I Won't Go Back to My Family Who Abandoned Me

Chapter 23 - Im Not Buying It, Im Just Wondering Where They Sell It.

Chapter 23 - Im Not Buying It, Im Just Wondering Where They Sell It.

Chapter 23 - I'm Not Buying It, I'm Just Wondering Where They Sell It.

There was no response to the wishing bracelet on the first day, it didn’t attract attention on the second day either.

Today is the 10th day.

Elle dropped her head to the table, and muttered.

“I worked so hard on it…”

How can they just ignore it?

She wanted to make more, but was worried that the samples were showing signs of failure. She was also having trouble facing Leticia, who always went out to the square with her to help.

“Let’s wait a little longer. We might get a better response tomorrow.”

Leticia comforted her with a light pat on the shoulder as Elle was feeling down in the dumps.

Elle avoided her eyes, and murmured quietly.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

Elle felt ashamed and upset that she was so useless and pathetic, especially since Leticia trusted her. She was pouting with her lip out. Ian was watching her, and trying to bite his tongue.

“We’re just beginning and you’re already giving up.”

“What! Are you in my shoes?”

“I doubt I’d whine like you.”

“That time is crawling up on you.”

Ian’s sarcasm made Elle wonder why she was ever depressed, as she sat up and turned to Ian. He needed to understand that she wasn’t the only one who had this problem, but he’d already left the drawing room.

“Here we go again.”

Enoch shook his head as the chase began. Sitting opposite Enoch was Leticia, who smiled in a very familiar scene and said.

“It’s nice to see they’re close.”

“Thank you for seeing it that way.”

As soon as Enoch thanked Leticia for her positive consideration, Elle caught Ian and came back while dragging him along.

“You don’t think I’ll make a dime even if I have a hit.”

“Make money, then come talk to me.”

Enoch stared coldly at the scene of Elle and Ian arguing on their way back. The twins belatedly figured out the atmosphere and sat down quietly.

“Come to think of it, the hunting festival is about to begin.”

“It was always around this time, right?”

Looking at the siblings’ obvious attempt to change the subject, Enoch clicked his tongue and handed Leticia a cup of tea. After nodding in appreciation, Leticia sipped her tea and became lost in thought.

‘A hunting festival…’

The royal family held a hunting festival immediately after the Imperial knight ceremony to give the new recruits an opportunity to show off their talents and skills.

However, the nobles had other concerns.

When the hunting festival begins, men give white roses to women they are interested in, and women give ribbon straps similar to their eye color to wish them a safe return.

It was the day that both men and women dreamed of most, because the largest numbers of lovers formed this time of the year.

Leticia glanced at Enoch.

However, Enoch drank his tea with an indifferent look on his face, and there was no response.

‘I’m sure he’ll get the most ribbons at the hunting festival this year.’

During the knighthood ceremony, many young ladies were sneaking glances at Enoch. They pretended otherwise because he didn’t have good financial resources, but it was obvious enough for Leticia to notice.

For some reason her mood sank. Leticia slumped and fidgeted with her sleeve.

It was both depressing and unpleasant to think of other girls giving Enoch a ribbon.

“I’m going out for a while.”

Leticia carefully rose from her seat and Enoch asked with wide eyes.

“Where are you going?”

“I want to research about my ability.”

“I’ll come with you.”

Leticia waved her hands quickly in surprise as Enoch started to rise.

“It’s okay. I can go by myself.”


“Then I’ll go with you. I owe you a lot.”

Elle intervened when Enoch froze in worry that she was going alone, but Leticia refused with a perplexed look on her face.

“No, I’m going alone…”

“I want to help you this time. Why can’t I?”

Elle took Leticia’s hands in her own with a desperate look in her eyes. Leticia could no longer refuse her.

“I understand, I’ll be in your care.”

“Okay, let’s get out of here!”

Leticia nodded and Elle quickly ran out the drawing room with a triumphant grin.

Watching her leave, Ian sighed as if there was no answer and said to Enoch.

“Elle seems to be causing Leticia a lot of trouble, shouldn’t we stop her?”

Enoch was still a little worried, but he slightly shrugged his shoulders.

“It’s still better than going alone.”

“True, but…”

Enoch watched Leticia leaving. She was fine with giving in to Elle, who seemed to be a constant bother.

‘I wanted to go with you.’

The regret lingered for a long time and did not leave.


Leticia travelled to the square with Elle, they immediately went to the library where she used to go often. Unsurprisingly, she couldn’t find a book with any hints about her possible ability.

‘As expected.’

She wasn’t disheartened because she expected this. Perhaps because of Elle’s disappointment, Leticia was able to smile and show that she was okay.

Leticia saw something while walking down the street after leaving the library.

‘A string of blue ribbons…’

She stopped walking when she saw the blue ribbons closest to the color of her eyes. It was a string of ribbons with a color so pretty that even passerbys would look back, but the price was so high that she wanted to flee in shock.

‘It’s perfect.’

Leticia glanced at the different ribbons, but she couldn’t find anything she liked. Only this blue ribbon captured Leticia’s eyes.

After standing still for a long time and looking down at the ribbon strap, Leticia smiled weakly and moved on.

Elle watched the scene silently, pressing her lips together.

‘I think you want that.’

Although she had known Leticia for a short time, Elle knew she wasn’t materialistic.

Maybe that’s why.

Elle wondered how badly she wanted it.

