War Online

Chapter 160

Chapter 160: Rebellion part-6

"Kagyre, use poisonous fireball." Orion's voice echoed in the surroundings, surprising the standby players as they didn't expect the dragon is in the range, all along.

The left head of the Kagyre quickly shot a green fireball towards where Wil is moving, to clear the way.

"Incoming attack…" A player-knight warned from the second line.

The guardians tightly grabbed the shields to not lose stability while putting their trust in the healers to heal their lost health.

But, just as the giant fireball about to hit three players at once, an icy blue arrow released from Wil's bow and struck and killed a guardian from the front line, which further activated a freezing effect.

As they were standing just 1.5 meters away from each other, the freezing effect from the ice arrow froze an area comprising of more than 600-800 players, almost reaching the place where the fourth prince is standing.

Meanwhile, the fireball instantly killed the other two while causing an explosion to throw a few frozen players away.

With the help of an explosion, Wil moved past four lines and entered a 1.5-meter gap between the fourth and fifth line, and then started to run towards the right, ignoring the frozen players around before another fireball hit an area and cleared space, letting him move past into the eighth line so quickly…

At first, Skyzon was taken aback by Wil's actions of letting the frozen people live but then, watching the next move made him realize Wil's aim and he shouted, "rangers, what are you doing? Fire… Don't let him near to the Prince. Forget about the dragon, everyone in the range, attack the enemy. Melee attackers, move back. Don't engage."

As soon as they got his orders, hundreds of arrows, fireballs, plasma shots, bullets attacked in the direction towards Wil, blindly without a proper aim.

Looking at the scene, a laugh escaped from Wil, "fools… Did they forget the most important thing for a ranger?"

Except for arrows, where the archers aimed in the path of a parabola, the rest of the attacks just hit someone in the way because of narrow aim and made even more of a mess.

The fourth prince shook his head with a sigh, "a foolish general drops the intelligence of his troops, too."

It only then did Skyzon understood, in the moment of panic, what a big mistake he has done.

Meanwhile, the arrows that were aimed in the direction Wil wasn't able to hit him because of another explosion that caused their vision blur to get a clear shot on Wil, who ran further right before going past into the eleventh line. 

Wiscar, who got irked by the mess, raised his hand, "Sword of lightning."

Upon hearing his words, Skyzon turned his head aside only to see the spear never appeared in his hand and saw his hand raised above his head.

As Skyzon followed his movement, his eyes widened before a powerful scream echoed in the surroundings, alerting Wil.

*Ding. The party leader, Orion died. 

Following the scream of the dragon, as Wil received a sudden notification, he halted his movements and turned his head in reflex to see a giant sword made of lightning pierced Kagyre on its back until it comes out from the other end, making it slowly falling towards the ground. josei

As the dragon was firmly stuck on to the ground, unable to get up while losing health at a rapid rate, Wil glared at the sword for a couple of seconds before unsummoning the dragon.

Looking at the result, the prince nodded in satisfaction before he turned towards Skyzon and pointed his finger at him, "Tell your weaklings to stay aside. I'll handle the enemy on my own or else who knows how long it'll take to reach the capital."

Skyzon clenched his fist in frustration, hearing a game character insulting him, yet, remembering his mission; he nodded and ordered in the party chat.

Skyzon: All troops will be on standby.

Reading another forced command from their appointed general, the supposed elites of the army obeyed it despite frowning.

"Huh! What's happening?" Wil stopped advancing for a second as he saw most of the army started backing away from the fourth prince, leaving a huge empty field.

Taking out a spear from his back, the prince pointed it towards Wil, and shouted, "C'mon, Llyne. I'll show you the difference between a Zuweth's royalty and a weakling fake royalty of Llyne weakling."

"Ho… I guess that white crocodile is ready to use the skill, again. Is that why you stopped hiding behind it?" Wil taunted him in return.

"Whatever…" The prince didn't mind his words and instantly throw the spear towards Wil.

Looking at it, Wil shook his head with a sigh, "did he also get brain damage? With such a narrow vision and these many frozen players in between us, does he think that can even reach…"

"What!" Wil's eyes widened in surprise as he saw the spear that was thrown by the fourth prince, destroyed the frozen players on the way, one by one, and continued its way towards him.

The first thought that came to Wil was to dodge the attack but then, as his attention shifted to the enemy for a second, Wil decided to face it, head-on, to make a psychological impact on them.

 "Activate, Metal Armor."

Instead of dodging to the side, he started walking towards it and takes it to the chest only for it to pierce a bit even though his body turned into a metal, shocking Wil, a bit.

*Ding. Your defense increases by 1000%, and speed is decreased to half for 60 minutes.


"Damn! Even with 330 million points of defense and 55% decrease damage, my health still dropped by a hundred million. This damn prince of Zuweth is a lot powerful than an average level-360 character."

What he doesn't know is that the prince was equally scolding him inside of him, "this damn level-200 can resist my attack? I thought he is like a berserker, sacrificing all defense for power. Just how strong is he? Or are these so-called elites I received were just trashes?"

Meanwhile, unlike what Wil expected, the expressions of the players that are hoping to see the defeat of Wil brightened, and all of a sudden, as if they have planned beforehand, a part of the girls started to cheer the prince.

"Kill him, your highness" "Attack him for a few more times. He'll be dead, your highness." "You are so strong, your highness." "You are so handsome, your highness." "You are so majestic, your highness." "Please avenge us, your highness." etc…

At first, watching their shameless cheering, a laugh escaped from Wil but then, his expression darkened followed by the dissing about his negative points.

"Your face must be ugly in real world, seeing how you look so ordinary in the game" "yeah, if I had a face like yours, I would sue my parents" "You truly lacks real skills and hides behind rare skills and equipment" "You aren't worthy to defeat One" "Your guild is too weak" "You just use your father's money. There's nothing proud about you"

Thinking it is working, the rest of the men also joined their dissing, "Your family tree must be a cactus" "You are an oxygen thief" etc...

Whatever it came to mind, they started spouting with an intention of trying to poke him where it hurts and distract him.

"Hahahaha..." Instead of showing rage, a continuous laughter escaped from Wil, "fine, then. You guys successfully invited the death god."

"I summon, Leon."


A majestic winged lion appeared in their view before giving a powerful, inciting another roar in return from the white crocodile as if it had seen its arch enemy.

"Leon, leave none of them, alive," Wil ordered in a low tone and turned his attention towards the prince, once again.

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