A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 226

Chapter 226: The First Round.

You Xi Wang called his master and talked to him about something for a few minutes. Then he took a short nap to restore himself. Today was the first round of the battle fest Solo competition. A total of 81 people will fight against each other. The top nine with the most points will advance to the finals. You Xi Wang woke up took a cold shower to cleanse himself. 

He wore his battle suit directly before walking out. His battle suit has been revised by him. It was gray and black, if he had it the way he would have added a black cape to it. You Xi Wang had used the batman color scheme at it. He walked out of his room to meet the rest of the team. You Zhichi was wearing her as usual white and blue battle suit the only change was that half of her face was covered from the lower part. She did it to avoid the unwanted attraction that may lead You Xi Wang to go berserk. After all his martial spirit has been awakened only recently and is still a little influencing. 

You Xi Wang shook his head at her as he knew why she did this. The instructors then took the team to a building that looked like a lotus blooming. Adonis introduced them to this building, "This is the Arena of Gods. Since the formation of the council, every combat exam has been held here in this building. Today you all will be fighting with each other in virtual reality but your pain sense will be the same as reality. This is to make the examination faster and more efficient. Inside the virtual realm you may feel pain during a match but as soon as the duel is finished your pain will be relieved.  This way you can fight non-stop and to the fullest. Though I still recommend that you avoid any fatal attacks as it may leave some pain infliction in real life."

The students were all shocked and excited. At this moment You Xi Wang asked, "Instructor, what about the weapons? How will we get them inside and how much of the actual strength can be displayed?"

Adonis shook his head and said, "Kid, you sure know how to pick a pulse. Your weapons will be recreated based on your recollection of them. You all will be able to use 80% of your weapon's true strength. Happy now?"josei

You Xi Wang nodded, they walked inside the building with Adonis and the other instructors. There were already a lot of people present inside the building. All seemed to be children, who came over for the contest. You Xi Wang had no interest in interacting with anyone and sat down on the floor. He meditated to calm his increasing battle lust. You Zhichi stood guard beside him. Adonis spoke, "We will be inside in a bit so you all try to adjust your mind."

The students nodded and sat down. Around twenty minutes passed when Adonis spoke, "Come we are up." ever since You Xi Wang beat the daylights out of Tyrant, Adonis has also risen in his standings among the instructors. You Xi Wang followed him along with the others. They entered a large hall equipped with 81 chairs. It seemed as if this hall was designed for the contest itself.

Adonis spoke, "Getting the chairs, and put on the helmet on the side and calm your minds." 

The students sprang up into action quickly and they put on the helmets before sitting down in the chair. They leaned back in the chair and calmed down. You Xi Wang saw a HUD countdown in front of his eyes. The countdown hit zero and the scenery changed.

He glanced down and saw his battle suit was a hundred percent similar to what he was already wearing. This must have been because of the sensors inside the chair. In front of You Xi Wang, an opponent stood. An ethereal voice spoke, "Battle starts in 3... 2... 1..."

You Xi Wang shrugged and rushed at his opponent. The same scene took place in everyone's brain. You Xi Wang did not end the fights as fast as he can. But grinded his opponent with an average time of 3 minutes per person. He limited his strength to the peak of core formation and fought with all of his foes.

The whole thing was everlasting. The instructors were able to see the performance on a tablet equipped above the headrest of the chairs. Adonis walked behind the other students from the Silica City academy. He did not even bother to look at You Xi Wang and You Zhichi. These two were monsters in human skin. You Zhichi has never really shown her all and the same was true for You Xi Wang ever since he woke up his martial spirit. 

The time flowed and it was evening. Every student was covered with sweat as they sat inside the chair. This was not only a test of battle prowess but mental power as well. Some students could not hold on but faint. Adonis held back a valuable piece of information which was a test for all of them. 

The day fell and just before the moon rose the round finished. You Zhichi took first, a guy named Alexis Sanchez took first and You Xi Wang took first as well. Alexis tied against You Zhichi and You Xi Wang. While both the siblings tied against each other as well. 

Three firsts, a coincidence or not? They will know later. Jack also placed in the top 9 with Misty Shay. 4 out of 9 were Silica City kids. This broke the others a bit but sparks a flare of getting better inside them.

You Xi Wang stood up from his chair and gave a stink eye to Adonis. This time he was lucky and did not use too much stamina fighting or it would have led him to quit early. Thanks to the fact that he had a system as well. He then turned to see his sister who had a pale face at this moment and he wanted to beat Adonis to pulp.

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