A Dragon That My Cat Brought Home

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: gray furry seri (2)

Blue dragon is eating a tangerine in a sitting position on its hind legs like a squirrel. Seri, who imitates anything Blue Dragon does, quietly sticks her nose next to Blue Dragon.

Blue Dragon hesitated for a moment as he looked at Seri with a curious face while wrinkling the bridge of his nose because she didn't like the smell of tangerines.

With a worried face, he looked at the mandarin orange once and seri once, and then held out the mandarin orange he was eating in front of seri. Ohh! What is this, the glutton is giving up food for seri?

If you think you're eating too much and try to get rid of the snacks, even Baek-ho or me will be cried at! He's a little boy who grabs the plate with his front paws while poking around.


“Mi~ Mi!”

Seri licked the tangerine that Blue Dragon held out to her, and then rolled back as she slapped it.


Blue Dragon looked at seri with a face that he did not understand and then looked at me. It's a delicious tangerine, but I tried to eat it alone, but because it's my younger sister so, I gave it to her with a big heart. Why is Seri reacting like this, was the face he made.

Cats generally dislike sour foods such as tangerines and lemons. Sour taste is like a warning to animals of toxic food, and cats are particularly sensitive to sour.

I grinned as I watched Seri lying on the floor, rubbing her nose and mouth with her tiny paws, and licking her tongue. Seri, no matter how good Blue Dragon oppa is, there is one more thing that you can't keep up with.

The first, of course, is swimming. Blue Dragon knows that Baek-ho hates water, so he sometimes attacks by splashing water drops to annoy him, but he was a little disappointed to find out that Seri also hates playing in the water.

Very proudly, he introduced his pool and showed him a demonstration of how to swim. Seri looked at the blue dragon playing in the water with her eyes wide open. When a few drops of water splashed, she flinched and fled behind Baek-ho's back.

Piaeng~ Why does everyone hate things like this? Blue Dragon became sad, and he had no choice but to play in the water alone.

After seri, the blue dragon was a little less mischievous. He used to have one kitten, but when he has two kittens, I was prepared for him to double the playfulness, but as I brought seri, it can be said that he has become a little more mature as Blue Dragon feels the responsibility as her oppa. It's like watching a four-year-old child care for a three-year-old as a senior to the three-year-old.

Rustle rustle!

“Hey, you guys!”

Just because there was less fun didn't mean it gave me trouble. It looks like seri pulled the toilet paper and it came loose, but Blue Dragon tried to fix it and it got even worse. The two kittens that were bouncing around in the toilet full of loose and tangled toilet papers…

Sitting side by side with their front feet together, seeing their innocent faces looking up at me, I helplessly lowered the hand I had lifted to feed them honey chestnuts one by one.

uhh Kittens must have survived to this age using cuteness as a weapon. He's too adorable to be scolded. Ummm… For babies, that's a new discovery.

“Oh, oppa, Se-ri doesn’t hiss anymore?”

“Yeah, Baek-ho and blue dragon took good care of her, and I think she got used to it quickly because she’s still a baby. If this is enough, I will go for adoption and get along well with your family.”

“It seems that Blue Dragon and Baekho are already close with her, but if we separate them, it would make her sad.”

“I heard that there is a cat with a good personality at the place of adoption. She’s going for the second time so it will be alright."

Even though Seri was a little scared, she quietly surrendered herself to Ah-in. Considering the fact that when she first came home, she raised her hair towards people like a hedgehog and was full of vigilance, it was a great development.

It takes a long time and patience to open the heart of an adult dog or cat who has already hardened their personality, but young animals open their hearts quickly with just a little love.

I felt sorry for seri who had already started to trust and show affection to people after receiving tender care for a few days. Who would have thrown away this young life without even putting a grain of food in the ramen box?

Even if there were circumstances in which it was difficult to raise, it would not have been so difficult to find another adoptive place if it was a cute and gentle kitten like Seri.

“Play some with your kids. I haven’t been able to work for a while, so I’m writing today.”

“It’s ok. Do not worry. Even so, I came here to play with Blue Dragon and seri.”

“Oh, and if I doze off or fall asleep while writing, don’t wake me up and just leave me alone.”

I took out a laptop that had been closed for a few days on purpose. I was about to rewrite the story of the dragon and the tiger, which I had to adjust to after bringing the tax collector and to cool my head a bit.

