War Online

Chapter 141

Chapter 141: Invading Ormshire island part 1

Deciding to focus on the treasure hunt, Wil chose the nearest place as his next destination where he can find a significant amount of treasure chests without risks.

Of course, it goes without saying that a lot of quests are also available from NPCs, as there are several large inhabited islands located on this peaceful ocean, though Wil didn't have much interest in it.

Caressing its mane, "Let's go Pegasus…" spoke Wil as he retracted his claws.


As soon as Wil opened the world map and clicked on a random island, The Pegasus neighed before flapping its wings to fly towards the destination with its full speed.

*Ding. The speed limit exceeded. Blindness effect activated. You will lose your sight temporarily.

Wil's smile froze as soon as he heard the notification as this time, his theory was wrong.

"F**k… I thought Dragon mode will nullify the effect. Well, I guess I will be sleeping and pretend to dream for a long time, again…" 

After flying for 11 hrs straight on his Pegasus, taking a few stops over here and there, Wil finally reached an island, which is almost as big as the East Ocean city.

Standing on top of a hill, lies a huge Fort, dozens of times bigger than a palace and is fortified with hundreds of canons, Archers along with a lot of soldiers at the top who are ready to attack the invaders as well as watching over the city that lies at the bottom of the hill.

Ormshire Island

Status: Independent

Description: One of the states of the lost kingdom of Athledon. Currently, it's an independent state ruled by Geruntius family.

Geruntius City 

Description: A city that was constructed by the Geruntius family. 

Fort Ormshire

Description: Used to be the official residence of King Gernier Athledon. After most of the kingdom sunk into the ocean, it's now controlled by Geruntius family.

"Athledon Kingdom? Doesn't ring a bell… I guess, this kingdom used to be made of several islands. Well, either way, this location seemed like a perfect base in this ocean.

Instead of depending on fame or searching for the town scroll, it would be better if I can capture this island and make it mine. An inbuilt fort will be also an advantage in this place. 

The only problem is that this doesn't belong to any kingdom. So, there's a greater threat of attack by several kingdoms if I ever take control of it.

So, I need allies to be safe.

And if I want allies, then, I would have to give it to Llyne kingdom and not keep as my personal property, which isn't acceptable either. Hmm, I wonder if I can just capture the remaining islands and make a tiny kingdom for myself.

Crowning myself as the King, I can just make alliances with others. Hmm…"

*Ding. You are 50 meters away from Ormshire Island. Drop the flight and walk through the gate or fly higher and raise your altitude to 70 meters above sea level if you don't wish to be seen as the intruder.

Heeding the system's warning, Wil descended on to the island while returning to his angelic form and started walking through the gate along with the natives of the island.

On his way, Wil saw a lot of hybrid creatures walking towards a small village that's located on one of the edges of the island with their belongings in disappointment.

Although there too many kinds to count, all of them have one thing in human. That is, they have a human body and a type of fish head. Some have a shark head while some have a pufferfish. Some even have a turtle's head while some have dolphins.

Looking at their heads, Wil closed his mouth to not laugh aloud and slowly continued his way towards the city gate.

The large gate, which serves as the only point to exit or enter, was guarded by a team of dozen knights and guardians who are very muscular.

One glance at them, anyone can point out they are brimming with arrogance and cruel as they kept on commenting and even kicking these hybrids, who were leaving in silence.

Just as his turn came, Wil was stopped by one of the guards suddenly and raised the hammer on his hand and pointed towards him in hostility, "Stop where you are. Who are you?" 

"Hmm, what are they hostile for… It's just a neutral place, right?" A frown appeared on Wil for a second before he controlled his expression and replied with a smile, "I'm a traveling merchant from faraway lands." 

Glancing at the wings on his back, the captain snorted, "merchant? Hmpf, who do you think you are pulling the leg. Everyone here can see that you aren't even a human. You disguised your form perfectly but forgot to hide your wings."

