War Online

Chapter 251

Chapter 251: Capturing the boss

The ravine was filled with magma that was flowing like a river. Meanwhile, on the outside, the surroundings were frozen in ice.

The beast he was looking for was nowhere to be seen either.

Wil wondered whether he's in the right place. He asked Leon, "Are you sure?"

Leon nodded its head like a human and let out a low growl.

"Okay." Trusting Leon, Wil steps down from its back and crouched at the edge to inspect the magma.

Erlanger river

Description: A magma river that flows through the underground of the Moon.

Looking at the magma, Wil used 300 mana and summoned three more clones, and ordered one of them to go into the magma to test its damage. 

Following Wil's orders, the clone jumped into the ravine with the pillar replica and dived into the magma river.

Ten seconds later after he touched the magma, Wil received the notification.

*Ding! Your Clone no.3 died.

"Now, you go." He asked the fourth clone.

Exactly, in the same manner, it died after ten seconds.

"10% per second, huh!" After confirming his hypothesis, Wil puts down the pillar on the ground and equips his bow.

"Ice Arrow."

An arrow made of ice was conjured between his finger trips and he shot it towards the magma without any specific aim.

With gravity's support, the ice arrow successfully hit the magma and froze 40 meters of its surroundings as well as its depth.

"Good." Wil was satisfied with the outcome and ordered Leon to get down to land on the ice.

He picked up the pillar while unequipping the bow.

Leon, Wil, and the remaining second clone landed on the ice without any issues.

Standing on the ice block, Wil looked around to see whether it was hiding somewhere but still wasn't able to find the beast.

Grabbing his chin, Wil fell into thoughts as he stared at the magma river. "Maybe…"

He asked the lion, "Where is it?"

Leon sniffed for a few seconds before looking towards the magma river.

"As expected, the beast is under the magma. But, the problem is how should I draw it out?" Wil wondered for a few seconds before thinking of a plan.

"Leon, point me the direction and distance."

Upon receiving the information, Wil turns towards the direction Leon pointed to and ordered the clone.

Following his orders, the clone pointed the pillar in its hand towards the direction that Wil points his finger to and then spoke, "Ruyi… Grow 3000 meters."

As his clone used the skill, Wil found his mana got deducted by 3000.

On the other hand, the indestructible pillar grew up to 3 kilometers, pierced into the magma river before hitting something before growing a couple of hundred meters from his end.

"Poke it but don't kill it," Wil ordered the clone while he flapped his wings. 

The clone then lightly poked the head of the corrupted monster using as much little force as he can so that he won't kill it on accident. When one is too strong, they often have to hold back their strength.

After continuously poking it for a dozen seconds, the clone successfully woke up the monster.

A small fiery cat that was sleeping peacefully on the bed of the magma river opened its eyes and saw a long and thin pillar was poking its forehead nonstop.

It got angry.


It roared in anger and instantly jumped high towards the surface.

Just as it was out of the water, its eyes landed on the giant lion. 

Fear filled its eyes. Something tells it that the lion is too dangerous and it isn't a match for it.

It has to escape. Wings suddenly grew from its back.

But, right then, it heard a voice from above its head, "Not so fast, kitty."

It raised its head and glanced towards the source of the sound. It saw a weird creature with two different types of wings, pale skin, long ears, and a tail. It has a gourd in his left hand and a pillar in his right hand.

"Absorb." Wil grinned as he opens the lid on the gourd.

A large amount of suction force erupted out of the gourd. "Bye, kitty."

*Meow* It wailed but wasn't able to escapejosei


Level: 300

Grade: Legendary

HP: 1.32 Billion

Description: A bipedal beast of cat species that was born from Solar Cat and Lunar Cat. During the day, it uses fire abilities. During the night, its color changes to blue, and can only use Ice abilities. It was corrupted by Fallen Angel King Lucifer.

"Cool…" Wil whistled as he read the description while glancing at the red-colored cat with big eyes, and a thick fur. It was currently sleeping in a prison inside the gourd.

Returning the gourd to the inventory, Wil then proceeds to fly with Leon while dismissing the clone and transmitted his thoughts to the first clone to meet up.

Wil took the storage bag from the clone and peeked inside. All the four hundred slots are filled with either augment-stones or sun and moonstones.

He transferred 12 of them each to the inventory thereby receiving a notification.

*Ding! 12 Sunstones have been detected in the inventory. Submit?

*Ding! 12 Moonstones have been deducted from the inventory. Submit?

He clicked on Yes on both of them.

The stones disappeared from his inventory.

*Ding! You completed the quest, Material gathering. 

*Ding! You received the Ball of Prophecy. Check out your inventory.

*Ding! Ball of Prophecy is added to the unique equipment tab.

*Ding! You become a full-fledged Seer. Class quests have been added to the Seer tab.

"Finally, I can use Seer abilities…"

Will opened his inventory and found a crystal ball that's similar to the one Owler possessed.

He took it out in his hands and inspected the crystal ball.

Ball of Prophecy

Grade: Legendary

Then he opened the character interface and clicked on the Seer tab.

Character Name: N/A

Class: Seer

Level: Beginner


God's Eye: Using the ball of prophecy, the user can see everything in the surroundings. Cost: 10 mana/50 meter radius. CD: 60 seconds

Divination Lv1: Using the ball of prophecy, the user can divine the location of the desired object. Cost: 100 mana/1000 meter radius. CD: 60 minutes/100 mana consumption. 

Divination Lv2: Using the ball of prophecy, the user can divine the location of the desired person. Cost: 200 mana/1000 meter radius. CD: 60 minutes/100 mana consumption.


Quest 1: Perform divination 100 times.

"Hmm?" Wil looked at the Character's name that wasn't displaying his. "I didn't focus on it before but now that I see it, if I can just register another name and then change my race, I can have dual identities, right?"

He felt excited at such thought.

Not wasting any time, Wil clicked on it, receiving a system prompt.

*Ding! Please input a name.

He thought for a while and wrote his real name to confuse his opponents and dispel their doubts if they have any left.

*Ding! The name is available. Would you like to register it? Warning: The name cannot be changed later.

Wil pressed on 'Yes'.

*Ding! Your name is registered as Williard Ravens

Wil left the hidden unexplored as soon as he was done with the mission. Reaching the exit portal, Wil turned his head and looked in the random direction, "this place contains a lot of ores. I should hire some miners after a few people climbed up the levels."

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