Instead of sitting on the floor as usual to concentrate, I sat at a desk facing the wall and opened my laptop.

After taking a few days off and playing with the cats, my head seems to have cleared up. I read the last part I wrote, deleted the part I didn't like, and started writing again.

/ An unknown pattern appeared on the tortois’ black shell. Is this a book from another world?

As the impatient pheonix fluttered his wings, red sparks flew around. Baek-ho looked up at the blue dragon with a thoughtful face.

– What do you think? Is our friend, the blue dragon from another world in danger? /

Tap tap tap tap.

I hit the keyboard for a while and then lifted my head for a moment. I think I'm writing pretty well, but I still can't sleep. Lack of immersion?

Behind me, I heard Ah-in playing with the cats. I mean, you can play cutely without making a loud noise. I bowed my head to the laptop again.

Tap tap tap tap.


I am standing on the hillside. A wide field spreads out below the mountain, and a castle can be seen in the distance. Although it is an unfamiliar shape that I have never seen anywhere else, it certainly looks like a fortress built by human hands. It is a castle built with a small garden behind it and half-covered. It's a hill that looks a little too big, but if you look at the reddish colors, is it the season of autumn leaves?

There is a road that curves gently down the foot of the mountain and runs towards the castle. Okay, what we're going to see this time is this adult. I went down the mountain and walked along the road towards the castle.

It’s big. As you get closer to the castle, you feel overwhelmed by its size. The gates, walls, and pillars are too large for a human to build. I walked towards the castle, feeling like a dwarf entering the giant country. I can't see any people or animals, and I seem to be walking alone. As the distance drew nearer, one side of the castle was seen to be largely destroyed. It looks like it's been through a war.

I suddenly stopped walking. That hill…

What I thought was a garden behind the castle, its shape caught my eye more clearly. That's not a hill.

It was a dragon, a dragon's corpse.


I opened my eyes. It was quiet everywhere.

I lifted my face from my arm that I have been sleeping on and checked the monitor first. there was nothing. There seems to be no message this time. I pondered over the dream I had just had.

As I was walking towards the castle, I stopped when I saw the identity of the garden spanning the back of the castle. It was a dragon's corpse. It wasn't even one. Several spheres overlapped.

Was blue among them? I remembered for a moment. There seems to be no blue color. Saw red and green. So I thought it was a garden full of autumn leaves.

“Oppa, are you awake?”

I looked back. Ah-in was leaning against the wall and reading a book with my small table in front of her. Beside her, Baek-ho Blue dragon and Seri were asleep.

“Ah-in, how long was I asleep?”

“About thirty minutes? Suddenly the sound of typing on the keyboard stopped, so I looked and you were asleep? It must have been very difficult.”

I got up and stretched. It didn't feel like I was being sucked in as if I had run a hundred meters after the dream like last time. Still, my body is aching.

“Oppa, aren’t you just writing at home? I would go out and do some exercise.”

“Yeah, I need to exercise.”

When I bet the pipe criminal, I realized that I need to exercise but I have forgotten about that. I really need to be hit again to remind myself.

"Are you hungry? Can I make you something?”

“Ah, I was going to go to my sister for the first dose for Seri. Ah-in, would you like to go to the hospital with me? Let's go to Sandwich Uncle and buy a burrito."

“Oppa, you must really like that. All right, let’s go.”

In the case of the criminal, I broke both of the moving boxes, so I put Seri in the new one, wrapped her in a warm blanket, and headed to my sister's hospital.

“Does Seri look a lot like Blue Dragon?”

“If Blue Dragon hadn’t had horns and wings, she would have been just like Seri’s sibling. It’s really cute to see the two of them playing together.”

I turned around the alley and went out to the main road, but someone blocked my way.

"Excuse me. Could you give me a minute?”

"What's going on?"

I reflexively went Infront of Ah-in and asked.

I've been used to this since I was a student. There were many people asking for her phone number, or asking her if she wants to be a singer or idol. 

“I am not a strange person. I wish I could give you a moment.”josei

A young man neatly dressed and carrying a camera bag over his shoulder handed a business card. His face is also blurry. What kind of entertainment is it? He glanced at the business card and saw the words magazine. He must be a magazine person.

“Because my house is conservative. Excuse me.”

I was about to step aside and walk, but the man quickly spoke up.

“It’s not the lady I want to talk to.”


The man looked at the mobile phone I was holding in my hand.

“We are interested in that cat.

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