War Online

Chapter 256

Chapter 256: No story Chapter (Stats and skills)

Warning: This chapter only contains stat values of Wil and his skills. You can just skip the chapter if you aren't interested.

Warning 2: The stats aren't written randomly. From the start, I followed a particular formula whether it's for leveling, equipment stats, damage dealing, etc... As a result, the stats became absurdly high but it will fit the story either way. So, no worries... Please refer to Chapter 87 regarding equipment stat guide.

Enhancement guide:

Each enhancement increases an equipment's stats by 10%. 10, 20, and 30th enhancement will increase by 30%.

Monster EXP guide:

EXP 200-300:

Normal: 100*Level

Elite: Normal*16

Heroic: Normal*16*16

Legendary: Normal*16*16*16

310-400 EXP:

Normal: 100*Level

Elite: Normal*32

Heroic: Normal*32*32

Legendary: Normal*32*32*32


Offensive monsters: Attack: HP/4,  Defense: HP/20

Defensive monsters: Attack: HP/20, Defense: HP/4



Character name: Time Traveler (Neo-Hybrid)

Bloodlines: Angel, Elf, Dragon, and Demon.


Class: Elementalist

Level: 300

Stats: Base value (With Buffs)

HP: 2.87 Billion (144.3 Billion)

MP: 645 (23865)

Attack: 285 million (5.75 Billion) 

Defense: 475 million (498.7 million)

Attack Speed: 60 (372) – max of 744 arrows per minute (Limit-600)

Movement Speed: max 300 km/hr (330 km/hr) (Limit-1 mach) 

Flying Speed: max 600 km/hr (660 km/hr) (Limit-1 mach)

Critical rate: 1410%

Pierce: 900%

Critical resist: 765%

Critical damage: 1155% + (default) 50%

Pierce resist: 255%

Critical damage resist: 255%

Increased damage: 450%

Damage reduction: 255% (Limit-99%)


Strength: 514

Intelligence: 600

Agility: 200 +100 (Light fruit)

Vitality: 200

Endurance: 1

Free Attribute points: 0


Elementalist's Necklace (Bound) +10

Level: 200 (max 200)

Type: growth

Grade: Legendary-

Attack: 50% +60%

HP: 100% +120%




Elementalist's Ring – Right (Bound) +10

Level: 200 (max 200)

Type: growth

Grade: Legendary-

Attack: 50% +60% 

HP: 100% +120%




Seraph's ring – Left (Bound) +25

Level: 300 (max 500)

Type: Growth

Grade: Mythic

Attack: 300 +870%

HP: 750% +1950%

Critical rate: 100% +290%

Pierce: 100% +290%

Mana: 400% +1160%

Critical Damage: 100% +290%

Increase Damage: 50% +145%

Seraph's Dragon Bow (Bound) +20

Level: 300 (max 500)

Type: Growth

Grade: Mythic

Class: Elementalist

Attack: 83,808,000 +201,139,200

Critical rate: 300% +720%

Pierce: 150% +360%

Critical Damage: 150% +360%

Casting/Attack Speed: 150% +360%

Increase Damage: 75% +180%

Mana: 300% +720%

HP: 150% +360%

Skill 1: Ignores the defense of the enemy upon critical hit.

Skill 2: Absorbs 50% of exp gained by the user and level up.

Seraph's Armor +20

Level: 300 (max 500)

Type: Growth

Class: Elementalist

Grade: Mythic

HP: 839,808,000 +2,015,539,200

Defense: 139,968,000 +328,723,200

Critical resist: 150% +360%

Critical Damage resist: 75% +180%

Pierce resist: 75% +180%

Decrease Damage: 75% +180%

Skill: Absorbs 10% of damage when received critical damage

Elementalist's Bracers (Bound) +10

Level: 200 (max 200)

Type: growth

Grade: High Legendary

HP: 3952138 +4742565

Defense: 797852 +2371283





Elementalist's Boots (Bound) +10

Level: 200 (max 200)

Type: growth

Grade: Legendary+

HP: 3952186 +4742623

Defense: 795213 +2371311





Sauron's Crown +10

Level: 100 

Grade: Gold

Attack: 9% +11%

Aerona's Earrings (Bound) +20

Level: 300 (max 500)

Type: growth

Grade: Legendary+

Attack: 150% +360%

HP: 375% +900%

Mana: 300% +720%

Critical Damage: 75% +180%

Critical Resistance: 75% +180%


Character skills

Active Skills:

Fireball (Mastered): Throw a Big fireball onto our enemy with a 155% attack. Apply the burning effect on targets for 10 seconds with a 10% attack. 20m range. Costs 5 MP; No cool down.

Heal (Mastered): Recover yourself or your ally with a 100% attack. Costs 5 MP; No cool down.

Dash (Mastered): Increase your speed to 300% for 10 seconds, Costs 0 MP. Cooldown time: 180 seconds.

