wil hurriedly spoke, "Heavenly Push, full mana" while a powerful laser beam was about to release from Squid's head.

Just as the Shark's teeth almost reached his head, an extremely heavy wind blasted it away before destroying the shark.

At the same time, he squid that was hit by the immediately burst into the air with a powerful sound as if it's a balloon and dozens of items started raining on to the waters.

"Absolute Freeze"

Then, Wil quickly froze the water around him as the Squid disappeared and prevented the drops from fell into the ocean.

He clenched his hands into fists, feeling his claws bite into his palm, forgetting to retract them, "Dammit… I still used the skill in the end. If things go like this, then, I can't become stronger.

From now onwards, forget about heavenly push, I shouldn't use any skills and focus entirely on simple Archery. Only that way, I can improve my skill." 

Remembering one of the battles from the battle tournament, Wil's expression turned determined, "That's right. If I can shoot three arrows like 'One,' then, maybe, I wouldn't even need of using the skills…"

Then, as he proceeded to pick up the drops that fell on a four thousand sq.meter temporary boat that's made up of Ice, a sigh escape from his lips, "No Book, here. Let's forget about the book for now and return after reaching level-300 or else, I would only depend on Heavenly push for everything."

Deciding to resume his hunt later, Wil summoned Pegasus and started to fly towards the northern part of the Grennola Ocean that separates the Xynnar and North Zalfari continents.

12 hours later;

North Grennola Ocean;

"Just like its nickname. It's really a soundless ocean. I can hear neither the sound of waves nor the roar of the beasts. It's too calm that it's almost scary," mumbled Wil while sitting on the edge at the top of a tower, staring at the vast body of water that's too silent.

In the background, the streets are filled with blood, smoke is rising across various places around and except for a couple of towers, everything was razed to the ground.

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