80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 780

Chapter 780: you calamity

Chapter 780 You Disaster

Xiao Rin said to leave, Xiao Aiguo took him away immediately, for fear that he would go back.

Jiang Zhiying chased them to the gate of Jiang's house. Seeing Xiao Rin being pulled away by Xiao Aiguo, she felt a little unhappy in her heart.

This kid has eaten so much of her good food, and now he's gone.

But the most excessive is Xiao Aiguo. At first, he disliked Xiao Rin as a burden.

They haven't asked Xiao Aiguo for Xiao Rin's food expenses these days, it's really cheap for him!josei

Shen Wanqing saw Jiang Zhiying standing at the gate all the time, and couldn't help but feel a little distressed: "Zhuzhu, what are you looking at? Are you reluctant to bear Brother Xiao?"

Jiang Zhiying was shocked by the sound of "Brother Xiao", so she turned around quickly: "Grandma, he is so pitiful, he used to be as thin as bean sprouts, but he only grew taller when he arrived at our house. Now that he goes back, he will definitely have to Had a hard time."

Shen Wanqing touched her head distressedly, thought for a while and said, "If Zhuzhu can't bear him, will grandma take you to play with him in the future?"

She thought, Xiao Rin is still so young, and when she arrives at Xiao's house, she might be bullied. And he is a child, even if he is bullied, he can't resist.

If they went to see him from time to time, the Xiao family should not dare to go too far.

Jiang Zhiying rolled her eyes: "Then I'll go and play with him in the afternoon."

Old man Xiao took Xiao Rin away. It was too ugly to chase her out now, so she might as well go there in the afternoon to see what happened to the Xiao family.

Shen Wanqing did not object, closed the door, and took Jiang Zhiying back with a smile.

On the other side, Xiao Rin followed Old Man Xiao to the Xiao family's old house, which was the old house that Old Man Xiao wanted to get back when he returned.

This house is relatively close to Jiang's house, less than two kilometers away, so Xiao Rin is quite satisfied.

But after entering, he obviously found that the old house of the Xiao family was much more dilapidated than the old house of the Jiang family.

The old house of the Jiang family was built better than the old house of the Xiao family, and it was made of good materials. Later, although it was badly damaged, only the walls were blackened, and some wood was rotten.

After retouching, it looks a lot better.

The old house of the Xiao family is different. Not only is it much smaller than the old house of the Jiang family, but the materials used are not as good as those of the Jiang family. Later, it was ruined by the tenants.

The most important thing is that the house has not been renovated, the walls are all blackened, and the people who live in it seem to be lazy and haven't cleaned it properly, so it looks messy and dirty.

Xiao Rin was shocked when he walked in, the old house of the Xiao family was too bad!

What happened to the Xiao family? Did you not clean up? How can you ruin a good house like this?

At this moment, Xiao Hong suddenly rushed out and glared at Xiao Rin angrily: "It's all your fault, what are you doing here, you disaster star? My dad was killed by you!"

Xiao Rin saw him and immediately thought of his father, Xiao Jinjin.

Speaking of which, Xiao Jinjin was indeed designed by Xiao Rin, but he was not guilty. If he hadn't designed Xiao Jinjin early, Xiao Jinjin would have made a big mistake later! You can't even save your life by then!

Unlike now, although he was caught embezzling and messing with men and women, and was sentenced to 15 years of labor reform, he was able to save his life.

Besides, his corruption and messing with the relationship between men and women are real things, Xiao Rin didn't slander him.

So Xiao Rin is not guilty at all.

He was just surprised, how did Xiao Hong know that he did it?

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