War Online

Chapter 297

Chapter 297: The Mayor receives an order

"A video where you beat up a cab driver was circulating on the internet. Young Master, did you get drunk?"

"Huh!" Previously, Wil didn't even care about that. He only thought the guy deserved it but he forgot how people are roaming around too.

"They have nothing better to do…" Wil muttered under his breath as he heard from Aster.

"Young Master, why didn't you take the guards?" Aster asked further. "Storm must be roasting them, by now."

Wil didn't say anything about his comment and asked, "How's the situation being handled?"

"The main branch is currently working to erase the video from all the websites. Originally, the matter shouldn't be a big deal as it was uploaded at midnight. Not to mention, your face isn't that known around but didn't know how it caught the attention of media so quickly."

Upon hearing him, Wil replied, "No, don't try to block them. The more we try to block or dodge it, the more the enemy will attack. The best course of action is to redirect the target of attention.

"Redirect the attention?" Aster wondered whether it is what he thinks it is.

Soon, Wil cleared his suspicions too.

"I want you to call the police commissioner of Wular city and ask him to launch a formal investigation on the driver's past activities.

Before the media bombard with questions and their nonsense theories, I'm going to lodge a complaint and make a big deal out of it, instead of suppressing it.

I want more than 10 boys at the hotel.

Along with him, I want you to investigate the owner of the restaurant named Metropol.

Everything went wrong after I ate the food there.

I believe either I was drugged or they used alcohol in the food. Moreover, I think it isn't just a coincidence that the driver recommended the restaurant and drove me back too."

"Hmm…" Aster contemplated upon hearing his explanation.

Naturally, Aster didn't believe his excuse of being drugged. 

If it was Silver or Storm, they would have believed Wil's words as they knew him personally, watching him grow before their eyes but Aster is someone who was acquainted with Wil, only a couple of months ago.

Even though he was loyal to Wil, completely trusting his words as truth is another issue for him.

Aster thought that Wil wanted to expose their crimes to redirect the situation, so, that he can be portrayed as a victim. After all, such tactics were often used by the Mafia lord back then.

The only thing he was worried about the scenario where the two of them are innocent. If they are framed, it might escalate the situation further and paint them as bad guys.

Either way, it doesn't matter for Aster, now that he got the order. He swore that he won't disappoint Wil. Even if those pair were innocent, he will just bribe the both of them to take the blame and receive a sentence.

But then, he saw a problem that was still unsolved. So, he asked Wil. "What about the media, Young Master? They don't care about the proofs. Like you said earlier, they like to roast whoever they want as long as they get the spotlight. What if they surround the main branch?" 

Wil answered, "Then, get the lawyers ready to file a lawsuit against every news channel that dared to portray negativity against me.

I have so much money to burn, anyway. 

Also, contact Miyazaki-san and update her about the situation. I don't want to be judged by them just because of a viral video."

"Got it."

After disconnecting the call with Aster, Wil took a cab to return to the Greenpark hotel.

On the way, he received a call from Storm.

Previously, he didn't call as he thought he was asleep and doesn't want to disturb his sleep. After he heard from Aster, Storm wasn't able to stop himself to call Wil and lecture him regarding his actions of going out alone without guards.

He then asked him to explain the situation, how it started.

Leaving out the part where he had spent his night with Luoyang, he explained everything from the start when he went to the restaurant and finished with beating up everyone somewhere on the road.

Upon hearing it, Storm was angered, not at Wil but at the guards who dared to break the rules of their company.

He didn't mention anything about their involvement to Wil and made a call to the branch manager to give him a thorough lecture.

OASIS General Hospital;

Scarlet Securities' Wular city branch manager, Bai Xiang was staring coldly at his boys who have plaster casts over their legs and hands; bandages all over their bodies.

"Mr. Bai, what should we do?" His secretary asked him.

Bai Xiang snorted in response, "What else… Look after them until they heal. Then, they will receive punishment."

