Author: Commander843

The Dragon of Dreams

Commander843 3082 in week This is&nbsp;the story of&nbsp;a&nbsp;college student who was reincarnated as&nbsp;a&nbsp;dragon with a&nbsp;near insatiable curiosity. Sparked by&nbsp;questioning his own reincarnation, he&nbsp;quickly gets lost in&nbsp;the world of&nbsp;magic and science, using a&nbsp;new type of&nbsp;energy known as&nbsp;mana to&nbsp;learn and exploit the inner workings of&nbsp;the world.<br><br>Although not his original intention, with the combination of&nbsp;his intelligence and the miracles that occurred to&nbsp;allow his existence, he&nbsp;quickly found himself climbing the mountain of&nbsp;strength as&nbsp;if&nbsp;it&nbsp;were a&nbsp;small hill, and climb to&nbsp;a&nbsp;point that even mighty gods must yield to.<br><br>***<br><br>There is&nbsp;mild gore, but there are warnings at&nbsp;the beginning of&nbsp;the chapters it&nbsp;is&nbsp;in!<br><br>New Chapter once every 3 days at&nbsp;1:30 PM&nbsp;EST!