Tomb Raider King

Chapter 385

Chapter 385: Tomb Raider King (3)

Chapter 385: Tomb Raider King (3)

Translator: miraclerifle

“You punk, what the hell did you do inside Chaos?!”

Ju-Heon laughed out loud.

"What else?! I used the Akashic records to create a new tomb!”


“Other than the Disaster-Grade and evil apocalypse artifacts, the rest of them are just sad artifacts that couldn't be recorded in history. Basically, they are mysterious artifacts we don’t know about.”


“It’s such a waste! Why should I let them disappear?”


“That’s why I took out the evil ones and made new histories for the remainder in the Akashic records. Then they will be reborn in Chaos (Imagery world). They should start popping up left and right as time goes on.”

“W, what did you say?”

“Of course, even I don't know what will show up. I had a ghostwriter write everything. It’s more interesting if I don’t know.”

June sighed as if to show how tiring it had been.

He wondered why he had to do the work of the Majesty.

“But don’t you need the Cradle for the artifacts to be born?”

They looked toward June. Their gazes seemed to be asking if he was the Cradle, but he shook his head.

All living beings return to where they were born when they die.

That is why the Cradle was a spatial dimension called Chaos where artifacts are born and where artifacts die.

It was a set of birth and death.

“I am the Cradle but I am comparable to a black hole. I am in charge of death. The Cradle of life was destroyed by the apocalypse artifacts in the past.”

The reason was simple.

The existence of birth was generally the other half of the Majesty. If the Majesty was a man, it would be a woman, and if the Majesty was a woman, it would be a man.

It would partner with the Majesty to meet the conditions to give birth to artifacts.

“Anyway, my sister, the one in charge of birth, was destroyed leaving only her core behind. Because of that...”

June proudly took out some familiar artifacts.

[Huff, huff, sire! sire!]



These artifacts were disgusting to even look at!

“The power of that core was temporarily placed in these artifacts. Putting these two artifacts together allows us to give birth to artifacts!”

June had handled it until now, but...!

“Your majesty! If you use this from now on......!”

“Get lost! Shut up! Are you fucking crazy?!”

June sulked at Ju-Heon's rage.

He had worked hard to select these artifacts for his king......

June sadly put his cherished, disgusting artifacts back in a bag.

"Well, you can designate any artifact you like as the existence of birth later, your majesty.”

June seemed to be peeking at the rope.

Julian sighed as if he was tired of this.

“So new tombs will start appearing now? And it’ll be a new Era of Excavation?”

Would they see a new War of Artifacts full of the greed of excavation teams and blood?

Ju-Heon mischievously snickered.

"Who knows? I'm sure it’ll be a bit different from before.”

“What? What are you...”

They then heard some things shooting up from the ground.

This was the signal to ring in the new era.

One week later.

[Tombs have started appearing in the world once again.]

[But that’s not all. New tombs and artifacts that are completely different from what we have seen have also started appearing.]

[The temporary artifact organization is claiming that these new tombs are artifacts that the Majesty, Seo Ju-Heon, has called from Chaos.]

[At 2pm on the 3rd, governments around the world have negotiated an artifact usage agreement with Seo Ju-Heon......]

[Experts who have analyzed the agreement believe that a completely different era from the Era of Artifacts we have seen until now...]

[Majesty Seo Ju-Heon......]


Jaeha was huffing as he turned the TV off.

“Majesty or not, that damn captain is a motherfucker.”

He was sniffling while working hard to restore something.

It was the throne, Hlidskjalf. It seemed impossible to restore since even the core was ruthlessly destroyed, but what else could he do?

‘Fix it.’

He would be killed if he said that he couldn’t fix it.

Jaeha was crying while touching the throne.

He regretted gathering the scraps of these artifacts, but it was already too late.

“Fuck, why the hell did he destroy it if he wants me to fix it...?!!!! Whyyyyyyy?!”

Julian suspected that there was a different reason for it, however...

"That son of a bitch doesn't need to come up with a reason to destroy things! He probably just destroyed it because it sounded arrogant!”

It was at that moment.

Seol-A's eyes opened wide as she walked into the workroom.

“Huh? Where’s the Captain-nim? Did he go somewhere?”