"Captain, he doesn't seem like he knows about the situation. Let me explain to him," said a young man before turning towards Wil and explained, "Just a while ago, Lord Geruntius ordered us not to allow your species into the city. Like the ones who aren't completely human. If you sail to the east for like ten to eleven hours, you can find the city of… "

While Wil was carefully listening to the nice young man who was around Wil's age, all of a sudden, a heavy punch was landed on his stomach and the young man fell on his knees, clutching his stomach in pain under mixed gazes of pity and coldness.

"You trash of a rookie. I'm talking here. How dare you cut off my speech? You'll patrol the island without sleep for the next 3 days as your punishment," growled the captain before turning towards Wil, "people like you can go to that village." The captain then pointed out the village at the edge where several hybrid creatures are going.

Upon hearing his words, the pride and rage of a dragon that was present in this virtual body began to slightly influence his consciousness and Wil felt as if his blood was boiling and his muscles are quivering waiting to unleash the power to kill the man in front of him but then, Wil forced himself to calm down and replied, "Inform your superior that an angel race adventurer from faraway wants to do business in the city. Until then, I can…"

Before he finished his sentence, all of a sudden, his chest was pushed away and Wil was forced to move back a couple of steps before hearing a tone that contained arrogance for some reason, "Are you deaf or something? I said other race creatures aren't allowed in this city. Return to wherever you are from, you filthy hybrid, or else..."

"Or else what?" a reply escaped from Wil's mouth as his expression turned cold while glancing at the captain.

Slowly as his pupils changed into vertical slits, the captain was taken aback and once again pointed his hammer, "you… I knew it. You are a filthy hybrid that's hiding in human form. Everyone, kill this beast that's trying to sneak into our land."

Under the influence of his racial trait, the claws replaced his nails while the dragon scales started covering his hands, Wil motioned his right arm and pushed the incoming hammer away before raising knee while turning the supporting foot and body in a semicircular motion, extending the leg to hit the captain's lower part of the cheek and blasting him to the city wall with clean deep scratches on his cheek by the claws.

*Ding. You killed a guard. You will be arrested for a day if you were captured or get killed by a resident of the city.

Even after killing the one who insulted him, the rage inside his heart didn't diminish but increase instead as he mumbled, "I want to spare the soldiers and natives to spare the trouble of hiring but you just dug this city's grave."

"Full Transformation, activate."

Looking at the situation, the natives who were around started running away from there while the young man hurried into the city to inform higher-ups. 

Meanwhile, his body went under a transformation from a humanoid dragon to a full-grown two-meter big and five-meter long dragon whose bodily majority is covered with dark, blue scales replacing his green scales from earlier.

As for Wil's lower body, like his stomach, the inner side of long-tail and legs, are beige in the middle and greenish on either side. His back also has numerous black spikes reaching down to the end of the tail. His eyes have large deep red slits.

*Ding. Your stats increased by 50%.

His wings are creating tiny waves on the ocean with a flap, his eyes turned deep red around the red slits, his muscles under the dragon scales are quivering in a rage as Wil let out a powerful roar that disturbed entire half km range and regardless of the level, all common and Elite grade oceanic creatures started swimming away from the area in hurry.

Full Transformation: Transform into a complete dragon and increase your attack, hp, speed, and defense by 50%. 

Active skills:

Dragon Breath: Breathe out the flames from your mouth and turn your enemy into a crisp with a 240% attack. CD: 0 seconds. Range: 30 meters. Cost: 10 mana per second.

Dragon punch: Gather magic energy in your hands and punch your enemy with a 300% attack. CD: 30 seconds. Cost: 20 mana.

Dragon's Roar: Roar with all of your might, the incoming damage, you and your allies receive decreases by 40% for 5 minutes. CD: 15 minutes. Cost: 100 mana.josei

Passive skills:

Fly: As a Dragon, you can fly without spending mana.

Full Transformation: Transform into a fully-grown dragon. Can't use the skills from the angelic form. 

Race: Dragon race creatures in the wild that aren't under the control of the players will not be hostile.

Meanwhile, an army of more than a hundred NPCs started marching towards the city walls to kill the dragon while canons and the archers on standby in extremely alert just in case the intruder decides to attack the fort instead. 

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