100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 81 [Bonus Chapter] She Missed You!

Chapter 81 [Bonus Chapter] She Missed You!

Day Six…


[ Sparks Ancestral Mansion… ]

Abigail thought her relationship with Nathan would improve after sharing that intimate moment last night. She served him even though she had never experienced pleasuring a man before. Nathan also taught her what to do and guided her.

She was also glad that Nathan became true to his words. He fired Chef Min as per her wishes. But who would have thought that Nathan would try to avoid and ignore her today?

He didn't stay home even though it was Saturday. He didn't have work at the company. He wasn't needed in the Syphiruz either. Nathan just stayed at Stephen's Clinic, killing his time.

Since Chef Min was kicked out of the mansion, Abigail was the one who cooked dinner tonight for Nathan and Ethan, but until now, the devil hadn't returned home yet. In the end, Ethan and Abigail were the only ones who ate dinner together.

Abigail was sitting on the balcony, waiting for Nathan to arrive when Little Ethan approached her.

"Miss Abi, what are you doing here? It's already late. Don't you want to sleep?" Little Ethan asked her expectantly. "Are you waiting for my Dad?" he added, a teasing smile flashing across his adorable face.

"Yes," Abigail admitted to Ethan. She had no reason to deny it. Besides, Ethan was the most honest, innocent, and loyal person she had met as Abigail. As much as possible, she would like to be truthful to him as well.josei

"Okay. Miss Abi. I think my Dad is with his best friends right now. I will ask Uncle Stephen." Ethan picked up his phone to dial Stephen's number.

'He has Stephen's number. Hmm. I should get his number. I wonder if they already convinced Nathan to go on a date with me.'

Abigail waited for Ethan to finish talking with Stephen.

"Uncle, where is Dad?" Ethan asked him right away as soon as the call got connected.

"Oh, My cute little godson. He already left a while ago. He is on the way home now. Do you miss your dad already?" Stephen teased Ethan. It was very seldom for him to look for his father. He didn't usually care about his father going home late.

"Miss Abi is the one missing my Dad," Ethan said with a straight face.

Abigail's jaw dropped when she heard that. Just like Abigail, Stephen was also rendered speechless.

"Uncle Steph, are you still there?" Ethan called his attention as the other line had become silent.

"Cough! Cough!" Stephen cleared his throat. "Y-Yes, godson, I'm still here," he awkwardly answered.

"Okay. Uncle. I will just wait for my Dad."

Since Ethan seemed like he was dismissing Stephen already, Abigail asked Ethan if he could talk to Stephen.

"Ethan, may I talk to your Uncle Stephen?"

Little Ethan bobbed his head. "Uncle, Miss Abi wants to talk to you. I'm giving her my phone now." Ethan handed over the phone to Abigail.

Stephen greeted Abigail enthusiastically. "Hello, Miss Abi. Is there anything you need?"

"Hmm. Yes! I would like to ask if you already convinced Nathan?"

Abigail learned from Bam-Bam that it was important to go on a date to get to know Nathan and to win his heart. So she grabbed the opportunity to ask for help from Nathan's friends in convincing him through the bet. Fortunately, she won with the help of Butler Li's expert hand in dealing cards.

"Sigh. Nathan is so hard to convince. He didn't want to go. Why don't we just go together? I am willing to be your date." Stephen shamelessly volunteered.

Unknown to Stephen, Little Ethan put the phone on loudspeaker mode so that he could hear what Stephen would say to his so-called future wife, Miss Abigail.

Little Ethan's face contorted with displeasure. He didn't like Abigail to go on a date with his Uncle Stephen. He was rooting for his Dad. It's just that his Dad was so dumb to ignore and refuse to have a date with Abigail.

"Uncle Steph! Stop it. You should find someone else. Miss Abi is off-limits!" Ethan yelled, scolding Stephen from the other line.

Stephen heard the young one's voice. He just let out a soft chuckle. He was just trying his luck. Who would have thought that Little Ethan was eavesdropping on their conversation?

"I forgot… you have a strong bodyguard there. My little cute godson, I'm just teasing your Miss Abi. But my offer is always open, just in case she will take it seriously. If your Dad doesn't want to go, I'm willing to be her date on his behalf."

Abigail could only shake her head helplessly. "Mr. Zhao, I will appreciate it more if you can make it possible for me to date Nathan."

"Hmm, Okay, Miss Abi. I will try my best. Just give us more time. Nathan is very close-minded and stubborn most of the time. He won't easily listen to us."

Ethan had to agree with that statement. He also knew how hard-headed his father was so he could understand his Uncle.

"Why are you talking about me? I heard my name," Nathan suddenly came out of the blue, surprising Abigail, Ethan, and Stephen.

Ethan and Abigail turned in the direction of his voice. They didn't notice that he had arrived.

Abigail held her breath as soon as her eyes met Nathan's blue eyes. He was staring at her with his penetrating gaze. Then a cold glint flashed through his eyes when he lowered his gaze. Abigail didn't know why Nathan appeared to be mad at her.

But little did she know, Nathan's cold sharp gaze was directed to the phone Abigail was holding. He heard Stephen's voice. He didn't know that Stephen was already having a personal conversation with Abigail.

'Are they close now?' He thought to himself, frowning deeply.

"Dad! Finally, you're here! Miss Abi has been waiting for you! I think she missed you!"

Nathan: "..."

Abigail: "..."

Both Abigail and Nathan were at a loss for words because of Ethan's last remarks. Abigail had the urge to dig a hole in the ground and hide. She felt so embarrassed.

Nathan, on the other hand, was caught off guard. The crease on his forehead was replaced by a shocked expression.

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