“Of course he did!”

Jaeha glared at a picture of what looked like a nice vacation area.

At that same time, in an area with the fresh scent of the ocean...

This island was a nameless deserted island surrounded by the beautiful emerald-colored ocean.

At the end of this deserted island...

There was something stuck with some trash from the ocean.

It was a corpse.

Someone appeared in front of it while laughing.

“Hey bastard, why are you still here?”

It was none other than Ju-Heon.

“Hey bastard, I worked so hard to destroy the palace and the throne so that you can ascend to the afterlife.”

That was right.

Ju-Heon had come to see the former Majesty. This corpse that was mixed together with trash as if it had been pushed by the waves was the bastard who had disappeared six months ago.

Ju-Heon had his hands in his pocket as he laughed in disbelief.

"Why are you at a place like this after six months?”

He was sure that this bastard must have been pushed around by the waves for six months before ending up here, but...

“Hey dumbass, you ended up as ocean trash because you haven’t ascended to heaven.

The former Majesty laughed.

[Are you out of your mind? You destroyed the throne and the palace? You were sent to Chaos because of that. I'm surprised you made it out of there alive.]

Ju-Heon snickered in response.

“Why? I like new things. I have no interest in things you used and threw away.”

The corpse smiled. He had ended up taxidermied alive and couldn’t die until he became an Un-known.

He would probably have continued to live as an Un-known without being able to die.

It was a sort of curse.

However, he had been freed from that curse thanks to Ju-Heon.

Why? josei

‘That palace was where the former Majesty was most attached to.’

The only way to destroy an Un-known was to destroy the place that held the Un-known’s memories or attachment.

The place had to be destroyed as if a lingering spirit was being exorcised.

Ju-Heon had destroyed the palace to free the former Majesty from being an Un-known. This bastard had lived for thousands of years after being taxidermied alive. It was too cruel to make him keep living like that.

“You are free now. Why the hell are you not getting lost?”

[Thank you.]


[I waited for you to tell you that.]


Ju-Heon snorted.

“Get lost. I just did it because the damn Crow was crying its ass off and loudly cawing at my ear to let its former master ascend to heaven.”

[I never cried.]

“Shut the hell up.”

Ju-Heon was just paying back the debt for the Majesty saving him from the apocalypse artifacts and helping him find the Cradle.

“It’s fine since I was able to create new artifacts in Chaos thanks to you. That damn throne bastard was extremely arrogant too.”

[No, thank you. Really, thank you very much.]

Ju-Heon just picked his ear and headed toward the private plane.

"Whatever. I'm leaving.”

The rope that had been sleeping on Ju-Heon's shoulder waved goodbye to the former Majesty as well.

It was at that moment.



Changes happened to the former Majesty's body.

[The former Majesty’s body is being destroyed.]

The king's corpse that was wet from the sea water completely crumbled. He had stopped maintaining the corpse with the remaining amount of the Majesty’s power left inside.

The former Majesty smiled bitterly while looking at the Crow on Ju-Heon’s shoulder.

[I'm really sorry for what happened.]

The Crow started crying at his farewell.

A beautiful human woman then appeared.

Ju-Heon’s eyes opened wide in shock.

The Crow personally hated this appearance but the former Majesty had loved and cherished this appearance the most.

[At least I am leaving after seeing you one last time.]

[Please rest in peace. Goodbye my king.]

The Crow seemed happy.

In fact, the Crow might have been looking forward to this moment for a long time. It might have been hoping for this from the moment its king became taxidermied alive.

It was hoping for the time to come when its former master could rest in peace.

And at that moment!


A bright light flashed out of the former Majesty’s body and then he disappeared.

The Crow turned toward Ju-Heon.

[New king, thank you for helping me get rid of this regret.]

It sounded extremely respectful unlike its usual self.

But Ju-Heon was looking at her as if he had eaten some shit.

[What is wrong, my king?]

“......You really were a woman?”


He had been thinking that the Crow was a pervert who liked to pretend to be a woman.

It’s voice and demeanor when it was a Crow was that of an old man.

They heard the former Majesty’s laughter as if he found this to be extremely funny.

[Seo Ju-Heon, you will definitely walk a different path from the one I walked.]