Fire Arrow (Mastered): Conjure a fire arrow and shoot the enemies using your bow with a 200% attack. 35m range. Costs 5MP; No cool down.

Dragon Fire (Mastered): Breathe out fire continuously and burn the targets to ash with a 350% attack every second. Apply the burning effect on the target. Cost 2 MP per second; 30m range. Cooldown time: 120 seconds.


(Evolved) Absolute Ice Control (Mastered): Absorb the magic power from surroundings and convert it into Ice for 5 minutes. You have three modes. Cost: 100 MP. CD: 10 minutes.

Weapon Mode: Create an indestructible ice weapon in the form of a sword, dagger, arrow, or spear to attack your enemies for five minutes. Upon contact, the freezing effect activates and everything and everyone except for the user and the allies in 10 meters of radius from the point of impact will be frozen for 5 seconds.

Puppet mode: Create an indestructible Ice puppet in any form from your imagination for five minutes. Upon contact, enemies will slow down by 60% for 30 seconds. Range: 50 meters

Blizzard mode: Create a Blizzard for five minutes and attack your enemies. Upon contact, enemies will lose HP by 1% for every 10 seconds for five minutes. Range: 100 meters.


(Evolved) Elemental Golem (Mastered): Summon an Elemental Golem using your magic power. It has two modes and four transformations with a specific skill. You can switch transformations at any time.

*Costs 50 MP per minute; Cooldown: 15 minutes. Cast time: Instant

Attack mode: Attack your enemies with a 400% attack and provide an Attack buff, which increases you and your allies' attack by 100%.

Defense mode: Defend you from your enemies by blocking the enemy attacks with defense and HP by 400%. Provides a defense buff, which increases you and your allies, Max HP, and Defense by 100%. 

*Metal Transformation: Activates Defense mode directly. 

Skill: Metal Dome: The golem protects itself and its master from the attacks by creating a metal dome. Range: 50m; Cost: 100mana; Effect: Blocks 200% Max HP of the Golem. CD: 10 minutes.

*Ice Transformation: Activates Attack mode directly.

Skill: Ice beam: The golem releases a beam of ice towards the enemies in a straight line of 5meters of width. Range: 50m; Cost: 100mana; Effect: Attack increased by 100% of Max Attack of Golem. CD: 10minutes.

*Wood Transformation: Can choose Attack or Defense mode.

Skill: World Tree: Transform into a replica of the world tree and attack with the branches. In defense mode, the user can hide within the tree. Range: 50m; Cost: 100mana; Effect: The attack strength of each branch is equal to 10% of Golem's Max attack. CD: 0 seconds. 

*Lava Transformation: Can choose Attack or Defense mode.

Skill: Lava flood: Flood the area with indestructible lava and destroy your enemies. Range: 50m; Cost: 10 MP per second; Effect: Touched by lava damages enemy's health by 1% for 10 seconds. CD: 30 minutes.


Ice Arrow (Mastered): Conjure an Ice Arrow and shoot down your enemy with a 240% attack. Freeze the surroundings of 40m from the point of impact. 35m range. Freezing doesn't affect Ascended NPCs, and legendary+ or above grade monsters. Cost: 20 MP. CD: 30 seconds.

(Skill book) Bubble (Mastered): Create a bubble around you to breathe and swim underwater at any depth for 180 minutes. Cost: 80 MP. CD: 1 day.

(Skill book) Aura of Zenon (Mastered): Call the spirit of Zenon and increase your stats by 100% for ten minutes. Cost: 0 mana CD: 1 hour.

(Skill book-Evolved) Resurrection Ultimate (Mastered): Resurrect your allies and pets without restriction to number as long as they are equal or below your level. Resurrected people will be invincible for 10 seconds. Cost: 10 MP per person. CD: 6 hours. Cast time: 1 second per person.

(Unique) Fire Pegasus (Mastered): Summon a fire Pegasus to use a flying mount for traveling great distances. The mount disappears as soon as the user engages in battle. Flying speed: 600%; Running speed: 200%. CD: 0 seconds. Cost: 0 MP

Special skill: Become invisible for 10 seconds.

(Unique) Gravity Suppression (Mastered): Control gravity around you and force your enemies to stick onto the ground helplessly for 30 seconds. Doesn't work on Ascended NPCs and Legendary+ or above grade monsters. Range: 150 meters. CD: 60 seconds. Cost: 5 MP.

(Unique) Heavenly push (Mastered): Control the element of wind and push your enemies 100 meters away from you with a 0% attack. For every 10 mana consumption, Attack damage increased by 200%. Range: 50 meters. CD: 20 seconds per 10 MP.

Multiple Lightning Arrows (Mastered): Shoot the enemies with an arrow infused with lighting element with a 300% attack while ignoring their defense. CD: 10 minutes. Cost: 50 Mana.

