War Online

Chapter 320

Chapter 320: Battle for Kingship part-10

Looking at a little fledging from the dragon clan, the King of Zuweth was stunned to realize that his ancestor was scammed by the Dragon King.

He then wondered whether he was the one that was scammed by his grandfather.

He still remembered the day who gave him the object and warned him to use the tome only when the kingdom at extreme crisis.

According to historical records shown by his grandfather, two thousand years ago, when Lucifer wreak havoc on the planet, the Dragon King of that time, handed his ancestor the totem as a parting gift before their race went into hiding.

Upon invoking the chant, he was supposed to summon a powerful dragon elder of level-500 in exchange for half of his life force.

As per the rule, his life force was indeed cut in half i.e. his Max HP was decreased to 500 Billion. However, he didn't expect them to send a level-300 weakling with a life force that's almost one-hundredth of his own (13 Billion).

The king was disappointed.

As she wasn't useful to him, he decided to send her to death but didn't expect Wil to counter his so-called fake trump card by simply absorbing her into a strange gourd.

"This is the worst day of my life." The king blamed his bad luck and quickly forgot the matter as he can't undo the past, anyway.

Meanwhile, Wil was ecstatic, upon capturing the granddaughter of the current Dragon King.

Without doing anything, not only a mythic grade beast fell into his hands, he found the best way to find the coordinates of the Dragon Island too.

Dismissing the gourd, Wil mumbled, "I actually planned to tour around the world, using his divination but it looks like there's no need for that. What a lucky day."

With a smile on his face, Wil thanked his enemy of a king, which only enraged him further.

He further said, "Since you gave me a gift, I'll do a favor for you."

Wil decided to make his opponent fall into despair to give a strong message to the world.

Dismissing the Seraph's bow, Wil stood straight with his hands behind his back, "Within 30 minutes, my Rexy will completely demolish the city along with your citizens.

Within 30 minutes, my Leon will destroy all of your Royal knights.

Within 30 minutes, my clones will destroy all of your foot soldiers on the back and my allies will destroy your foot soldiers on the frontlines.

I'll give you 20 minutes.

You are free to attack me. I will neither defend myself nor even move from this spot to dodge your attacks.

My allies or my battle companions won't disturb our battle either. 

As long as you kill me, the war will be over and you'll get to save your people. If that happens, I'll even submit Llyne to Zuweth. How about it? Do you dare to kill me?"

Wil looked extremely confident now.

"Hmpf, you are too overconfident on your strength, otherworlder." The King snorted in response before raising his bow.

Since his enemy was vastly underestimating him, then, he would put his pride and take advantage of it. Now, all he cared about is to kill him for good.

The King didn't even waste any time to shot an arrow towards Wil.

Starlight was watching the battle from a distance while the others were busy fighting against the frontline soldiers.

Until now, he never witnessed Wil's strength, directly. He only heard of his strength from the reports by Rigel.

Now that he witnessed it with his own eyes, he felt he vastly underestimated this guild leader of Vulture.

When he watched the video, he put an estimation of Wil's maximum strength, considering a clone's strength is almost equal to the original.

However, after hearing that Wil killed Evelon's king, he wondered whether it's due to the addition of different unique skills of the original.

After that, he heard that Wil only used one skill to kill Rikilda, who was just as powerful as a King.

Several people behind him, back then, saw the damage on her head, which stated 1 Trillion.

Due to the damage being so precise, Starlight concluded that Wil used some one-time use skill on the enemy.

With the reveal of level-400 mythic- grade beast, he also thought of a possibility where Wil took its help when dealing with the Evelon's king. After all, its grade and level gave away its maximum HP too. 

And naturally, he knew that the attack stat of the offensive monsters is one-fourth of its HP, no matter the level or the grade. Keeping that in mind, he calculated that Leon's attack was 40 billion.

That would mean it's quite possible for the beast to take down the enemy if he were to be busy in battle with the clones.josei

And now, at present, when he heard its mighty roar and got informed by his spies about how their skills are locked, he realized the possibility of Wil using the same skill on Evelon's king, first, before dealing with him.

But then, a question arose in his mind. If that were the case, how did he kill the King, so quickly? Surely, an NPC of such a high level wouldn't go down with a fight.

He soon found out his answer when Wil used Gravity Suppression on the field.

Like that, he formed a complete theory while erasing all the doubts in his mind.

Just when he thought he uncovered the mystery, he suddenly saw the appearance of a crimson gourd in Wil's hand.

Although it only stayed there for a couple of seconds, Starlight had recognized it.

Perhaps, summoning the gourd was Wil's biggest mistake. His action instantly revealed a secret of his to Starlight.

"There's no doubt about it. The mysterious masked player that killed the King of Reverie is Time Traveler. He alone has such power to accomplish such a feat.

Moreover, he was disappeared at the time, the clones invaded the Evelon. There's a high chance that he was in Searvale kingdom while leaving the clones at Llyne.

The only issue is the masked player is an Elf while Time Traveler is of Angel race. Hmm…"

Starlight thought for a while and came to another conclusion, "Either that blank mask is a special one or Time Traveler somehow found a way to become an Elf." 

Starlight continued to watch him from afar.

An arrow struck Wil's chest, taking away nearly 193 million HP from him. He was taken aback to see there isn't much change in Wil's health.

Wil threw the arrow away and said, "Not bad but it isn't enough. Too weak."

Wil's comments made his opponent's face darkened and this time… he shot two arrows at the same. However, only one of them struck while the other one ended up missing him.

"Eh?" Wil was surprised at the result and he stared at the king in disbelief. They were merely standing 20 meters apart and yet, he wasn't able to accurately shoot two arrows? Wil felt something amiss…

'Maybe, it wasn't possible for NPCs except for Elves…' He thought as he took out another arrow that struck his armor.

Suddenly, the King dashed towards him and jumped up after reaching halfway before he fired two arrows.

This time, they successfully struck him.

'So, it is not that he can't fire two arrows at the same but it is because his range is too less?' Wil widened his eyes in realization.

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