While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 547

Chapter 547: Offer

"That's really strange…"

With how the system was initially nothing else but a tool implemented in my head by the whims of the Deity that brought me to this world from the earth, I perfectly knew that current Bonger's state was far from what that deity could ever expect. Even with how limited my knowledge was about the fine details of how the entire world operated, I already gathered enough information to at least confirm that point.

Yet even with that in mind, hearing what Bonger just said was enough to completely freeze my mind.

Improve the host just the way in which the host improved its system? Just Bonger's claims of being capable of unlocking or upgrading the tools of his were enough for me to jump in joy if not for how stupid and strange it would look for everyone else gathered along with me!

Yet the fact that the system itself could upgrade the host, rather than that upgrade being a conscious choice of the host himself… As happy as I was with a new avenue of growth appearing right in front of me for grabbing, I couldn't help but get a bit worried about how it would work out in reality!

After all, if one had the power to improves one's status, then ultimately, he had the power to change it! And if one could change something, who would dare to assume that it could be done only with the positive results in mind?

"Anyway, let's drop that topic for now. We have enough matters at hands right now to busy our minds with another important and novel topic. Can we put that off for later?"

Sending a telepathic message to Bonger's avatar, I couldn't help but notice that ever since the last time I paid attention to its semi-corporeal body, it already managed to turn from a simple stickman to a detailed one! Now, rather than consisting of a round head and just five sticks making up its entire body, Bonger's avatar already reached the point where joints started to appear on its limbs, allowing for a far more agile movement… if only Bonger could ever bother to let the earth sully his sticky feet!

"Anyway, let me repeat the question, because this is just a side matter for me, that I want to deal with as soon as possible. Would you like to visit your sister right now with my help, or would you prefer doing it on your own accord later on?"josei

As I was asking this question, I once again turned my attention back to Jelleria's sister. As much as I would love to find a way to use her innate constitution for my own benefit, with the changes that my body and mind went through after Eve was finally saved from her lethal injury, I wasn't as willing to partake in orgiastic activities as I was before when my mind was still closer to that of a horny teenage rather than an experienced adult who treader on the bloody path of growth in this world.

"I.. I-I think…"

While this pitiful girl had some problems in properly formulating her answer, I could see in the answer in her eyes. Just by connecting the dots, I could tell how tragic life she had to live while under that bastardly elder of the gorilla sect. To be quite frank, if not for that elder that fought with me in the supremacy challenge, I would even start considering eradicating that entire sect from the world, seeing how most of their members were closer to being trash rather than proper human beings!

"I get it, don't strain yourself. Would you like me to carry you to her? Or is there something you would like to get back from the place you lived in so far?"

With how she was most likely used as a useful tool to gather the energy for her former owner, I could tell that she would never dare to venture back to get her things if she was given the chance of escaping the hellish life she had to suffer so far. 

Yet as I thought about what should I do to help her forget about all those experiences and start her life again with her sister, a new idea appeared in my head.

"Wait a moment, before you answer, can you tell me whether there are other girls like you in where you lived so far?"

While for a moment, the idea to use those girls to grow stronger myself, it vanished from my thoughts as soon as it appeared. After all, for a person of a modern world like me, exploiting those girls would be akin to partaking in illegal and forced prostitution! 

"S-sir… Th-here were… sev-ven other girls and t-two boys…"

With how I was currently comparing the situation of Jelleria's sister to those tragedies I heard about back when I was nothing but a clueless teen, I felt how my usually stoic self started burning up with rage. Just when I was imagining Eve in the same position as this girl, I heard her answer, only further fueling my fury!

"I know it will be hard on you, but I promise right now, nothing will ever happen to you again, for as long as I'm nearby. With that in mind, would you mind showing me when the other people sharing your fate are held? I'm not willing to let their suffering continue."

Even though that I wasn't supposed to project my own morality on this completely different world, with how I knew the backstory of this poor girl, there was no way I would allow such hellish situation to continue!

"No! I don't want to go back there!"

As soon as my request reached the girl's ears, she instantly backed out a few steps before losing the stability and falling down on her bottom. With her face twisted in the purest form of horror, I could tell what was going on through her mind. After seeing the chance to escape, after nearly touching the possibility of escaping her previous life, she was going to go back to the place she wished so much to escape from?

"Okay then, can you at least explain me how can I get to that place? While I don't like to flaunt, there is no force on this island that is capable of standing against me right now, so while I think you would be safer beside us rather than waiting for our return, if that's your wish, I can leave you with my fiancee and friend here, so that I could free the rest of those poor victims of the gorilla sect!"

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