War Online

Chapter 151

Chapter 151: Phaneul's Order

At a net café in the city of Wular;

Luoyang is in a dilemma while looking at the travel expenses on the internet.

"Sigh… no matter what, to not face this issue again, I should need at least 5000 Yuan before leaving this city. After all, it isn't a guarantee that everyone is nice as Boss Qian to provide me a job.

 But, to acquire such money, I should still work for 400 hours more… That's like one and a half months. I can't afford to waste that much time. I should think of something else…

Should I open a dojo and teach my sword skills to earn money? Brother mentioned a lot of people living in cities are eager to learn about it."


Ares City;

In one of the luxury seven-star hotels of the Star group, Wil was enjoying in the swimming pool all alone while looking at the view of the full moon and the clear sky.

Taking a sip of mango juice, as Wil closed his eyes, right then, suddenly, he felt someone put hands over him slowly, and something soft brushed against his cheek.

Instead of getting surprised, a smile appeared on Wil as he opened his eyes and spoke calmly, "it's not right to cheat your boyfriend, Sierra…"

Her grabbing became a little bit tight as she pressed her cheek against his cheek before replying, "Bran and I broke up yesterday. It seems after being defeated by you, he lost his confidence."

Wil suddenly turned his head, widening his eyes, and stared into her eyes that were just a couple of inches away, "really?"

As she gave a peck on his lips in response, Wil turned around and grabbed her waist before dragging her into the pool, and…


"Young master, we are getting late for the flight. Please open the door. We have to go…" A loud voice was heard from outside the door followed by another couple of knocks, interrupting them.

Both of them suddenly stopped what they are doing and stared at the door for a couple of seconds.

"Forget about him… Let's continue…" spoke Wil before turning his head only to find Sierra disappeared into thin air.

"Who is it?" shouted Wil as he woke up from sleep and heard a couple of knocks again followed by a voice, "Young master…"

Looking around Wil grumbled, "Damn you… Can't even let me finish my dream?"

As he opened the door, Aster entered the room and informed him again.

"Sigh… I should have brought my private jet." Wil let out a sigh before freshening up.

After a while, Wil checkout the hotel and started walking towards the exit while five other bodyguards are going to follow him until the airport.

Meanwhile, somewhere on the roads of the city, a police car is chasing a criminal, who was a prime suspect in a recent murder case.josei

To his bad luck, the fuel tank indicator entered into a red zone, and leaving with no other choice, he stopped at a busy street to blend into the crowd.

As soon as he hit the streets, the police didn't waste any time and started their pursuit without losing him.

Seeing that the situation isn't turning any better, the culprit took out a gun and pointed upwards even though knowing full well that doing that will increase his punishment in case if he gets caught.

A deafening crack of thunder caused chaos in the street as he pulled the trigger once.

While the people started running at the sound of the bullet, the policemen soon lost their sight of him and quickly called their control room for support.

The culprit with a smile on his face started running to escape from the place. 

After an hour, he reached a dark alley, and looked around on the road and the street.

"Phew, no one is chasing me anymore." The culprit sighed in relief before thinking of a plan, "let's look for a low-class motel and sleep for tonight. I need to call Haesung-hyung. Only he can help me out in this crisis…" 

Right then, all of a sudden, someone called from behind from the edge of the wall, "Dr. Na Tae-Won of VK Hospital?"

"Yes…" The culprit instinctively reacted to the voice and turned around only to see a tall and slim guy in a black outfit with a face mask and goggles.

Before he gets to speak further, his throat was slashed cleanly and blood started spurting out before he collapsed on the floor, grabbing his throat.

Looking at the lifeless body, the masked guy mumbled in a cold tone, "you can escape from the police but you can't escape from us once you commit a sin."

After cleaning his dagger as well as the droplets of blood that was spilled on to his face, he took out his mobile phone and took the picture of the dead body before dialing a number.

"Hello, this is Redmoon. Reporting the mission. The culprit has been judged for his sin. I sent you the picture."

From the other side, he heard a reply of a husky voice that belonged to a woman, "Wait for a second. Let me confirm the target."

A few seconds later, the woman spoke, "target has been confirmed. Good job. I sent your commission along with your next task. Check your mail."

As he opened his mail, he read the details of his next target.

Name: Scott Quilton.

Info: Working as the Hailey city branch manager of Frazier Pharmaceuticals. Married and have two children. No criminal records.

Crime: Suspected to be Henry Nicholson, the culprit, who scammed thousands of innocents, 20 years ago, and ran away with 5 Billion dollars.

Task: Permitted to use any means to confirm the suspicion.

Judgment: Death.

"Henry Nicholson? Isn't he the same criminal who was responsible for so many suicides? He deserves to die, indeed."

Just then, the other mobile phone in his pocket started vibrating.

As soon as he saw the number, his facial expression changed to that of a relaxed one.

"Yes, Miss Strike…"

"Hello, Shin-senpai. I'm moving to Leafway city tomorrow. So, I was wondering whether you will be free. I want to give a treat before leaving. I might not return to Ares for a while. So…"

As Shin went silent for a while, Elyssa's heart started to beat rapidly while anxiety was slowly being written all over her face, waiting for his reply.

"Ok, sure," replied Shin before ending the call, making her squeal in excitement.

"Scarlet gaming Corp. HQ, huh… That reminds me why higher-ups never give missions regarding the Scarlet group even though they have a lot of guys who have criminal records. Does our "Phaneul's order" fear them or something? Strange indeed…"


Next day at 4 o'clock in the morning;

Ecrin City International Airport;

"Uhh… Young master, why we are stopping by this city?" asked Aster as they started walking through the gate after going through the formalities to pick up the luggage.

Looking straight ahead, Wil replied, "I have some business here. We can leave to Hailey by afternoon or evening."

"But, this is Ecrin. It is now under the control of the Antolov family. It might be risky without any protection," said Aster with a concerned look.


Just then, Wil's mobile phone rang. As he picked up the call, the other side said, "Mr. Ravens, we are here."

Wil then turned his head towards him and smiled, "our protection is here."

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