The former Majesty seemed to have realized what path of the Emperor Ju-Heon would choose from here on.

[I feel like you would walk down a rare path for some reason, but I will bless that path.]

"You're so damn loud. Just leave the artifacts to me and get lost.”

Ju-Heon kicked the area with the crumbled debris of the corpse.

The laughing former Majesty said something unexpected at that moment.

[Oh right, that young rope you have with you.]


[Please take good care of that child.]


He was about to ask what he was talking about but the former Majesty had already disappeared.

Two years have passed since then.

[Today is the day that the G20 is meeting to come to the fourth artifact agreement.]

[The leaders of the world will gather here to have their meeting.]

[Corporations around the world, royalty, and countries will be watching... We are all looking forward to seeing if artifacts can be used to get rid of the dictatorships that have not been cooperative.]

“Now then, Mr. Seo Ju-Heon. Do you agree to proceed with things as stated in this agreement?”

In this place where the leaders of the world were gathered...

Following the laws of the world where there were department heads over employees and CEOs over department heads...

Although artifacts chose their respective masters, Ju-Heon was like the final boss.

The governments of the world and the temporary artifact organization had no choice but to submit to Ju-Heon for all things.

And then...

“Umm, Mr. Seo Ju-Heon?”

Ju-Heon almost jumped in shock as the presidents of different countries called out to him.

“Uhh, ah, yes yes! You were talking about the part that talks about how to designate Monarchs, right? It won't be focused on the monopolizers like before and......”

“Excuse me? Ah, yes. It is not like the Monarchs during Pandora but a different path in that area, they will be like Guardians.”

“T, that sounds good. Let’s do that!”

Ju-Heon started laughing but the leaders tilted their heads in confusion and whispered amongst themselves.

They seemed to think that something was suspicious.

The team members who were listening in on what was going on started swearing.

“That dumbass Captain! Why is he not doing things properly?!”

“That retard!”

Ju-Heon, who was at the receiving end of all those gazes, felt as if he would die.


‘This shitty Captain! Where the hell did he go while leaving such an important meeting to meeeeeeeee?!’

That was right.

This was actually Jaeha who was transformed to look like Ju-Heon.

‘You motherfucking Captain bastaaaaaaard, I'm so scared I'm going to shake to death!’

Jaeha was crying internally. Of course, this wasn't the first time Ju-Heon had done something like this.

He tried to stand up as if he was trying to run away.

“U, umm, I have to go to the restr...ugh!”

The female guard standing next to him grabbed him by the shoulder.


She had vicious eyes like a beast that seemed to be telling Jaeha that he knew what would happen if he tried to run. For some reason, this female guard was Julian’s sister, Nina, who followed Jaeha around everywhere.

Jaeha had no choice but to whimper and cry while the team members outside felt as if their asses were on fire.

"Captain-nim, where did you go...?!”

“We need to hurry up and find him! It’s okay because the meeting just started but Jaeha won't be able to keep this up for a long time.”

They only noticed that Ju-Heon was gone ten minutes before the meeting started so they quickly had Jaeha fill in.

The entire world would be in uproar if they learned that they put a substitute in for such an important meeting.

The dictatorships and terrorist organizations that have been causing trouble lately would use this to fuel their plans.

“And the ceremony later is something only the Majesty can do.”

The team members must be anxious as they started getting angry.

“Where the hell did the son of a bitch go? Huh?”

“I’m not sure. He doesn’t seem to be in Valhalla either...!”

“What? He’s not at home?!”

The new Valhalla Palace had been completed after one year of Jaeha being worked to the bones.

Well, it was now a gigantic modern resort and not an actual palace. It was actually Ju-Heon's house now.

Anyway, the throne that only the Majesty could sit on was in that resort.

Now that he was the Majesty, he had to keep that throne warm on a daily basis or something.

It was the only way for the artifacts to maintain their lives.

But it didn’t matter.

“That punk always leaves the throne empty and goes off to do who knows what...!”

At that moment...


Fires seemed to be coming out of Julian's eyes after receiving a call.

And then...

“Hey! Where the hell are you, you son of a bitch?!”

He heard a calm voice from the other side.

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