War Online

Chapter 260

Chapter 260: Annulment of the contract

Looking at the notification that displays his hostility with Rikilda, Wil expected to be blacklisted in the next few hours so that he would have one more reason to go against the Queen.

Of course, he can also take advantage of the situation and make his Army transport to Ormshire. 

Wil knew that even if he wins, his money won't be returned and he still has to fight against Zuweth and Evelon. So, he planned to weaken Zuweth by making her take a loan from them.

Then, after Zuweth momentarily takes control of Llyne, he will cause a rebellion with the army and take back the city by killing Rikilda.

And then, once he conquers Zuweth and Evelon before becoming one of the winners of the first phase, the debt Llyne owes to Zuweth will also disappear.

The only issue here is the full-moon will arrive three days later. Unlike the other days, on the full-moon day, the moon will shine bright enough for everyone to level up in the wilderness.

Even though the company has purposely hidden it, Wil, who participated in the War before, knew that player can attack their own allies during the night when the War is put on hold.

However, unlike Wil, his soldiers don't possess the Masks of Tranquility. So, either he had to attack the palace on his own or siege the city during the full-moon night.

Because he possesses the Imperial sword, it will be seen as his right to claim his throne once the Llyne fell into Zuweth and Raziel will be forced to defend him from Archangel Nebula as long as he kills Rikilda.

A few hours later;

*Ding! Llyne kingdom surrendered to the Zuweth Kingdom

*Ding! Llyne kingdom is changed to Llyne Province.

*Ding! Player Starlight is chosen as the representative of Zuweth kingdom.

Every player in the kingdom received the system announcement. They were shocked to hear that they were already out of the race even if it before began.

Players who belong to the Zuweth kingdom, on the other hand, received joyous news of acquiring the Llyne kingdom.

Llyne kingdom players started complaining in the forums. Some people try to appease them by explaining how they can still earn War points. But, it only enraged them further.

Unlike the wise or powerful players, the casual players care more about fairness and moral values rather than advantages.

They also like to complain about every little inconvenience and treat themselves as righteous.

Some players will advantage of it and will be manipulating them to target someone in the end.

That's how, despite not doing anything, Wil was once again dragged into the mess for staying silent and not standing up for them.

Reading their complaint against Wil, he only laughed, "So, if I'm the strongest player, I'm obligated to support you guys. Hmpf…"

He sent a text to Aster to note down all the usernames and asked him to register in their death note. After all, the usernames in the forums display your original username.

Aster replied that their team was already on the job.

After the formation of the Vulture guild, Wil tasked Aster to create the Death note. Those who are registered in the list will be judged later when he acquired the throne. 

Meanwhile, in response to the overwhelming complaints, Summersoft issued a statement that it was because Llyne's main story quest was interrupted by a certain player. So, it wasn't their fault.

They further added the details to make their side of the argument strong.

That certain player wasn't able to complete the main quest that involves bringing back the savior.

The savior was supposed to protect Llyne's king from the danger of Angel of War, Gadriel's attack.

They made the name anonymous but it was clear for Wil who they were talking to.

At first, Wil also agreed with them but then, he remembered how he easily killed the Dragon in her peak form. If Averil can't even win against him, can she protect Mirella? He had his doubts.

Putting aside the matter, Wil turned his attention to the personal notifications he received.


*Ding! The contract between you and Rikilda Llyne was annulled.

*Ding! You received 500,000 gold coins in your inventory.

*Ding! Eldershore region was no longer Autonomous.

*Ding! You were removed as the Governor of Eldershore region.josei

*Ding! You were removed as the Mayor of Eldershore city.

The first surprise was that he wasn't handed the bagful of gold coins in person. Wil wondered maybe, it's because of the contract.

The other surprise was that neither was he blacklisted from the kingdom nor did he lose his position as the Mayor of Deloris town even after the Llyne submitted to Zuweth.

At first, he thought it was the result of the contract but then after seeing the last notification that stated his removal of Mayor Position of Eldershore city, it made him think otherwise. 

"Maybe, they aren't in a condition to have an internal war. Hmm… 13000 soldiers can indeed give them trouble. They will blacklist me after the war?"

Wil then teleported to Deloris town and ordered his General Gerrad to retract his soldiers from everywhere except for Star Town which was operated by the Starlight guild.

He didn't give any specific instructions in the Vulture guild and let them play however they want as they aren't still strong enough to help him out.

He sent another special message to the guild members about how he will hand out legendary-grade equipment as rewards to those who did incredibly well in the first phase.

Finishing his work at Llyne, Wil went to the Mayor's mansion and quickly left after a few minutes.

As he left the Mansion, there's another copy of Wil, staring at his back from the window.

He then stepped inside the teleportation formation to leave to Scarlet town at Ormshire to finish one last business with the Athledon king.

As the soldiers returned to the Deloris town, Wil was being slandered once again after the news of his removal got announced in the Eldershore region.

The power of hate and rumors is indeed strong. Someone painted Wil as the target as it was too coincidental that Summersoft gave them the reply and at the same time, Wil was fired.

Since they don't know who the guy that failed the quest is, the casual players started firing the arrows at the only paint they could find.

The Errand boys of Aster once again continued to note down the list and handed it to him.

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