War Online

Chapter 321

Chapter 321: Battle for Kingship-final

Fifteen minutes later;


Two arrows cut through the air and struck Wil causing nine-digit figure damage.

The King was panting heavily while checking out Wil's life force. "So far, I've fired more than a thousand arrows. Every arrow landed on its target and yet, this ba****d's life force is only depleted by three-fourths. Just how tough is his body…"

He finally emptied his stamina and started to take heavy breaths, feeling very tired. The Zuweth's king didn't even have the strength to become angry anymore.

For the past fifteen minutes, the king continuously fired two arrows at Wil, taking off around four hundred million of his HP, each time.

If it was anyone else, they would have long dead by now. However, Wil was someone with nearly 230 Billion HP. In his Angel form, his HP was now nearly 300 Billion.

Looking at the King, Wil taunted, "Only fifteen minutes have been passed. There are still five minutes, left. C'mon get up. Don't you want to save your people? Oh!"

Wil suddenly paused for a second and then continued, "nevermind. It looked like most of your troops are already dealt with, anyway."

Only did then the King paid attention to his surroundings.

Except for his son, all he can see are a hundred clones of Wil and his allies that are silently watching the both of them.

"It's over?" His voice shook as he once again surveyed his surroundings. 

A few hundred soldiers were still left but they were standing far away and weren't able to get near to the battlefield because of the clones.

As the King fell into a state of extreme shock, Wil continued to speak, "well, now that you failed to protect your soldiers as well as the citizens, it's time for you to realize how weak you are, in front of me…"


Instantly, a little more than 14 Billion of his health was recovered while he only lost 5 mana points.

"Too bad that only the healers have the opportunity to get critical healing… Anyway…" Wil thought that it was indeed a pity or else, just his critical healing capability itself would have been out of the world.

"Heal." As the skill didn't have any cooldown time, Wil continued to use it on himself, shocking the audience.

In ten seconds, as Wil recovered his health to more than 60%, the King fell into despair.

He lost the strength in his hands and the bow fell on the ground. The King looked like he no longer had the motivation to go on…

He tried his best to cut down Wil's life force and after fifteen minutes, he managed to bring it down to 25%. But, all it took was 10 seconds for Wil to around the situation with his healing.

The King understood that Wil was not just strong enough to kill Kings like him. He was basically, invincible. He felt only guardians will be able to deal with him.

The King fell on his knees and looked at the ground, "I lost."

Raising his head, he then looked into Wil's eyes, "Kill me but please allow my son to live. I'll submit the Imperial bow too and my son will also relinquish all of his rights. Everything will be yours."

Putting aside his pride, the King pleaded with Wil to leave his son, alive.

The Prince, who was fearfully standing beside his father, grabbed his shoulders from behind, "father…"

Tears welled up in his eyes.

Meanwhile, the players, standing around them, gasped in surprise but no one made a noise.

They continued to watch in silence.

Wil glanced around and then, looked at the King. His eyes appeared cold as he raised his hand, "Sorry. You have met a person who bore deep grudges for every unpleasant thing."

"Thunderbolt, Activate."

All of a sudden, a flash of lightning hit the prince on his head and turned him to ash, the same way it did to the Queen.

"Regal…" The King roared as he turned his head.

"I told you, didn't I? You will be the last person to die." The words once again echoed in his ears.

Turning his head, he growled at Wil, "You don't need to do this… Why…"

Wil continued to look at him, coldly, "You should've expected this the moment you decide to ally with Rikilda and attack the Llyne city.

If hadn't done that, I would still be a crown prince. My sister would still be alive and I wouldn't have to spend hundreds of thousands of gold coins to set everything, right…

Do you think I'll forgive your sins…"

Wil then reequipped the mythic grade bow and conjured a fire arrow, pointing at King's forehead.

Even though Wil said in a calm tone, everyone felt the hatred hidden in those words. As he said, Wil is really a person that bore deep grudges.

Starlight sighed in relief. 'Thank goodness, I never went against him.' meanwhile, Supreme Master was sweating bullets.

Witnessing his strength on the first hand, Supreme Master thought of dismissing his plan of using both of the parties for his own good at least, until he will become strong enough to face Wil.

"Kill" "Kill" "Kill" "Kill"

Meanwhile, the soldiers of Llyne started to shout, implying Wil to deliver the final blow. All of them still remember the day they lost their king, their fellow soldiers, and their citizens.

On the other hand, the King fell silent. He doesn't have the strength to argue because he knew there's no use and lost the will to live.

He once again looked at the right and the left, this time at the city.

Smoke was rising from everywhere. Almost the entire city turned into ruins, except for the Imperial Palace.

He let out a laugh, aiming at himself, "perhaps, I should have listened to the prime minister's advice."josei

A while ago, when the King read the letter sent by Wil, he became extremely angry.

To appease him a little bit, Silver, who was acting as a messenger, mentioned that the king can save his kingdom if he were to just give up Evelon and submit to Llyne's sovereignty.

Silver promised that he will convince Wil if he were to do that. The Prime Minister, who also heard Silver's proposal, suggested the King do as the messenger mentioned.

But, the King, who was in a rage, sentenced Silver to life imprisonment and even dismissed the Prime Minister.

Now that everything came to him, the King regretted his actions. 


The fire arrow suddenly struck his forehead and killed him instantly.

*Ding! Congratulations, you became the King of Zuweth.

*Ding! Zuweth kingdom is changed to Zuweth Province and lost its authority over Evelon.

*Ding! Zuweth Province and Evelon province was merged into the Llyne kingdom. Please check out your properties list for details.

*Ding! Congratulations on becoming the first player in the world to capture three kingdoms. You receive 10000 fame points and 10000 gold coins as a reward.

"All hail King Llyne." "All hail King Llyne."

While the soldiers are cheering in excitement, Wil observed the new stats of the kingdom.

Kingdom of Llyne

Current King: Time Traveler

Headquarters: Llyne City

Area: 200,423 sq. km

Habitable zone: 19,458 sq. km

Wild zone: 180,965 sq. km

Population: 7,432,875

Natives: 2,341,779

Players: 5,091,096

Total number of Provinces: 3

Total number of Cities: 27

Player cities: 0

Total number of towns: 94

Player towns: 4

Number of guilds: 491

Tax rate: 15%

Current Funds: 1,941,366

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