‘I hope the bracelet is a hit.’

Elle wanted to buy her a dozen ribbons. No, hundreds of them for her.

Elle followed Leticia with determination in her heart.


As it began to get dark, Leticia and Elle returned to the Achilles mansion.

Someone was standing in front of the mansion door. As they got closer, it became clear that it was Ian standing around with a nervous look.

This made Elle anxious and she approached Ian cautiously.

“What are you doing here?”

“Well, I’ve been waiting for you two.”

“What’s going on?”

“The owner of Pegasus is here.”


Ian urged her to hurry inside, so Elle rushed to the parlor.

The owner was sitting nervously, and jumped up from his seat when he spotted Elle.

“My lady, you’re home.”

“Yes, but what brings you here?”

“I’m here to tell you the good news!”

The owner was gesturing in excitement.

Elle asked what the good news was.

“The orders are pouring in, my lady!”


“It’s in great demand among the noblewomen!”


As she listened, she couldn’t believe it. Elle looked stiffly down at the wishing bracelet. It was designed by her, but they never expected that it would be popular with the aristocracy.

From the beginning it was designed to be affordable for commoners, so she couldn’t understand no matter how hard she thought about it.

“What on earth was going on?”


A few days ago.

“I was worried when you said you weren’t feeling well.”

“How are you now, Countess Aster?”

“’Is it okay for you to come out like this?”

It had been a long time since they’d all met up for tea time, the worried ladies inquired about Countess Aster’s health.

The smiling Countess replied to their anxious words.

“Thank you, I’ve improved a lot. I am grateful for everyone worrying about me like this.”

“You don’t know how surprising it was to hear of your sudden illness.”

“I’m sure it was.”

“But it’s nice to see you well again.”

Her face, which had been pale and thin, had improved in color and she looked rejuvenated.

As everyone was telling the Countess to stay healthy and have a good time today, Marquess Ferdinand spoke up.

“By the way, what is that bracelet on your wrist? I don’t think I’ve seen it before.”

When Marquess Ferdinand pointed out the bracelet on Countess Aster’s wrist, everyone’s eyes turned to it.

“Oh, this one?”

As everyone curiously looked, Countess Aster smiled softly and lifted her wrist to show her bracelet.

“It’s a wishing bracelet given by a child who I love as my own daughter.”

“A wishing bracelet?”

“Yes, I hear it grants wishes.”

They could see that the Countess really cherishes the bracelet by the way she touches it while talking.

But the ladies’ reactions were a little different.

“Oh, really? But…”

“It’s a little much to wear…”

Everyone reacted subtly, but Countess Aster smiled kindly.

“It may seem so, but the meaning of this bracelet is different.”

“What do you mean?”

“She said she wanted me to be healthy as soon as possible.”

She was a child with a caring heart since as long as she could remember. A child who was willing to share and give to others even if she didn’t have anything. So the Countess wanted to take care of her as much as possible.

“Her wish is so beautiful that I wear the bracelet on my wrist all the time.”

She was so glad that her husband met with that child again.

“Maybe it’s because I became healthier after receiving this, but it’s even more precious.”


“It’s a coincidence, but I still felt that way. I used to get sick often. I was worried because the doctor’s diagnosis wasn’t good. But after wearing the bracelet, I recovered and this bracelet became important to me. The doctor also said it was a miraculous recovery. It felt strange to hear that and I was dazed.”

The way she looked down at the bracelet showed that she cared for and cherished it more than anything.

The noblewomen exchanged looks of bewilderment behind Countess Aster’s back.




“Isn’t it ridiculous?”


“That wishing bracelet.”

It was the moment when Countess Aster left her seat. Marquess Ferdinand looked around, and brought up a story she had waited to talk about.

The ladies who listened quietly to the Marquess, nodded with looks of sympathy.

“That’s right. A wishing bracelet, it’s childish.”

“I thought it was ridiculous when I heard it.”

“As a Countess, how can she not consider her reputation while wearing such a crude thing.”

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Among them was Marquess Ferdinand, who first noticed Countess Aster’s bracelet. She took a sip of her tea with a smirk on her face.

‘You’re healthy because of that bracelet? That’s ridiculous.’

After the story Countess Aster told of recovering after receiving the bracelet, there was talk that it was being sold in the square.

‘Who said I was curious?’

What kind of person buys such a childish and cheap bracelet.

She was inwardly reproaching Countess Aster for her extravagant remark.

“So where in the square do they sell it?”

“You said you met them at the clock tower, so maybe it’s being sold around there?”

Before she knew it, the ladies began to ask the source of the bracelet.

Marquess Ferdinand’s brows furrowed at the turn of the conversation.

“I see everyone is more interested in that bracelet than I thought. You’re not going to buy it, are you?”

Asking exactly where the store is located implies you want to buy it.

Marquess Ferdinand noticed immediately, and asked with some dissatisfaction. Everyone waved their hands in surprise.

“Oh, what are you talking about? I just asked out of curiosity.”

“That’s right! Who would buy something like that?”

“It makes me sad to hear you say that, Marquess Ferdinand.”

The Marquess looked at them suspiciously when they denied it so vehemently, but she had no choice but to withdraw her disapproving gaze. josei




The tea party ended, and everyone got into their carriages while giving fond farewells and announcing that they would see each other soon.

As soon as they arrived at their respective mansions, the ladies began asking for a large purchase of wishing bracelets.

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