(Unique) Weapon Transformation (Mastered): Transform your Bow into any kind of weapon with a thought. The stats won't change irrespective of transformation. CD: 30 seconds. Cost: 0 mana. Available transformations: Staff, Dagger, Spear, heavy sword, katana, and any type of Gun (bullets are excluded) 


(Skill book-Evolved) Meteor Shower (Beginner): Shoot a magic energy Arrow into the sky and rain a shower of an unlimited number of meteors upon the enemies in an area with 100 meters of the radius. Each meteor is 2m wide and has the attack power of 200% of your Max Attack. Cost: 5 MP per meteor. CD: 6 hours. Cast time: 1 second per meteor.

Additional Effect: After invoking the meteor shower, you can delay the timing of each meteor for a span of 30 minutes.


(Lv 200) Metal Armor (Beginner): The user can gather magic energy and turn his body into steel, increasing defense by 1000% for an hour. Speed decreases by 50% and wings will disappear. Cost: 100 MP. CD: 6 hours.

(Lv 250) Thunderbolt (Advanced): Summon a thunderbolt in the sky without any warning and take out your enemies by surprise. Effect: The attack contains 300% of your attack power. CD: 20 minutes.

(Lv 300) Metal Spear (Beginner): Conjure a metal spear to pierce your enemies with a 200% attack. It disappears after causing damage to the enemy once. The user can call back the Spear if he misses the target.

Effect: The defense and the buffs on the enemy will be ignored. Cost: 150 MP. CD: 12 hours. 

Short Teleportation: The user can teleport to any place within 500 meters around him. Cost: 20 MP. CD: 6 hours

(Skill book) Kagyre (Beginner): Summon the twin spirits, Karion and Gyreon into your pets, or summons to summon a two-headed dragon, Kagyre for 15 minutes with 500% of your health. Cost: 100 MP. CD: 60 hours.

Default Skills:

Single Dragon Breath: Burn your enemies with dragon fire from one of two heads of Kagyre with a 200% attack of the player. Cost: 2 MP per second. CD: 0 seconds

Double Dragon Breath: Burn your enemies with dragon fire from two heads of Kagyre with a 200% attack of the player at the same time. Cost: 5 MP per second. CD: 0 seconds.

Additional skills: All the skills possessed by the offerings will be added.

Beast Taming (Mastered): Use the magic power to tame the wild monsters as long as they are equal to or less than your level. Tamer inventory: 100 slot. Cost: 100 mana points. CD: 12 hours.


(Reward by Aria) Soul Link: Links the spirit of Leon and the player. Leon's overall stats will drop to half and the user's overall stats will be doubled. Includes: Attack, Defense, HP, Speed, and Critical rate

Passive Skills:

The bow of Elementalist: Every arrow you fire contains elemental magic, instead of magic energy.

Aura of Elementalist: Damage against other classes and Monsters increased by 10% and Damage reduction against other classes and Monsters increased by 10%.

Toughness: Increases your Defense by 5%.

One with Wind: Increase Movement Speed and Flying Speed by 10%.

King's Halo: Your pet stats will be increased by 50%.

Available Skill points: 0



Battle Emperor: Increase damage by 50% and decrease incoming damage by 50% against other players.

Most powerful Wings: Altitude range increases to 5km. Flying speed increases by 50%.


Battle Companions:

No. of Slots = 10 

Strix: A level-200 Elite beast that was caught in the hidden realm of light. Moves at the speed of light and can't be hit. It can't attack either. Useful for scouting purposes.

Felix: A level-200 legendary-grade Nine-tailed fox that was acquired from the Battle Tournament. Currently, it has five tails.

Happy: A level-100 legendary-grade panda cub that was caught in the forest of Ormshire. 

Sniffler: A level-120 Elite-grade mutated rat that was caught in the town of Westwoods. It has a belly with an infinite amount of storage space.

Leon: A level-400 mythic-grade winged lion. Wil's best mount.

Grade: Mythic-josei

Level: 300+100

HP: 156 Billion

Attack: 39 Billion

Defense: 7.8 Billion

Max movement/Flying speed: 3.2 mach (limit to 1 mach if Wil is mounted)

Crt.rate: 400%

Crt.resist: 400%

Crt.dmg: 200%

Pierce: 200%

T-Rex Egg: A legendary+ grade dinosaur with a potential of mythic+. It hasn't born yet.


Pet Equipment:

Destiny Saddle

Grade: Legendary

Type: Pet Equipment

Effects: User's attack increases by 25% when mounted.

Set Equipment: 1/4


Unique Equipment:

Ravens Warship

Ruyi Jingu Bang/Monkey king's staff

Crimson Gourd

Nimbus cloud

Imperial sword

Imperial prince robes

Prince medallion


Properties list:

Scarlet district at East Ocean city - 53,000 sq.m

Scarlet district at Deloris Town - 90,000 sq.m

Ravens district at Eldershore city - 250,000 sq.m

Mayors Mansion at Deloris town

12 stores at Deloris town

Ormshire state in Athledon kingdom - 653 sq.km



Inventory: 1,821,232 gold coins

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.