War Online

Chapter 246

Chapter 246: World Auction part-9: Wil acquires the Dino Egg

"I would like to exchange these..."

Originally, the gold bars belonged to the Athledon kingdom but after he retrieved the treasure, the system asked him whether he wishes to convert it as the Athledon doesn't exist.

Only after converting them did he revive the kingdom.

Thankfully, unlike the deposit, the exchange didn't take hours. It merely took five minutes for him to exchange 500 of them for 250000 gold coins.

As soon as the exchange is finished, Wil left the bank and returned to the auction house.

"Oh! You are at the right time. I was just about to text you." Akiko said to him in a hurry. She has a worried look on her face.

"What happened?" Wil asked her. 'Is it already over?'

Before she replies, he heard Amelia announcing, "F17 bids 160000 gold coins."

"160 thousand?" Wil frowned. "It already escalated to such an amount?"

Akiko nodded, "Yeah. I think the maximum bid will be around 350 to 400 thousand gold coins."

As Wil took his seat, she then asked, "Do you have enough funds?"

Wil smiled in response, "relax. The item will land in my hands in the end."

'I hope so' She mumbled to herself. 

Ten minutes later;

"F17 bids 370000 gold coins."

"E14 bids 375000 gold coins."




"E14 bids 410000 gold coins."

VIP section, F17 room;

"Damn it. Just how many gold coins this guy has. Does he own gold mines or something?" Dreamwalkers guild leader was frustrated at the moment.

"Rachel, how's the collecting going on?"

The young and beautiful secretary beside him then answered with a sigh, "Sir, regarding that, we are out of funds, right now. In order to withdraw more funds, we have to get board directors' permission but…"

"But what…" Dream alias Shen Yating was getting irritated as he saw he only has ten-twenty thousand left.

His secretary explained, "In the previous month, you used 360 million dollars to free our Elites from captivity. You know that the board members are angry with you. They are intending to remove you from your position.

If you make another wrong move, it might…"

She didn't finish her sentence but he realized the situation.

He didn't know about this squanderer but he has a business to run in the real world which is his backing too. A beast isn't worth the risk.

"Let's just give up." Dream finally decided to resign.

He didn't bid further.

Ten seconds passed and suddenly, he received a notification.

*Ding! You receive a private message from Supreme Conqueror.

"Eh?" Dream was taken aback as he read the message from this ally of his.josei

For a half minute, there was silence in the auction. Amelia wasn't speaking. That means the squanderer is going to acquire the egg too.

But right then, Amelia spoke, "F17 bids 415000 gold coins." 

This time, it was Wil's turn to be surprised but as usual, he raised the bid by another 5000.

Meanwhile, Dream was laughing in excitement, "50 thousand from Supreme Conqueror, 50 thousand from Star guild, 60 thousand from Tojo clan… Heavens is on my side… hahaha"

With the help of his allies, Dream was once again back on to the game.

The auction went on for another ten minutes war between Wil and Shen Yitang.

The former was firmly raising the bid while the latter is getting frustrated as he raised the bid each time.

The poor audience from the ground floor can only look from far.

"E14 bids 590 thousand gold coins," Amelia announced for the last time.

As the funds were out, Dream no longer raised the bid.

"590 thousand, going once, twice…" *Ting* "Sold"

"Congratulations E14 for acquiring Tyrannosaurus Rex Egg."

Wil smiled in satisfaction as he received the egg into inventory.

Wil is happy, Akiko is happy, Kiyumi is happy, and the others… Well, they can go to hell… He doesn't care about their feelings…

"The World Auction is coming to an end." Amelia gave an elegant bow, "thank you for all the participants. A total of 150 Billion credits worth of exchanging has been made today.

As promised, Summersoft going to donate 10% i.e. 15 Billion credits to the orphanages and retirement homes all around the world through various non-profit charity organizations.

Thank you for once again participating in this year's World Auction. With new items, we will back next year. Until then…"

*Ding! The World Auction has been ended.

She waved her hands with a smile and everyone immediately exited the auction house and reappeared in the places they teleported from.

Wil appeared outside of the bank. 

He didn't wait any time to take out his expensive dino egg.

*Ding! A legendary+ grade beast egg is detected. Do you wish to hatch it? Warning: Hatching time is 14 days and needs to be out of the inventory.

"Oh!" Wil was surprised. He thought it will be like Felix. After all, only heroic or lower-grade eggs will take time to hatch. For legendary, they will be hatched right away.

"Maybe, it is because it is special?" Wil wondered whether it is because the dino is like the guardian beast and doesn't need leveling. That's why it might need time to hatch. "I have no problem in waiting. 14 days will be gone like the wind but the War will start in 6 days. I guess I won't be able to use the T-Rex yet."

Wil sighed as he clicked on Accept.


All of a sudden, a small crack appeared on the egg which means the process of hatching has already been started.

Now, he needs to think of a place to store it. Once the hatching process begins, the eggs can't be stored in inventory.

"Hmm… Where should I store it? The palace? It's safe but I won't be there. What if somebody steals it? I paid almost 600 thousand for this. Can't risk it…

What about the vaults? Guild vault is risky. Anyone can be tempted. That includes even Aster. How about a Bank vault? I can certainly store it but…"

He turns his head and looked at the bank that was right in front of him. Storing the egg in the bank is a plausible idea but Wil hesitated to part away with it. 

"Wait a second… There's the safest place out there…"

Suddenly, he remembered something.

Wil carried the dino egg in his left hand while the right hand took out a stone pillar from the inventory.

Looking at it, a smile appeared on Wil. "Yep, this is the perfect place for the egg to hide it. As for this, I can just carry it like a weapon." 

Wil closed his eyes and concentrated on the world inside the Monkey King's staff.

But he can only see up to 53 floors with every beast resurrected once again. "My portable dungeon." Wil can't help but smile as he takes a look at it once again.

With a thought in his mind, he immediately sent the egg to the ground floor that has no monsters, and then, flapped his wings towards the ocean to kill some beasts and reduce his purple name to normal.

Right then…

*Ding! You received a message from Athena.

"Hmm, Akiko?" Wil opened Akiko's message.

Athena: Where are you? We should head for Scarlet Town.

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