War Online

Chapter 159

Chapter 159: Rebellion part-5

"Activate the group skill, The Dome of Vulcan."

As soon as the captain shouted the words, everyone in the unit raised their shields. A blue energy barrier started to rise from the tip of their feet and slowly, it formed a huge dome, covering the Prince, Skyzon as well as themselves, leaving out the attackers, who are standing in the back.

"Oh! A group defense… Looks good. I should buy some group skills, later." Wil gave a nod of appreciation before he jumped onto the back of the dragon, and turned his head around towards the summoners who are still standing in inverted V-formation. "Orion, hop on it. Since you sacrificed the beast of cosmos; I'll give you a ride…"

Upon hearing his words, Orion stared at him in silence for a couple of seconds before he opens his mouth, "Mr. Time Traveler, players, pets as well as mounts are restricted to fly."

"I know that," replied with a Wil.

"Huh?" Orion was taken aback, seeing his response, "don't tell me…"

Wil quickly interrupted him, "don't waste too much time. Do you want to ride it or not?"

As Orion was also intrigued by the strange dragon before him, he silently walked towards the dragon and jumped on its back.

Since this Kagyre is formed by the sacrifice of Felix as well as the beast of cosmos, which recognized Orion as its master, Kagyre allowed him to sit on its back, and then turned the two of its heads towards Wil, as if it was asking the next order.

"Fly, Kagyre." 

Under the orders of its master, the two-headed dragon flapped its wings and slowly rose into the air, defying the restrictions, surprising the summoners in the back and players in the front.

"How the f**k is it flying when all of my summoning beasts are also restricted…" Orion was stupefied as he stared at the players from up above the sky while the same question is running through the enemies but once they considered the identity of the summoner, no one thought it's not strange anymore, yet, they are also confident in the defense of the barrier. 

Meanwhile, Wil was thinking of a plan as he glanced at his mana points and then the barrier.

"Ok, only 1400 mana is spent. I still have 4100 mana points left and there are also mana regeneration scrolls. Let's test how sturdy this barrier is…"

Instead of aiming at the barrier below him, Wil pulled the string of the bow as he aimed at the sky above him.

Upon seeing a grin on Wil as well as his actions, Skyzon's heart quickened its speed, and he warned the players, "Tankers, better not to careless. Keep your shields up. His target is going to be the barrier."

"I'm started to think that you are too afraid of that Prince. Nevertheless, you don't need to worry. I tested the power of the barrier by myself and now, I saw his power. He's certainly the strongest of you, immortals from the other world but, it won't be enough. Even for me, I need…"

The Prince suddenly stopped and stared at the sky, widening his eyes in shock, "What the hell…"

A blast suddenly occurred in the sky as if a firecracker is exploded before hundreds of arrows imbued with magic energy, started raining down on the barrier, stupefying Orion, who can't speak any word, looking at the scene he was witnessing.

The arrows started hitting the barrier and disappear, decreasing its defense by 70 million every time.

The twenty-five billion defense barrier, which was sturdy enough to stand ten minutes under the attacks of the fourth Prince, started to crack like glass before the remaining ninety or so arrows pierced through their bodies and killed them on the spot.

"Oh! It used up that many arrows?"

What they don't know is that Wil was also equally surprised about the prowess of the collective energy barrier, activated by only a thousand guardians.

Intending not to give them any time to recover from the shock, Wil quickly took out the mana scroll that he bought in the battle shop during the tournament and tore it off, to refill his mana to the maximum.

Looking at the unharmed thousands of players, Wil was depressed for a second but then, soon, his attention was once again stolen by the fourth prince, who appeared calm on the outside as if the earlier attack didn't faze him one bit. 

"Orion, I'll handle Kagyre to you."

"Eh? Ah! Yes…" answered Orion, feeling amazement inside of him before he gets back his senses as soon as he realized the situation, "wait a second. What do you mean by that?"

But, Orion didn't get a reply as Wil already jumped from the dragon, landing on the ground.

Time Traveler: You attack from above to give me the way towards the guy on that white crocodile.josei

Reading the message, Orion thought, "but, how do I control this dragon. I'm not its summoner. I don't know the skills. Should I just command, attack?" 

Quickly, his worries disappeared as another message popped as if Wil read his thoughts.

Time Traveler: The dragon has the skills of Chimera. You can use those skills with the same words for activation. It's already been more than 2 minutes. We roughly have 7 minutes or so, to finish this before the dragon disappears.

"Ah! So, that's the case." It only then did Orion understand why this two-headed dragon seemed very stronger, compared to the beast of Cosmos.

Orion: Okay. 

Getting the confirmation, Wil flexed his fingers and stretched his legs before he started running towards a part of the unit.

Forcing himself to calm down, Skyzon shouted to the other players, giving out the orders, "tankers, shields up and protect the Prince, and rangers, get ready to fire. If his attack power is this powerful, his defense must be like glass. As long as our attacks hit him, then, we can defeat the Young master… I mean the enemy."

As most of them are Elites from a hidden guild, they recovered quickly from the earlier shock and Skyzon kept on giving orders continuously in the party chat, proving his capability as a leader.

Upon getting the orders, the guardians in foremost of the front line, crouched down while slamming the heavy shields vertically onto the ground while the second line of guardians interchanged their positions with the knights, who were ready to attack with the spears.

Meanwhile, the mages comprising of wizards and healers, raised their staffs and ready to use the active skills, waiting for the orders as they moved to the center.

As for the gunners and Archers, their focus is placed on the dragon above them, which is currently out of range and isn't in a position to attack, right away without moving.

"Here he comes," mumbled Skyzon, looking at Wil, who got into 20-meter range, running at them.


Gailzach Kingdom, North Zalfari continent;

In the outskirts of the capital city, more than a hundred thousand corpses, belong to both the kingdoms lying on the ground while no players were to be seen around.

On the battlefield, the King of Gailzach Kingdom seemed to be kneeling in sadness as he stared at his army and then, the dead body of his guardian, Archangel Araqiel, who practically raised him.

In front of him, stood two people. One is an old man with two pairs of angelic wings on his back and the other is a surprisingly a player with staff, looking coldly at him.

He raised the staff, and recited, "In the name of "One," I summon the eternal fire of darkness to out my enemy to death."

Suddenly, the sky started rumbling and black flames descended onto the spot where the king was kneeling, and quickly, turned him into ashes.

Looking at him, the archangel smiled, "I'm happy that the successor of Archmage Solomon lives up to expectations."

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