"Eh?" The secretary was taken aback, "punishment?"

"Our influence in this city isn't that great but that doesn't mean we would forget our rules. We are allowed to loot, beat up or even kill anyone but we can't touch children, the elderly, and ladies, unnecessarily.

These idiots not only took a private mission from that Mayor's little brat but also tried to beat a girl."

"But that lady isn't some normal girl…" The secretary tried to defend them.

The manager interrupted her, "doesn't matter. The rules can't change because of some exceptions. We don't have any enmity with her. It is that brat's personal problem.

And the most important thing is that we are a security company. Our job is to protect the clients, not to act as some random street thug. Oh! By the way, where is the guy that survived?"

"Oh! Do you mean Mr. Zeqing? We aren't reaching him at the moment. His phone was turned off. I wonder whether the Mayor had done something to him in anger." The secretary replied.

The manager then said, "I highly doubt that since he's the one that joined them. Try to locate him. If he's still in the city, let him know that he's forgiven for saving his comrades.josei

However, if he ran away, report his name to the other branches. Deserting the company without approval isn't accepted. He'll be punished for that.

And in the worst case, he ends up dead, then, I want it to be investigated." 

The secretary nodded in response.

Meanwhile, Wil left for the airport as soon as he lodged the complaint at the police station. The city commissioner himself took the charge.

By the time it became breaking news all over the world, Wil was in the air, in his private jet, watching the results.

Luckily, it turned out, there are others like him. Several travelers made a complaint at the station about how some restaurants are putting mind-inducing drugs inside the food, which they provide as free.

After the customer gets affected by it and ate the next serving, the restaurants rob thousands of Yuan from them.

Sure, drug usage was legal in almost every city with a certain limit. However, the way the restaurant using it is obviously considered a crime.

His complaint almost triggered a huge drug scandal and the police launched a full-on investigation on every restaurant owner, taxi driver, travel guide, or whoever might be involved in this.

Taking advantage of the chaos, the police commissioner also launched an investigation on the nightclubs. After all, the Federation only allows a few selective drugs and that too within a limited quantity.

In the meantime, as Silver got the news, he quickly did another step.

With Scarlet Securities bribing the influential news channels, those who were trying to defame him were put down instantly.

Instantly, Wil went from a culprit to a victim and then to a hero in the view of common people.

Looking at the result, he smiled in satisfaction before closing his eyes and has a peaceful sleep for the rest of his journey.

Meanwhile, at Sunwoo hospital;

Dai Wen explained the whole story to the Mayor.

Glancing at his son, who is in a critical condition in the ICU, the Mayor grabbed his collar, and growled, "You have seen his face, right?"

As the friend of his son nodded, the Mayor said, "then, I'll bring a sketch artist before you. I want you to draw the girl and the guy."

Dai Wen went silent for a few seconds before opening his mouth, "I actually know him… The guy who broke Yan Chang's backbone mercilessly."

"What!" The Mayor once again grabbed his collar and roared at him, "who is he?"

"Mister, please control your voice… It'll disturb the patient." A nurse who didn't know his identity warned him as she walks through the door and entered ICU.

Just the Mayor glared at her and about to say something, his secretary suddenly scurried towards him with a phone in his hand. "Sir, it's Madam Miyazaki…"

As soon as he heard the name, the Mayor quickly suppressed all of his rage and took a deep breath before putting it near his ear.

"Ma'am, how are you?" He greeted her in a respectful tone.

"I heard that your son was badly beaten. I called you to talk about it." She came to the point directly. "How is his situation?"

"Doctors said that they can't say anything for 24 hours. He had multiple superficial injuries all over his body but the injury on his back was terrible." The Mayor didn't even bother to hide any detail. He explained everything the doctors have told him.

After hearing out everything, she said, "I want you to forget this issue and focus on upcoming elections."

"What!" The Mayor was shocked by her suggestion. Or one should say, "Order."

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