War Online

Chapter 152

Chapter 152: Wil at Ecrin city

"Our protection is here," replied Wil with a smile.

Upon seeing the confident look on Wil, Aster went into thoughts, "but, Storm mentioned everyone already left the continent. Perhaps Young master asked his ex-father-in-law for a favor?

 Depending on the police? Ugh…"

Thinking that police were the ones who will escort them, Aster made an uncomfortable expression but still, he silently followed Wil with the luggage.

To his surprise, instead of police cars, as they exit the airport, Aster saw a couple of military police vehicles along with a liger brand vehicle in between them, parked right at the entrance with five armed officers stood uniformly in the back with their captain on the front.

"Military police? Since when did young master has links to them? They aren't under the control of the Police department."

After shaking hands with the captain, both of them sat inside their vehicle, the three of them started moving, amidst the curious gazes of the public as well as free time journalists.

A couple of minutes later, as Wil was staring outside the window, looking at the familiar buildings from his past, Aster interrupted Wil, "young master, what's going on here?"

Continuing to stare outside, Wil replied nonchalantly, "earlier, before we check-out the hotel, I called Miss Kiyumi to arrange the security."

"Miss Kiyumi? But, the army isn't in control of the government…"

Wil then, further explained, "Akiko's father is a four-star general here. I would be a fool if I don't take advantage of the fact."

"Ah…" A look of realization appeared on Aster as he said, "I see. It's to intimidate the Antolov group. That's why you asked for the military instead of hiring some bodyguards. Young master, you are really a genius..."

Hearing the praise directly brought a blush on Wil but he didn't show it outright and continue to reminiscing his past five years.

Reaching the hotel that was already pre-arranged by Kiyumi eight hours ago, Wil rested for three to four hours before leaving in a cab to somewhere without informing Aster.

Meanwhile, a team of the military police who are acting as bodyguards quietly followed him despite complaining among themselves, leaving Aster behind at the hotel.

After a while, the cab entered a middle-class residential district, full of apartment buildings and houses everywhere. 

As the cab is slowly entered into one of the streets where apartments lined up in a row, he asked in uncertainty, "Uhh, can you tell me the name again?"

"La Grande Maison," replied Wil in an Ecrin accent as if he was a native before looking outside through the window.

"La Grande… La Grande… Where is it…" The cab driver mumbled while driving slowly and looking outside for something like a hoarding.

Realizing the situation, Wil sighed in annoyance, "Just go straight until the end. You'll see a six-story building on the right."

Following his directions, the cab driver proceeded further and stopped as they reached the destination.

Just as Wil step out of the cab and asked him about the fare, the cab driver asked in confusion as he pointed out the hoarding that was standing before the building, "but, isn't that "The Great House Apartments?" Are you sure it is the correct location?"

Wil then, turned around to see the name, closed his eyes tightly for a second, realizing his mistake, "I forgot they haven't changed into the translation at this point in time."

He silently paid the money and waited until the cab drifted off from there. But, then, instead of going into the apartments he previously lived, Wil walked across the street towards an apartment building with the same name.

"Sigh… This fatty is just the same…" Wil walked through the gate without any security checks as the guard who was supposed to be there was missing even though it's 9 o'clock in the morning.

As Wil entered the building that he was very familiar with, he went towards the lift but then, suddenly stopped without getting inside; instead, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Hello…" A middle-aged woman's familiar voice was heard from the other side.

"Hello… Am I speaking to Mrs. Couvreur?" asked Wil just for formality.

"Yes, who is it, speaking?"

Wil then replied, "I heard from a friend that one of your apartment buildings at Crescent street no.3 is available for sale."

*Yawn* She yawned with a lazy tone, indicating she's still in bed, "then, you need to go through a realtor. Why are you calling me? There is an office near the apartment. You can go and contact them."josei

Upon hearing the exact answer he expected to hear, Wil spoke, "but, I'm already here in the building. Can you come here and meet me directly? Perhaps we can come to an agreement. I will settle the payment at once without negotiations. You can also save the commission."

Upon hearing two words "save" and "commission," she quickly sprung up from the bed, and hurriedly spoke.

"Just 5 minutes. We'll be there quickly."

Wil then heard a shout as she forgot to disconnect the call, "Sierra… Sierra…" "What is it, mom?"

"Ditch the bag and come with me, right now." "Huh? Where?"

"Where else… to the crescent street. Since the building is in your name, you need to be there. I'm going to shower. In meantime, call our lawyer."

*Thud* Thud*

Loud footsteps were heard followed by the voice of a young woman, who was complaining, "but I have a seminar today…" 

Upon hearing her voice for the first time since he returned to the past, Wil disconnected the call with a grin, "looks like I came at the perfect time." 

Fifteen minutes later, the car arrived and the mother and daughter pair get down but the smile on his face disappeared completely in the next second.


In the virtual world of War Online, somewhere in the wild zone of Llyne kingdom, an independent player is standing together with Rikilda Llyne, the Grand Duchess.

Meanwhile, few mages started incanting together to form various seals and complete half of the ritual successfully as a seal was formed in the center.

With a purple crystal that's as big as a fist, the player in hood placed the crystal in the seal and it suddenly started to absorb magic from the surroundings to form a portal.

As soon a purple-colored portal formed, a leg was stuck from it, followed by the remaining leg as well as the body.

Looking at the stranger with four wings on his back, Rikilda bowed lightly, "greetings Lord Nebula."

As the rest of the mages also kneeled to the archangel save for the player, Nebula ignored them and raised his staff without wasting any time.

An enormous amount of magic started to suck into the crystal ball that was embedded on top of it; Rikilda snapped her fingers and immediately disappeared into thin air, leaving the player in confusion due to her actions while receiving a mandatory quest like everyone else in the kingdom that was online at the moment.

*Ding. You received a quest.

Quest: Protect your home.

Description: The kingdom is being invaded by the kingdom of Zuweth. Kill the soldiers of Zuweth.

Reward: 10 War points per soldier; 100 War points per squad captain; 1000 War points per general, 100000 War points for Archangel Nebula.

Before one would digest this news, another notification was sent to every player.

*Ding. A rebellion has occurred in the kingdom. Please choose a side between the rebels and the King.

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