War Online

Chapter 322

Chapter 322: One discovers Wil's secret

Gailzach Kingdom, Northern Zalfari continent;

Somewhere in the level-300 wild zone, Jung-Woo (One) was riding on the broomstick, searching for something.

After searching for an hour without any results, he sent a message to someone.

One: Are you sure about its authenticity of the news?

Gamer Bot: Yes. Hundred percent… I personally witnessed the special beast with dual attributes.

One: I'm not asking about the beast. I'm asking whether that so-called hidden realm exists in every kingdom.

Gamer Bot: Of course. It was around the dungeon portal. I'm surprised that you still haven't found it.

One: I've almost searched every corner of the level-300 wild zone.

Gamer Bot: Did you search the dungeon cave?

One: Yes. It isn't there.

Gamer Bot: Give me a second. 

After a while, he replied with another message.

Gamer Bot: My informer is asking for 100 gold coins as a payment to tell the exact spot. Is it okay with you?

One: Alright

As Jung-woo sent him the money, his friend kept 90 gold coins for himself and gave the remaining 10 gold coins to his informer to get further information.

Gamer Bot: Ever heard of the Gaming Sense channel?

One: Nope

Gamer Bot: Open GoLive and search for it. It belongs to Crimson Sun. He uploads videos of his adventures. There, you can find the level-200 hidden realm too… You can see the exact spot there.

"Crimson Sun?" Jung-woo then remembered the article where he read Time Traveler treats Crimson Sun as his rival while Crimson Sun treats him as his rival.

They are in a triangle rivalry.

Jung-woo immediately opened the website to confirm it. After watching it, he was perplexed about something.

"The entrance…" He realized the entrance was right in the cave, all along. He almost cursed his friend to take advantage of the situation but considering how he's been helpful from the start, Jung-woo put aside the matter and started to set out towards the dungeon cave. 

However, right then, the level-200 legendary+ grade ring that he acquired from the royal treasury started to glow.

*Ding! Damian has been detected nearby.

"Hmm?" Jung-woo stopped flying and read the notification. "Damian? What is that?"

He didn't know the meaning behind the notification. He wondered whether it is some kind of treasure but then, threw the thought away.josei

Whatever it is, he decided to deal with it, once he finished exploring the hidden realm and excavate all the resources that present in it.

After watching Bran's hidden realm's adventure video, his interest only grew further

As he continued to fly away, the ring glowed for a minute before it became normal.

A few hours later, as the full moon in the sky, illuminating the entire world with its light, in the streets of the capital city, more than ten thousand soldiers were seen carrying storage pouches, instead of weapons.

Meanwhile, Jungwoo was leading the army with a blue-colored cat on his shoulders. He was grinning ear to ear after cleaning up both of the hidden realms from Gailzach and Eiron's wild zones.

The four hidden realms gave him a tremendous amount of resources like flame crystals, ice crystals, different types of medicinal plants, fragments of light stone, hundreds of equipment, etc…

Out of them, the biggest profit is the Sun and Moon cat. At first, he wanted to kill the cat to get equipment. He even killed the first one.

However, upon discovering the second one in the hidden realm at Eiron province, Jungwoo decided to capture it, instead.

Due to his lower level, it cost him 6 legendary grade pet scrolls before he successfully turned it into his battle companion.

After storing them down at the royal treasury, Jungwoo smiled, "today seems like a good day."

*Ding! You received a private message from player Gamer Bot.

At first, he wasn't much interested and casually opened the message.

Gamer Bot: I have some new information about Time Traveler

As expected, any mentioning of Time Traveler will make him curious about it. 

His eyes widened in surprise the moment he read the next message.

"Time Traveler is the squanderer? He already captured the remaining two kingdoms, this quick?

If I underestimate his strength, it's quite possible to some extent but he was also the mysterious expert Lupin? How is that possible?"


Reverie city, Reverie Province, Searvale kingdom;

In the streets of the former capital city of the Reverie kingdom, a man and woman are walking together, wearing robes over their clothes, covering their head with a hood and a blank mask to hide their faces.

While the man was walking upright, the woman seemed tense and grabbed his arms tightly while walking closely with him.

Since it was normal for the people like them, no one paid attention to their odd behavior.

After a while, both of them reached a seemingly ordinary-looking inn. Paying the fee for a month in advance, both of them went upstairs.

"Princess, you will be safe here." The man spoke after reaching the room.

"Thank you, Crimson Sun…" The lady replied before she took out her disguise. 

After managing to escape from the Elven guards, Sheryl hid in one of the towns at Uflenor for a while before she sent a letter to Bran via a low-level player.

Bran immediately met with her and brought her to the Reverie city, where the influence of Elves is rather low. 

Due to having fewer amounts of soldiers, the Elves of Searvale had no choice but to appoint the second prince as the Governor of the Province after making him pledge loyalty to the kingdom thereby relinquishing his rights to the throne.

As for the generals who are with him, some of them were sent to Uflenor while the others were kept at Searvale to instruct their soldiers. 

With the second prince as the current governor here, Bran thought it is the best place to hide her. After all, the best place to hide is in plain sight.

"What's your plan, Princess?" Bran asked her.

Taking the Imperial sword out of nowhere, she replied, "After my father died, the sword was passed onto me. I still have the right to reclaim the throne. However, I don't have enough army to face them."

"Hmm…" Bran fell into thoughts for a while.

After thinking thoroughly, he said, "Give me six months, no… three months of time. I'll be able to develop enough soldiers to not only defend the kingdom but also become strong enough to protect you."

She looked at him sentimentally as tears welled up in her eyes. "Thank you…" The princess lunged at him and hugged him tightly while crying.

*Ding! Favorability with Sheryl reached 100.

*Ding! Favorability turned into affection.

Bran was taken aback by her action. Remembering his real-life girlfriend, he felt guilty for some reason…


Capital city, Llyne kingdom;

As the citizens and the soldiers were celebrating under the moonlight, Wil, on the other hand, silently returned to the imperial palace while summoning the ministers to the court to make an important announcement.

Wil waited for everyone while continuing to sit on the throne. He looked like doesn't care about formalities right now.

One by one, they arrived at the courtroom. Some have the look of fear while others have the look of happiness.

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