A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 50

Chapter 50: Kenneth! Kenneth!!

Alex took a deep breath. "Alright, where should we fight?" he asked. "Here!" the boy said.


Everyone exclaimed loudly in a questioning tone.

In the dining hall? What got into this boy's head? He could be punished by their seniors or by the instructors.

"Fight here? We can't fight here. This is the dining hall. Let's take it outside" Alex said.

"You wanna fight or not? Don't worry, we won't be using any battle-technique against each other. We'll fight with our fist" The boy said raising his hand and clenching it into a fist.

"Yesss! that's better Kenneth. Exchange of fists. Fight! Fight!" one of the boys stood up and started shouting. His spirit infected others and everyone began shouting fight! fight!.

The boy smiled evilly and looked at Alex. "Scared little boy?" he asked. "No. Since you want it. I would give it to you so bad" Alex replied.

Then he left his seat to face the boy. When he got to seven foot before the boy, he stopped.

The space they had turned to their battle ground was wide enough for a battle with fists.

Then everywhere turned deathly silent. It was like they were having indefinite silence for the death of a famous person.

With a roar, the boy rushed towards Alex. Alex too rushed towards him. Once they got to each other's front, the boy sent out a fist towards Alex's head.

Alex twisted his body evading the punching fist. Then he sent his to the boy's chest.


The boy was knocked backward. He staggered for five feet before he stopped, regaining his balance.


Everyone's eyes glowed.

Alex had successfully dealt Kenneth a punch in their first exchange. And who was Kenneth? he was known in the academy to be very good with his fist and kicks. He could also perform beautiful aerial movements and incorporate strong, powerful kicks into them.

Perhaps he's letting the boy have fun first before he deals with him later, so they thought.

The boy looked at Alex with a smile, then he ran and jumped towards Alex, sending out a flying kick.

As Kenneth pierced through the air like an arrow towards him, Alex jumped high into the air, higher than the height Kenneth was cutting through the air towards him.

With a full body twist, Alex's body turned vertically in the air, and at the same time his body turned, he sent out a powerful kick to the face of Kenneth.


Alex's strong whipping kick connected to Kenneth's face. Due to the force Alex's leg impacted his head with, Kenneth fell to the ground head first, then his body followed, landing with a heavy thud.

Everyone at this moment had their eyes glow in astonishment, especially the boys.

So that damned Kenneth wasn't leaving this boy to have fun first before he dealt with him later.

When Kenneth stood up, blood stain could be seen on his mouth and his face had swollen. His face looked like a squeezed tomato at this point in time.

When Alex looked at him, Alex could see anger in his eyes. If this anger was flame, it would burn a mountain to nothing.

Then his face turned solemn. This boy, Kenneth was very angry now. But he believed in his own fighting and aerial skills.

With a roar like a primordial beast, Kenneth ran towards Alex. Once he got to his front, he jumped into the air and entered into a tuck. That is he folded his knees and brought them to his chest.

Since he came with a forward momentum, his body rolled forward in the air. The moment he would complete the aerial roll, he swung his two legs out towards Alex's head.

Alex put out his two arms in front of his face to receive the kick.


The kick connected to his arms and he was sent flying for four feet before landing with a heavy thud to the ground.

He put his arms in front of his face to block the kick from hitting it.


Some boys laughed in bliss. They were happy. Kenneth had gotten control of the situation back. Then they began to shout Kenneth! Kenneth!

Jake became angry and then he began to shout Alex! Alex! But his voice was like a drop in the ocean, it was overwhelmed with the cheering and celebratory shout of Kenneth's name.

Kenneth laughed. Then he signaled with his finger for Alex to come meet him.

Alex stood up with anger and perplexity in his eyes. He was surprised by what happened. When Kenneth executed that kick, He just found out that he couldn't move to evade it.

He was stuck in that position and could only receive the kick from Kenneth.

This made him angry. He knew that him being stuck there was the by restrictive power of someone many ranks above him. It could be the power of a senior or an instructor.

They probably knew about the fight they were having and decided to manipulate his movement like a puppet so he could be disgraced and possibly cause the female instructor that brought him in to be highly embarrassed.

And he was right, someone at the heaven adept stage in a room somewhere was emanating a constraining power that limited his movement.

Also, it was this person that told the boy to fight Alex. This person was also acting under the influence of someone more powerful.

Alex didn't know what to do again. Whether to quit or continue? If he quitted, he would become a laughing stock. His female admirers would disdain him and this wasn't something he liked.

But if he continued, with that power acting on him, he would only be beating like a training doll. He would only receive punches, kicks to the face and abdomen and not be able to do anything about it.josei

He looked at Kenneth who was laughing. "Come!" Kenneth said loudly and in control. Alex's brows furrowed, what was he going to do about this?


He jumped into the air towards Kenneth and sent out a flying kick. While Kenneth didn't do anything to evade, he simply laughed, evilly.

When Alex got to his front with one of his legs straight out, to deliver a kick. Kenneth fist glowed and he sent out a powered punch at Alex's leg.

The fist produced a force that cracked the bones in Alex's leg and flung him far into the distance, about twenty feet away.


The boys laughed in ecstasy. They were enjoying the sight of him being beating like he was a nonentity.

"What a useless boy! He's just handsome for nothing. He's completely useless!" one of the boys said out loud. "Absolutely" Another said in a loud tone. And the boys nodded their heads in complete agreement.

As people were shouting and booing at Alex , Kenneth's eyes glowed in a strange light.

How come?! This is weird.

Alex was on the ground twenty feet away, groaning in pain. The bones in the leg he was punched had shattered.

If Alex knew this guy simply wanted to kill him and say it was a mistake, he would get mad. This was because if it was another person that got power-punched like that, the person's leg would explode into mist of blood.

But Alex's leg bone only cracked. It didn't even shatter from the impact. If that fist was delivered into a three inch-thick steel, it would dent to the extreme.

Since Alex's body could contain numerous energies cultivated by experts at the immortal stage and above without any problems wouldn't be so easily broken or ripped apart by some kinetic force.

He had had a tough body ever since and his body would continue to grow in toughness and durability. He was a passive body cultivator but he didn't know about this. His body grew tougher as he grows.

Besides, his body had a passive ability which was reactive adaptation, now that he was hit in the leg causing his legs to crack, when it heals, it would take more than that force to break his leg bones again.

While on the ground groaning in pain, he produced an earth adept-rank healing pill. This was a pill that could help an earth adept-stage cultivator to heal quickly from any physical injury.

When he swallowed the pill, the pill turned into healforce energy that flooded every inch of his body. Then his leg bones healed.

He did a kip up to stand back on his feet. He looked at Kenneth who gazed at him strangely.

This bastard stood up back? How, how could he possibly quickly recover from that? Was it that regeneration pill he took? Impossible! What regeneration pill could he have taken that would allow him to quickly recover?

These thoughts in form of a question rocked Kenneth's mind. Same with the person that brought restriction upon Alex. He was marveled.

Alex now felt like quitting the match. Damn the female admirers, what benefit would it be for him if he becomes grievously wounded.

Then, when he jumped towards Kenneth, to deliver a flying kick which was just a trick as he wanted to deliver another kick that would probably send Kenneth to sleep. He suddenly felt that restriction again and he could not move whilst in the air. He was locked up in his position and Kenneth had the chance to deal him a great damage. But it not too great at the end.

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