While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 548

Chapter 548: Going back

"You really can put someone in the spot, you know…"

After discussing everything with others, it was finally decided that while I would deal with returning the girl to her home, the rest of my group would go to the gorilla sect and wait for me there. 

While I felt a bit hesitant about letting Eve go alone with Celleria, especially with how both of them were possessors of the immortals' blood, yet just a single look at my Fiance's face told me that it would be a bad move.

As much as I was worried about here, there was nothing I could do against her pride energy. After being locked away in the world created in her own head, it was understandable that she would crave for some action, especially now that her own prowess reached the point equal to what I could achieve, if not greater. 

After all, all my exploits relied on all different types of energy, skills and magic, making me more of a jack of all trades rather than a diligent cultivator. And as much as I wanted to believe that my approach was actually better, when it came to raw fighting strength, there was no doubt that following the pure path of cultivation would come out first.

"I'm sorry…"

Hanging in my arms, the poor girl continued to tremble lightly as we flew through the clouds towards the place where her original home was located. While it was a fair distance away from the town, with my increased strength and overall quality of my skills, covering that much of a distance was lesser problem than actually figuring out which exact path I took back then from what I could see in from the skies.

After all, I couldn't rely on this mentally unstable girl in order to find that small village, so I had to push my memory to its limits, trying to deal with this matter as soon as possible in order to go to other tasks of mine.

In the end, even despite knowing how powerful Eve had to be at this point, I couldn't help but worry about her safety!

"I think it should be somewhere here…"josei

Finally deciding to break my flight and changing my path with two explosions towards the ground, I braced myself before slowing my descent with several light touches of flight spell. As my feet hit the ground, all the momentum was already gone, saving Jelleria's sister form breaking her neck on the spot.

"And so, we are here. Come with me, as I'm rather sure the place you lived is different from where your sister now lives."

At last, putting the girl back on the ground, I could finally relax myself a bit. Despite Eve coming back to the living just a few hours prior, it was a fact that after our initial outburst of love, I was left… with my entire body way more than okay with another go. Yet as the circumstances pushed us into action a bit, I didn't really have the chance to take a moment to properly calm myself down!

Yet as if the universe was laughing at my problems, right when I was finally free of the earthy desires, I ended up carrying this soft girl all the way up to the edge of the island, right beside the point where I had an orgy just a few days ago!

Looking back, I couldn't help but gawk at what I managed to achieve in the span of just those past few days. Coming to this place after the battle for that stranded island, instantly involving myself in the several sessions of pleasure, dismantling the entire government of the most important place in the entire archipelago, breaking through my past limits and ultimately saving Eve…

If someone were to appear and ask me back when I was following Jelleria to her hut in order to learn more about this place and tell me that this short stay on this island would end up so eventful, I would call him a lier or in the best scenario, some kind of starving artists trying to come up with a stupidly impossible and improbable story!

Yet here I was, guiding Jelleria's poor sister, saving a damsel from the life akin if not exactly of a whore, while my fiancee was most likely already spreading chaos in the Gorilla sect headquarters, despite it being one of the best defended and staffed place in the entire area!

"We are here."

Standing in front of the pitiful mound of earth, I couldn't help but feel the wave of all those memories stopping. Now, that this last shackle that kept me confined to this island would be gone in a moment, I couldn't help but feel a huge wave of relaxation washing my body out of all the tiredness and stress that accumulated in me during the past few weeks!

"Come out…"

Rather than just calling out and waiting for the message recipient to react accordingly, I located several sources of the energy coming out from below the ground, before grabbing them tightly with the grasp of my energy, and pulling them from the cave while ignoring the fact that there was a thick layer of hard earth between their current position and where I was pulling them too!


In one instant, the earth below my feet cracked, before giving up and presenting me with four corpses of some kind of beasts. As worrying as it was, the fact that there was no energy source that I could recognise as Jelleria meant that while those beasts died there, the girl did not!

"Just what the hell happened…"

Grabbing the girl beside me by her waist, I caught her in my arms before covering the distance that separated this small hut from the rest of the village in a single, relaxed jump.

Even if something happened to this place, I was already way more powerful than any lifeform that would be ever born in this place, making any amount of carefulness nothing more but a waste of time.

"Seriously, what's going on here?"

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